ERICA obliqua.
Erica, antheris bafi bicornibus, inclufis; iiylo
fub-exferto; corollis ovatis, laciniis ovalibus,
maximis, erectis; floribus umbellaüs, terminalibus,
pedunculis pollicaribus; foliis obliquefpaiiis,
C a u l i s fiuticoius, pedalis; rand fimplices,
Iongi, filiformes.
F o l i a fparfa, liepe vero quaterna, linearia,
arcuata, margine glandulofo-denüculata, glabra,
truncata, petiolis lenuifiimis.
F l o r e s nnmerofi, fob-apice ramorum umbellati;
pedunculi flore triplo longiorcs, eolorati,
vilcidi, braéteis tribus, linearibus infiruiti.
C a l y x . Perianthium tctraphyllum, foliolis
minutis, linearibus, vifcofis, adpreflis.
C o r o l l a fiib-globofa, purpurea, magniludinepifi;
liciniis limbi maximi, erecri.
Stamina. Filamenla octo, plana, linearia,
apice incurvala. Anthene ad bafin bicomutao,
P i s t i l l u m . Germen turbinatum, fulcatum.
Glándulas octo ad bafin germinis. Stylus cylindricus,
fub-exfertus. Stigma tctragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bona; Spei.
Floret a menu Augufti, in Deccmbrem.
1. Folium unum, lente auctum.
2. Flos.
3 . Calyx, lente auctus.
4. Stamina, et Pifiillum.
5. Stamina a Piftillo diducta, lente atleta.
6 . Pifiillum, lente auctum.
Heath with tips two-honied at the bale and
within the blofibni; the fhafl juft without; bloffoms
egg-fhaped, the fcgnients of the border
oval, very large, and upright; flowers grow in
bunches, and terminate the branches, the footfhdks
an inch long; the leaves grow feattercd
obliquely, appearing cut off at the ends.
S r B | | ihrubby, grows a foot high; the
branches fimple, long, and thrcad-lhapcd.
Leaves grow feattercd,but fometimes by fours,
linear, arched, appearing toothed by fmall glands
at the edge, fmooth, teeming cut off at the ends,
and witli very (lender foot-flalks.
F l o w e r s numerous, growing in umbels at
the end of the branches; the foot-ftalks thrice
the lengdi of the flower, coloured, clammy, and
having three, linear, floral leaves.
Lmi'alement. Cup fotir-leavcd, the leaflets
very fmall, linear, clammy, and prefled to the
Blossom ahnofi globular, purple, the fise of
a pea; the fegmcnts of die border very large and
Chives. Eight flat threads, linear, bent inwards
at the points. Tips two-horned at the
bafc, and within the bloflbm.
F o i s t a l . Seed-bud ttirban-fhapcd and furrowed.
Eight glands at the bale of die feedbud.
Shaft, cylindrical, and juft without the
bloflbm. Summit four-comered.
Native of tin; Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from Auguft, till December.
R E F E R E N C E.
1. A Leaf, magnified,
2. A Flower.
3 . The Empalcmciit, magnified.
4. The Chives, and Pointal.
5. The Chives detached from the Pointal,
6 . The Pointal, magnified.