ERICA cerinthoides.
C H A B A C T X B S P E C I F I C U S.
Er i c a , nntheris muticis, incluns; corollis lubulato
ventricoiis, Ícete fanguineis, falVirulatis, hifpidis;
foliis quaternis, rigidis, ciliatis,
D E S C R I P T I O .
Ca u l i s flcxibilis, erechis, cincrcus, feíquipedalis;
rami pauci, crecti, raro ramnlofi.
F o l i a quaterna, ciliata, oblonga, convexa,
fubtus fulco excrata, petiolis brevibus, adpreífis.
F l o r e s magni, feííiles, aggctti in capitulum,
cernui, pedunculi hifpidi, bracteis tribus foliis
funilibus infiruéh".
C a l y x . Perianthium telraphyllum, foliolis
lanceolatis, hitpidis, foliis fimilibus.
C o r o l l a , tubulato-vcntricola, lane fanguinea,
hirfuta, ore obfolete quadrifida; polficaria.
S t a m i n a . Filamenta ocfo capillaria. Antheras
mutica;, incliife.
P i s t i l l i 'M. Germen cylindrieuni, hirfutum.
Stylus filiformis fub-exfertus. Stigma tetragonura.
Habitat ad Caput Bona: Spei.
Floret a ineufi Auguili, in Aprilem.
1. Calyx, et Corolla.
2. Calyx lente auctus.
3 . Stamina, ct Piftilluni.
A. Stamina a Piftillo diduc'ta . antlicra una
lente aucta.
5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta.
He a t h , with beardlefs tips within the bloffoms,
which are of an inflated tubular ihape, of
a rich blood colour, hairy, and bundled together;
the leaves grow by fours, arc harfh, and lathed.
D E S C R I P T I O N .
S t em grows upright, pliant, afh-coloured, and
a foot and a half high; the branches are few, and
upright, feldom branching.
The L e a v e s grow by fours, arc lathed, oblong,
rounded on the upper furface, and deeply furrowed
on the under fide, with fhort foot-flalks,
prelfed to the items.
The FLOWERS are large, growing in clofe
bunches, fixed altogether at the end of the
branches, bending downward; the foot-italks are
hairy, having three floral leaves, funilar to the
other leaves.
Em p a l e m e n t . Cup four-leaved, which are
lancc-fhaped, hairy, and like the other leaves.
Bl o s s o m , of an inflated tubular form, hairy,
and of a rich red or blood colour, the moudr
ilightly cut into-four legments; an inch long.
Ch i v e s . Eight hair-like threads. Tips beardlefs,
and within the bloflbm.
P o i n t a l . Seed-veffe] cylinder ihape, and
hairy. Style thread-fliaped, nearly without the
blofTom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from Auguit, till April.
R E F E R E N C E .
1. The Empalement, and Bloifom.
'2. The Empalement magnified.
3 . The Chives, and Pointal.
A. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one
tip magnified.
5. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified.