ERICA mammofa.
ERICA antheris ariftatis, inclufis; ftylo fubinc
l u l o ; floribus vcrticillatis, pcndulis, ventricofocylindriciSj
fupra baíin conftrictis, profunde v i o -
laceo-purpureis; foliis quaternis, ¡incaribus, g l a -
CAULIS fimplex, fruticofus, erectus, fefquipedalis;
rami verticülati, raro ramuloíi, erecti.
FOLIA quaterna, linearía, glabra, recta, feniora
patentia, júniora erecta, fubtus í u l c a t a ; p e -
tiolis brcvifíimis, adprclíis.
FLORES fubpollicares, in fummitate ramorum
verticillati, penduli ; pedunculi longiffimi, bracteis
tribus, mmutis, rcmotis, infiructi.
CALYX. Períanthium teti-aphyllum, foliolis
l a t o - o v a t i s , acutis, marginibus membranaceis,
apicibus coloratis, adpreffís.
COROLLA ventricofo-cylindrica, ápice attenuata,
ad b a l ín conílricta, profunde purpurea; l a -
ciniis minuüs, ereclis, obttrfis.
STAMINA. Filamenta odio capillaria. Antberse
ariftata;, inclufoe.
PISTILLCM. Germen turbinatum. Stylus filiformis,
fub-inclufus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bona; Speî.
Floret a meníi J u l i i , in Novembrem.
R E F E R E N T I A.
1. Calyx, lente auctus.
2. Calyx et Corolla.
3 . Stamina a Piftillo diduéta, anthera una
lente au ¿ta.
4. Germen, Stylus, et Stigma, Stigma auctum.
HEATH with bearded tips, within the bloffoms;
fhaft juft within t h e b l o f f o m ; flowers grow in
whorls, h a n g i n g down, of a fwellcd cylinder fhape,
pinched in a t t h e bafe, and of a d e e p blue purp
l e ; leaves g r ow by fours, are linear, and fmooth.
STEM fimple, fhrubby, upright, and a foot and
a half h i g h ; branches grow in whorls, feldom
making fmaller branches, and upright.
LEAVES grow by fours, linear, fmooth, and
ftraight, the older ones fpread out, the younger
g r o w upright, and are furrowed beneath; havi
n g very fhort foot-ftalks, which are preffed to
the ftem.
FLOWERS are near an i n c h long, grow in
wdiorls at t h e t o p o f d i e branches, hanging d o w n;
foot-ftalks very long, having three fmall floral
leaves at a diftance from the c u p.
EMPALEMENT. Cup o f four leaves, which
are of a broad cgg-(hape, pointed, having the
margins lkinny, the ends coloured, and are
preffed to t h e bloffom.
BLOSSOM o f a fwelled cylinder-fhape, tapered
at the end, and pinched in at t h e bafe, of a deep
purple; the fegments o f t h e border are very fmall,
upright, and blunt.
CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads. Tips bearded,
and w i t h i n the bloffom.
POINTAL. Seed-bud turban-fhaped. Shaft
thrcad-fhaped, and juft within thebloffom. Summit
Native of t h e Cape of G o o d Hope.
Flowers from July, till November.
1. T h e Empalement, magnified.
2. T h e Empalement, and Bloffom.
3. T h e Chives detached from the Pointal,
one T i p magnified.
4. T h e Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit, the
Summit magnified.