ERICA coftata.
ERICA, antheris muticis, inclufis; ftylo cxfcrto;
coroilis fub-cylindraceis, incarnatis, coftatis; foliis
pubefcentibus, tends.
D E S C R I P T I O .
CAULIS fruticofus, bipedalis, erecrus ramofus;
ramuli frequenUflimi.
F o l i a caulina, terna, recla, linearia, obtufa,
pubefcentia j folia ramea, eredtiora, ovata, fubferrata,
acuminata; pt:tiolis adpreffis.
FLORES plures, tres, quatuorve ramuli terminates;
pcduncnU breviffimi.
CALYX. Perianthium duplex; interius, tetraphyllum,
foüolis fub-ovatis, acuminatis, ferratís,
coloratis, ápice fulcatis, adprcfils; exierius triphyihnn,
priori brcvioribus, virefcentibus.
COROLLA fub-cyllndracea, ápice paulula cúrvala,
incarnata, coflata; oris laciniis ereélis, albidis,
STAMINA. FÜamcnta octo, ima parte lpathulata,
receptáculo infecta. Antherae inclufae, náuticas.
PISTILLCM. Germen fub-cylindricum, fulcatum.
Stylus attenuatus, exfertus, ápice curvatus.
Stigma tetragonum virefcens.
Habitat ad Caput Bona; Spei.
Floret a Februarii, in Junium.
1. Folium unum, lente aucmm.
1. Calyx, et Corolla.
3 . Calyx, lente auctus.
4. Stamina, et Piftillum.
5. Stamen unum, lente aucium.
0. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta.
HEATH, with beardlefs lips, within the bloffom;
pointal without; bloffoms nearly cylindrical, flefhcoloured,
and ribbed; leaves downy, growing by
D E S C R I P T I O N .
STEM Ihrubby, grows two feel high, upright,
and branching; the fniallerbranches are numerous.
The LEAVES of the stem grow by threes,
flraight out, linear, blunt, and downy; thole on
the fmaller branches, more upright, egg-fhaped, a
little fawed at the edges, and iharp pointed; the
foot-tlalks preffed to the branches.
The FLOWERS are numerous, growing by
threes, or fours, at the end of the fmaller
branches; foot-flalks very short.
EMPALEMENT. Cup double; the inner fourleaved;
leaves almoft egg-fhaped, pointed, fawed,
coloured, furrowed at the point, and prelTed
to the bloffom; the outer three-leaved, fliorter
than the former, and grccnifh.
BLOSSOM nearly cylindrical, curved a little at
the end, of a fleih colour, and ribbed; the fegments
of the mouth are upright, white and blunt.
CHIVES. Eight threads, fpathula-shaped at the
bafc, and fixed into the receptacle. Tips within
the bloffom, and beardlefs.
POINTAL. Secd-veffel almoft cylindcr-fhaped,
and farrowed. Shaft tapered, without the bloffom,
and curved at the end. Summit four-cornered,
and green.
Native of the. Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from February, till June.
R E F E R E N C E .
1. A Leaf, magnified.
1. The Empalcmcnt, and Bloflbm.
3 . The Einpalement, magnified.
4. The Chives, and Pointal.
5. One Chive, magnified.
6. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified.