EKICA, antheris luulicis, mclufts; corollis ovrttoacummarís,,
luleis ¡ foliis oppofilis, adpreílis, Iríquetris.
D E S C R I P T t O .
• CAULIS láxus, filiformis, graedis, ad bafin n*
FOLIA oppofita, linearía, aclpreífa, triquetra,
fupra roncava, fiibius ca'rinata, mlcata. nitida;
pctioüs breviiihyis, adpreílis.
FLORES pluit-'s, conglomerate fubtciTniuaks;
pcdunculi capillarcs, lu'.ei; b:acteis binis.
CALYX. Perianthium tetrsphylium, foliuh.s
COROLLA batea, bvato-^cuminata, ore anTata;
HEATH, whh bcardlcfs lips, within thebloffoniS,
which arc of a pointed oval lhape, and yellow i
the leaves grow oppofitc in'pairs, arc three-Tided,
and preffcd to the ffem.
STEM flexible, ihread-uHaprd, and (lender,
branching to die. b o t t o m ; the branches crowded