ERICA veílita coccínea.
ERICA, anthcris muticis, fub-exfertis; foliis fenis,
tremulentibus, linearibus, attenuata in petiolos
capillares; corollis clavatis, pollicaribus, coccineis.
D E S C R I P T I O .
CAULIS erectus, fcfquipedalis, parum ramofus,
raniulis limphcibus, foliis teclis.
FOLIA fena, linearía, tremulenta, glabra, fubtns
fulcata, attenuata in petiolos capillares, femiungui
FLORES in raniulis mediis confcrti, numeroíi,
erecto patentes, pedunculis brevibus, bracleis tribus,
linearibus, adpreifis.
CALYX. Pcnanthium tctraphyllum, foliolis
fubulatis, adprellis, glabris.
COROLLA chivata, pollicaria, coccínea, oris
iaciniis revolutis.
STAMINA. Filamenta ocio capillaria, receptáculo
inferta. Antheris muticis fub-exfertis.
PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum fulcatum.
Stylus filiformis. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bona; Spe¡.
Floret a meníi Augufíi, in Novcmbrem.
1. Calyx, et Corolla.
2. Calyx lente aucius.
3 . Stamina, et Fiftillum.
4. Stamina a Piffillo diducla; anthera una
lente aueta.
5. Stylus, ct Stigma, lente ancla.
HEATH, with beardlefs tips juii without the
bloflbm; the leaves grow by fixes, are tremulous,
linear, and taper into hair-like foot-flalks; the
bloffoms are club-lhaped, an inch long, and deep
STEM upright, grows a foot and a half high,
branching but little, the fmaller branches are
limple, and covered with leaves.
The LEAVES grow by lixes, are linear, tremulous,
fmooth, furrowed underneath, and tapering
into hair-like foot-flalks half an inch long.
The FLOWERS are cluttered together about the
middle of the branches, are numerous, fpreading
upwards, having fhort foot-ftalks, with three linear
floral leaves preffed to the cup.
EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are
awl-fhaped, preffed to the bloflbm, and fmooth.
BLOSSOM, club-fhaped, an inch long, and of
a deep fcarlet colour; the fegments of the mouth
are rolled back.
CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads fixed into the
receptacle. Tips beardlefs, and jutt without the
POINTAL. Seed-veffel tnrban-fhaped and furrowed.
Shaft thread-fhaped. Summit fourcornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from Auguft, till November.
1. The Empalement, and Bloffom.
2 . The Empalement magnified.
3 . The Chives, and Poinlal.
4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one
tip magnified.
5. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified.