I'-.'.ICA, anthem EorjUcia, includs; eoroUii tul
uloiL'-clavaU:-, mb-aibidi»j floriboa sxillanbus,-
• ; c : , , r . l ' • oibca-ibus- foliis. 'bb-fetii% linea-
00% plan•inimbipcdalis
iri.vuli: A, bracosfl
fubalatis, ad bafin latioriboj, glabris, adpielfiY
Jin gJaadoJc^bm Stylus
S P E C I F I C CHAR A C T * *
t are tubularly elub-fhaped, ;"hd r
j flowers gi VI from the lower pan •-
i cfcjfc ro the dem >n whorl-, arc W
bares gro* raotfjy by fixes, are !
STEM trpright) grews more than tw •
- . h o r l s , fpioadiag aud upright, fddom '.U-
,ing into ffnaHer hr.i-ru.hes. and like ihe ftem.
preifcd to die Rem,
length ; the tbvt-ftall
fiVal k it L-S on them.
b;'o_defl :t the bale, fiuobth,
le bloifom.
e; the fegtneiits o f t h e border ¿1-.
Seed-l l4 tarban-fhaped uw •'