The Barherfy falcon.
Nutflb. IÏ.
THE Beak o f this Bird was black, the NareS yellow
and open, the Irides of the Eye yellow, the Pupil
Parti-Colour, in Circles of black and brown. The Head,
Back, fcapular Feathers, and firft and fécond Row of covert
Feathers of the Wings were of a pale blewiih Aih Colour
; the top of the Head and Back finely fpotted with
black ; the Breaft, Belly and Thighs were of a yellowiih
white, with aShade of Blew on the upper part of the Breaft ;
the Wings very long, reaching almoft to the end of the
Train; the third and eighth Feathers of the fécond Row of
Coverts have a large Spot of White on each.
The Quill Feathers and the next incumbent on them
are blackiih with white Edges; the Thighs and lower part
o f the Belly are fpotted with long black Spots like Ermin.
The Train is blewiih with feven Rings of a duiky Colour
; the Legs and Feet yellow, the Talons black.
It had a majeftical and fprightly Look ; this Bird I had
out of the Collection of Sir 'Thomas Lowther.