ERICA nigrita.
i i i i i c A , antheris muticis, cxfcrtis, atris; flores
mbternij albi; corolla campanulata, laciniis revolutis,
maximis; folüs ternis, nitidis, patentibus.
CAULIS íruticolus, erect us, pcdalis; rami et
ramuli frequenüflimi, fub-erecu", virgati, fubtomentofi.
FOLIA tema, nitida, glabra, fub-triquctra, obtufa,
patcntia, craffa; pctioüs adprcflis.
FLORES in apicibus ramulorum terminales,
fub-tcrni; pedunculi albi; bractea; ovata;, aeuife,
alba;, calyei approximata;, imbricatee, calyciformes.
CALYX. Feriantbium tetraphyllum, foliolis,
ovatis, acutis, albis, laxis, longitudine fere corolla;.
CoiiOLLA campanulata, aibida; laciniis oris
revolutis, niajoribus.
STAMINA. Filamenta ocio, capillaria, receptáculo
inferta. Anthenc inutica;, exferta;, atra;.
PISTILLUM. Germen fub-ovatum, leviter fulcatum,
ad baíin glandulofum, Stylus filiformis,
ilaminibus paulo longior. Stigma peltatum,
Habitat ad Caput Bona; Spei.
Floret a menfi Apriii, in Julium.
1. Calyx, et Corolla.
'1. Calyx, lente auctus.
3. Stamina, et Pillillum.
4. Stamina a Piflillo diducla, Antbera una
lente aucla.
5. Piftillum, auclum.
HEA TH,with beardlefs tips, without the bloffoni,
and black; flowers grow moflly by threes, and
white; bloffom bell-fhaped; fegments rolled
back, and very large; leaves grow by threes,
fhining, and fpreading.
STEM fhrubby, upright, grows a foot high;
the larger and fmaller branches are numerous,
nearly upright, twiggy, and a little downy.
LEAVES grow by threes, fhine, fmooth, nearly
three-fided, blunt, fpreading, and thick; footftalks
prefled to the Hem.
FLOWERS grow from the ends of the linall
branches, moflly by threes; with white footltalks;
floral leaves egg-fhaped, lharp-ended,
white, clofc to the cup, tiled, and like tliofe of
the cup.
EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egglhaped,
pointed, white, loofe, nearly the length
of the bloffom.
BLOSSOM bell-fhaped, white; the fegments of
the mouth are rolled back, and larger than the
CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads fixed into the
receptacle. Tips beardlefs, without the bloffom,
and black.
POINTAL. Seed - bud nearly egg - fliaped,
Hightly furrowed, glandular at the bafe. Shaft
thread-fhaped, a litde longer than the chives.
Summit fhield-fhaped, almoft four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from April, till July.
j . The Empalement, and Bloffom.
1 . The Empalement, magnified.
3 . The Chives, and Pointal.
4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one
Tip magnified.
5. The Pointal, magnified.
g S i v ^ j e H ^ r J a c ï g r T a .