ERICA radiata.
ERICA, antheris m u d é i s , inclufis; ftylo exfertO;
floribus horizontaiitcr-verlicillatis, tcrminalibus;
corollis lub-cyliiidricis, pol I icaribus, laciniis revolutis
; foliis quatcrnis, glabras, patcntibus.
D E S C R 1 P T 1 0 .
CAULIS fruticofus, crectus, fub-pedalis, ramofus;
rami fub-limpliccs, patento-erecti, glabri.
FOLIA quaterna, linearía, patcntia, fubtus fuicata,
fupia plana, glabra ; petiolis adpreflis.
FLORES in ramulornm ápice verlicillati, horizontaliter
fili; pedunculi Ibliorum longitudínc,
braelcis tribus, fubulatis, inñructi.
CALYX. Pcriantbium telraphyllum, foliolis
fubulatis, adpreífis.
COROLLA fiibeylindrica, calyce triplo longior ¡
oris laciniis revolutis.
STAMINA. Filamenta ocio capjllaria. Antliera;
mutica?, incluía;.
I'ISTILLUM. Germen elavatum, lulcatum.
Stylus rilifurmis, exlcrtus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bona; Spei.
Floret a menti Auguffi, in Novembrem.
1. Flos.
2. Calyx, lente auctus.
3. Stamina, et PifiiUnm.
4. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucla.
HEATH, w i t h bcardlefs tips, w i t h i n the blolfom;
fhafl w i t h o u t ; flowers terminate the branches in
horizontal whorls; blolfoms nearly cylindrical,
an inch long, with the fegments of the border
rolled back; leaves g r o w by fours, fmooth and
fp reading.
STEM fhrubby, upright, grows near a foot high,
and branching; the branches nearly linrple,
Ipreading upright and fmooth.
LEAVES grow by fours, linear, fprcading, furrowed
o n t h e under part, flat o n the upper part and
fmooth; the foot-iialks prefled to the branches.
FLOWERS grow in whorls at the ends of the
fmallcr branches, Handing horizontally; the
foot-ftalks the length of the leaves, having three
awl-fhaped floral leaves.
EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, the leaflets
are awl-fhaped, and pretfed to the blolfom.
BLOSSOM almoft cylinder-fhaped, thrice the
length of the c u p ; the fegments of the mouth
are rolled back.
CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads. Tips beardlefs,
and w i t h i n the bloffom.
POINTAL. Seed-bud club-fhapcd, and furrowed.
Shaft thread-fhaped and without the
bloffom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of G o o d Hope.
Flowers from Auguft, till November.
1. T h e Flower.
2. T h e Empalement, magnified.
3. T h e Chives, and Pointal.
4. T h e Shaft and Summit, magnified.