ERICA melaíloma.
ERICA, antherse muriese, exfertee, attenuata in
filamenta plana; corollis íeflilibus, folitaiiis, hitéis,
terminalibus; oris laciniis nigrís; calyx duplicatus,
heplaphyllus, imbricatus; foliis fubulatis,
CAULIS laxus, erect us, bipedalis; rami pauci,
limplices; rarauli fparfi, brev iffirui, frequent iffimi,
FOLIA quáterna, fubulata, ápice, recurvata,
fub-fcabrida, rígida; petiolis breviflimis, adpreffis.
FLORES feíliles in apícibus ramulomm, folitaríi,
dependentí ; pedunculi breviflimi.
CALTX. Perianthium duplex; internes tetraphyllum,
ibliolis eoncavis, ovatis, glabrís, imbricaras,
integris, hitéis; exterius triphyllum, priori
brevioribus, consimiübus.
COROLLA cónica, lútea, parum curvata, baíi
quadrifariam fulcata, ápice attenuata; laciniis
erectis, obtufis, longiífírnis, adpreílis, nigris.
STAMIXA. Filamenta odio, plana, linearía.
Antherae mutica?, lineares, cxfcrtae, longitudinc
corolla:, attenuata in filamenta.
PISTILLLM. Germen ovatum, glabrum, integrum.
Stylus exfertus, filiformis, iianiinibus
paulo longior. Stigma marginatum, vireíeens.
Habitat ad Caput Bonae Spci.
Floret a Meníi Februaríi, ¡n Julium,
1 . Calyx.
2. Corolla, et Stamina.
3. Stamina, et Piftillum.
4. Stamina a Pifiillo diducta.
5. Stamen unum, lente aucTum.
6. Piftillum, lente auctum.
HEATH, with beardlefs tips, without the blofibm,
tapering into the threads which are flat; bloflbms
fitting dole to the branches fingly, arc jellow,
and terminate them ; the fegnients of the mouth
are black ; the cup is doubled, of (even h\n es anil
tiled ; leaves awl-lhapcd, growing by fours.
STBH weak, upright, grows two feet high; the
branches are few, and Ample; the (mall branches
are lealtered, very fhort, numerous, and covered
with leaves.
LEAVES grow by fours, awl-fh.iped, bent back
at the point, roughifh and ft iff"; foot-flalks very
fhort, and prefled to the ftem.
FLOWERS fitting on the ends of the fmailer
branches are folitary, and hang down; the footflalks
arc very fhort.
EMPALEMEXT. Cup double; the mm one
has four leaves, which are concave, egg-fliaped,
fmooth, tiled, entire, and yellow; the outer threeleaved,
fhortCr than the former, and like them.
BLOSSOM conical, yellow, flightly curved, having
four furrows at the bafe, and tapering at the
point; die tegmenta of the border grow upright,
are blunt, very long, prefled to the chives, and
CHIVES. Eight flat, linear, threads. Tips
beardlefs, linear, without the bloflbm, and of its
length, tapering into the threads.
POINTAL. Seed-bud egg-fhaped, fmooth and
entire. Shaft without the bloflbm, thread-fliaped,
a little longer than the chives. Summit bordered,
and greenifh.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from February, till July.
1. The Empalcment.
2. The Bloflbm, and Chives.
3 . The Chives, and Pointal.
4. The Chives detached from the Pointal-
5. A Chive magnified.
fj. The Pointal magnified.