|| HEATH, with heardlefs tips, within, the "
I bridles at their points, and fringed at tfaew'wfapr*,
; the flowcis g r ow i n bunches, an- chunfttj . •. .
j coloured, • u d f i a i t - f h a p e d.
upright; the branches arc crooked, and i
terminating with an a w n - l i k e brittle, friajjeel «
prelTed t o the branches.
The FLOWERS are numerous, nearly terminal,
mofdy by fours, in whorls, and clammy ; tin.
foot-ftalks arc l o n g , having three dorai leaves.
EMPALEMSNr. Cup'lbur-leaveri, irl h i
• •
1. T h e Empalement, and Bloflbin.