ERICA grandiflora.
ERICA, antheris muticis, cohcerentibus, valdè corollam
excedentibus ; floribus verticillatis, horizontalibus;
corollis clavatis, aurantiis, fefquipollicaribus,
glabris; foliis fub-quaternis, patenübus.
CAULIS fruticofus, erecrus, tripedalis ct ultra,
flrictifiimus; rami fimpliciffimi, crecli, verticill
a l i.
FOLIA qua t e n i a , levitèr fuleata, rígida, recta,
fub-pollícaria, peiioüs laxis.
FLORES ex a x i l l i s foliorum íub-apice ramorum
verticillati; pedunctüi brevi, braéteis tribus,
fubulatis, infirueti.
CALÏX, Ferian thi um tetraphyllum, foliolis
ftibulatis, adpreffis, glabris.
COROLLA clava ta, fefquipollicaris, parnm cúrvala,
glabra, aurantia; laciniis íequalibus, l u b -
e r e í t i s .
STAMINA. Filamcnta ocio capillaria, ápice
iucurvata. Antheris muticis, biíidis, lateribus
co liferent ib us, longé exfertis.
PlÖTiLLUM. Germen clavatum, fulcatum, ad
baíin glandulofum. Stylus filiform is, ftaminibus
paulo longior, . Stigma apiee coneavum.
Habitat a d Caput Bona; Spei.
Floret a menfi Maii, in Septembrem.
1. Calyx, ct Corolla.
2 . Calyx.
3 . Stamina, ct P i f i i l l u m , auctum.
4. Piftillum, ct Germen, Stigma diductum et
lente auctum.
5. Germen, auctum.
S P E C I F I C C H A R A C T E R.
H E A T H , with beardlefs lips, flicking together,
and protruding conliderably beyond the bloilbm;
flowers grow in whorls horizontally; bloffoms
club-fhaped, orange coloured, an i n c h and half
l o n g , and f m o o t h ; leaves g r o w moltly b y fours,
D E S C R I P T I O N .
STEM fhrubby, upright, grows three feet high
or more, and very fliff; branches very fuuple,
upright, and g r ow in whorls.
LEAVES g r ow by fours, are flightly furrowed,
harm, ftraighl, near an i n c h long, with lotili:
FLOWERS g r o w from the foot-ftalks o f the
leaves, clofe t o the ftem, near the fummit of the
branches, in whorls; foot-ftalks fhort, having
three awl-fhaped floral leaves o n them.
EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, leaflets awlfhaped,
preffed to t h e bloflbm, and UnooUi.
BLOSSOM c l u b - f h a p e d , an inch and a half
l o n g , a little curved, fmooth, and orange colour;
the tegmenta equal, nearly upright.
CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, curved i n wards
at the end. Tips beardlefs, two-cleft, adhering
together by t h e fides, a great way out ol
the bloffom.
POINTAL. Seed-bud club-fhaped, furrowed,
and glandular at the, bate. Shaft thread-fhaped,
a little longer than the c h i v e s . Summit concave
at the top.
Native of t h e Cape o f G o o d Hope.
Flowers from May, till September.
1. T h e Empalement, and Bloflbm.
2. The Empalement.
3 . The Chives, and Pointal, magnified.
4 . The Pointal, and Seed-bud, the Summit
feparate, magnified.
5. T h e Seed-bud, magnified.