-father; of mentions Japan
„Hy th§ name of Z ipa n gr or-^ ZipJ^pgd.|, The inhabitants fherofelyea- call
it,Nif|Gn, or I^ifon-; and the Chinefe^Sippon, and’Jepuen. jj
.. JThis empire 'extend§;fr0.tn t%Jg:^th4to the' 41-ft degree,of N. latitude^
and .according to the mo^taccent mips from' th.e^x^ 1 ft 'hffjfl I42(^ ^e-.
"grelMi Ec longitude.fromi&reeuvdch.- Befides many fmaller ifles, it
.prefesti twp confioerable ones in the S. W., that-of Kiufiu^fo;termed I
Saihokf of ties Weftefn, country^ ^d; fbth^$ik©kf. But ^$yfar the
moft'fmpdftatit ifland kf that, ofiN^pon,ttp the N. E. ’pf the ((ty_oJ0 rmef. I
,The ^Igraph^^Qf.K^mpfer^as^heen-oorreSed by repent ’'Voyages, ac-l
cording to which the,d§Hgth of Kiufiu^frojn, N,; ta>S.^i^jabpi||iLwo de-«|
^cees,5or-i^p,;Britifh milfp th&^greatejfbreadth) kbput goA /Eikobf isl
.about 'gp Britifli miles,inJ^gth^lha# ^/breadth. .The gran| ifle.
e f |^ o B ;is :in ijpngtlpfrom: S^W.,vto .N |E : ngfj^than 7^*B|itifh
c®>de^; but-is fp-natFQwJn proportion, thatahe.m^jarbieahh canpothe
affumed ^'ayeyilo, though in_ two..praj eaapgkp^tsgimay, double. that
rulmbdr.- rTh^edflands^ar^e^id^pi^o prOTjnceSj^d dtfeids^aAAfy^
in*ke;ifioR qivil?fed.cGiin|rifS. <' - - ft ," , .n ‘ |g
' .To -theN. of Nipon is another large.ifle, that of*Jeflbw Qr Gfiicha,
jvhich havingtreceiyedVfpme Japanefe is!general lyypgtpdeid_ as
fubje<2 'to(Japan-; but beiria inhabited hy’ ajav^ge .peoj^e,.is.ratjipcgn^
|4ered as a foreign ctoqueft than as a parted Alps; giyilized empire.; • ,
The original population of Japan has beVn;IittleJlluftrate£|;’‘^)|^t^^
Japanefe feerato' bea kindred race .with the ChimdeP thphgKj^ding£ I
to Kaempfer, the languages, be radically diftindt. , -Bpt if.cpi^ipa^ed^witfl
that of Corea', the-neareft land, and the latter with t|e^Chine%'perhap^
a gradation mighV.be obfprvable. The Japanefe may haye; migrated
J-m.ra the'contitLcnt, whein.b<itht the-Cbinefe and themfepp^. wyejn the;
earlier ftage^of fppietyand^hp (jorppiete.' iniular fep^ration;m|y havfe-
given'rVe tova language rend<£tld,peculiar by ithp-prp^efe^a’d fh i^
Before the*3$cpunt- publilhed by Ksen^pfer,/Japan, ha^b^iT imper-
feaiy explored-by t-Ji'^Ppr;pguefe ; and; fince; J | | |d a fe .p f^ ^ .m p -
fer’s publication,* m^ydnfpprtpt^impxovemesn.tshsve/heen made, that,
author having failed iii an' ’exkdt heliheation *of\he empire, which he
vol. 11. ' x ' ’ . * chiefly
Original Po-.
■ Geography,;