Er i c a , antheris bah" bicornibus, inclufis; foliis
quaíernis, rctorlis; floribus viicofis, umbellatis,
apullaceis, firiatis, fub-fefquipollicaribus.
Ca u l i s fruticofus, pedalis, ramofus; rami
flexuofi, filiformes.
F o l i a quaterna, trígona, ciliata, retorta, mucronata,
fupra plana, fubtus fulcata; pctioli breviíTimi,
F l o r e s umbellati, féepe quatuor. vifcoli, terminales;
pedunculi longi, bradleis tribus fpathulatis
C a l y x . Periantbimn tetraphyllum, foliolis
fpathulatis, margine ciliatís, \ifcofis, adprefiis.
C o r o l l a bañ inflata, apice attenuata, longitudinaliter
ftriata, fub-fefqiiipollicaria, ore arctata,
faturatc purpurea; lacmiis ovatis, expaniis.
S t a m i n a . Filamcnta ocio capillar!a. Ant
h e r s incluía?, bifieke, bail bicones.
P i s t i l l u m . Germen clavalum, liilcatum.
Stylus cxfcrtus, filiformis. Stigma tetragonum,
Habitat ad Caput Bonae Spei.
Floret a m e n f i Julii, in Octobrem.
1. Folium mium lcntc auclum.
2 . Calyx, et Corolla.
3. Calyx lente auclus.
4. Stamina, et Piflilhim.
5. Stamina a PifiilJo diduCta; anlhera una
lente aucla.
t). Stylus, el Stigma, lente aucla.
t i i , with tips two-honied at their bafe,
within the blolTom; the leaves grow by fours,
and arc rolled back ; the llowers are clammy, grow
in bunches, arc flaik-ihaped, ftriped, and nearly
an inch and a half long.
S t e m fhruhby, grows-nboul a foot high, and
branching; the branches are crooked, and threadfhaped.
The L e a v e s grow by fours, arc three-ftded,
fringed, rolled back, fharp pohitcd, fmooth on
the upper, and furrowed on the under furface;
with Ihort foot-ftalks, preffed to the branches.
The F l o w e r s grow in bunches, moflly of four,
are clammy, and terminate the branches; the fruitftalks
are long, having three ipalhula-fhaped floral
lca\ es.
E m t a l e m e n t . Cup fuur-lcaved, which are
fpathula-fhaped, fringed at the edges, clammy,
and prelTed to the bloifom.
Bl o s s om fwelled at the bafe, and tapering to
the top, ftriped longitudinally, nearly an inch and
a half long, ftraightened at the mouth, which is
of a deep purple; the iegmcnts egg-ihaped, and
Ch i v e s . Eight hair-like threads. The tips
within the bloffom, arc cleft in two, and twohorned
at their bafe.
P o i n t a l . Sced-vcfTel club-fhapcd, and furrowed.
Shaft without the bloffom, and tbrcadfliaped.
Summit four-comcred, and green.
Native of the Capi- of Good Hope.
Flowers from July, till October.
1. A Leaf magnified.
2 . The Empalcment, and Bloifom.
3. The Empaleiucnt magnified.
4. The Chives, and Pointal.
5. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one
tip magnified.
(). The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified.