Mr. Fadên» 1*79$*? êîfflï* tksr ke|ir-jreÊ <gîÿeâ. Maps
of fo¥me of the p^byinces are. among the works. of
Lopez, but fas ufu|l of little aectîraçÿ. v The environs^
of Quito^ where, the degree was. measured, may be
fqund in Bouguen, o-r in tlie Rrencli edit-ioiroir Ulloa.
In 175'o, D ’Anville publifhed the provirtce o f |
4 ihî But La Cruz ‘miift b% preferred, though by
a ridioulous failure he have omitted to denote in a
proper manner-the great ehain o fth e Andesj and1,the
other, ridges ; there are alfo-fome political -di%uifes.
In 1774 Balkner, whq had been a miffionary, pubhfhed
a map o£. Patagonia |jg 2 fh. but it will be -found
very erroneoüs, when compared with La Cruz, The-
Rio de la Plata, and fome other portions, are alfo pùb-
liffied apart j and our afiknto and contraband trade
has contributed to improve the - creoerauhv.
V Spani/h Poffhÿïons. _ ,
The maps above mentioned. Peril from the ailro-
Domical obfervations of Condamine, &e. Paris, .1' fliL
Mak'fpina’s Survey of tlie coaft, from the Rio de Plata
to Panama, S.anct W. fli. esicellent. ■
The voyage of Ulloa, The beft tranflation is the .
French, -2 vols. 4to, for ia the Engliih, z vols. Bvo-
many important tables, fcc.areomitted, and the prints-
fo miferably reduced that they are alike ufelefs and
unpléâfânt. Voyage de Candamine. Lettre de Mon-
fieur Godin. Bouguer, Figure' de la Terre, for an '
excellent account o f Peru. Dohrizhoffer, &c. &c.
Wafa’ s defeription of the Ifthmus- of Darien, 169,3.
Voyage de Frezier, 1717, 2 tomes, tamo, ©fly Storia
de Terra.Firina, 4 vols. Rome, ry8o. Vidanrre Com-
pendio del Chili, Bologna, 1776, 8vo. -Viage al
tftrecho de Magellanes de oiflën dé S. M. 4to. Molina
Storia Natrirale del Chili, Bologna, 1782, 8vo. Storia
Civile'del Ghili, Bologna,.1787, 8vo. both good.
The Portugnefe are the moll illiterate o f European
nations, ünd the accounts of their fettlements in America
and Africa obfolete and imperfeâ. Even the
geography of their Own country is a mafs of errors;
and & they have any maps of Brazil, they are without
the fmalleft claim to common accuracy or reputation.
Blauw publilhed a map of Brazil', when a great part
was poffeffed-by the Dutch.. The S'paniih map of La
Cruz is the beft modern authority, though here D ’An-
vflle feem copied. In Bougainville’s voyage to the
Falkland Iflands there are fome local maps and' plans. '
The Voyage o f Bougainville ; Sir George Staunton’s
Account of the Embaffy to. China ; with the
work a of Faria tranflated by Stevens ; Oforio ; Barros
the Portuguefe Livy, &c. &c. *
* Eafitau’s HjUlory o f the Discoveries and Conquefts- of the
Pbrtuguefc in the A'cie- World, Paris, 1733, 2 role 4to. or 4
izmo. end's with' 1-580, when Portugal' became fubjett to Spain
It would have been valuable, as Robertfon, in his Hiftory of
America, has wholly omitted' the Portuguefe fettlements, bat
■ Prend).
French maps o f Cayenne miy he compared with Ln
Cruz ; but the .wide debated -lands .are now refigned. to-
the French, with .a yet'furtheKexterifefljpf teriitoi-y
towards the river Mar-anon, .
The Voyagé óf Des Marchais publilhedby Lsbat,
4 vóls. with a map ' by D ’Anville ; and many recent
voyages, &c.t &c. . >,
’ • Dutch. ■ -
1 There is a detached, and rare, but coarfe, chart o f
the Ainfterdam,: with-federal
Engliih charts of the river Surinam' by Walker,
4 ih. &c. Guiana by Capt|tiu Thaoeplofy^.ÿâj»
I 0] , ,
Bancroft’s Natural Hiftoiy.of Guiana. fStahnaitJ*
Surinam, &c.- 2 v
. Native Triles. S
The map of £a Cruz. ^Hiftory - of’ Paraguay h y
Charlevoix. Dobrizhoffér dé iABiponihus,, Vienna,
1784. Molina’s IChili;-
" IJlands connected with South America. ,
IJfloa’s "Voyages Bougainville's Voyage to the
EaUdandTHands. Cbol&’i Voyages, &c.
" \ A S R IÖ A .
The maj> o f D ’Antilles 17495, 3 Ihs^is- M l'th e
beft^exceptmg.fhe. parts explored by-Parkand'.litpwné,
and may-heeorpparedvriththatoFDelil&c'sTtaat'.pnh- j
lifted by Wilkinfon, i8tx?, 4 th. "is decent, but thepL
are feveral errors, and fome mi (lake u applications of
ancient geography. The detached maps by RèniyflL,.
may be consulted. , In SaugniePs voyage, 1792, there
is a French map wfi5ch-m^r affi*3TQ)^êhni^^%ihwê-1
are many miftakes- The maps in Shaw’s work are,
fingularly 'confided, Jrom the -mixlpre- qf-yLptij add
Arabian names, hut defcrve;w.ith improvements.
That in Eempriere’ s Morocco^ feems
tolerably exaft, and from it fome important :"pphti.ons,,
as the city of Morocco, thh'chief ridge of Atlas, &c.
may he collected.
Africa by Salius, 1737, i fti. B y Sjqbqrt,
4 ih. By Gendrön, Madrid, 1734, 1 Ih.
A ffinia.
The map in Bruce’s Travels maybe compared-with
thofe of Tellez, that of Eudolf, and the Africa of
D ’Anville.
The Travels of Alvarez, 1520. T h o f is .k '^ b o ,
1625, tranllated by Dr. Jphnfon. The .account of
Abyffinia by Tellez, Liibon,. 1660, folio. Isudpif’s
Ethiopia, 2 vols. folio. Poneet’a Jourrtey, i2mo, or
the title is grotsly erroneous, as the work is reflriöed' to the
Portuguefe cftablifhmcnts in Hinieftan, and is, arranged according
to the feriesof governors of Goa, with foinc flight references
to African affairs; nor is Brazil pefhaps once .mentioned in this
hiftory o f Portuguefe trdnfaftions, dans k nouveau mondei ito-life
the words in the title, by a portcntousiie'rror, - whic|i- feeirns to-
evince that a man may be a jefuit and yet want common fenfe.
in' f,ockri5an’ , "trL&s of tlft"']tfdihj 2 voL. offetv
Bruce’sTrayels, -H.
*Thfe majioDEFA-ntiflljyand Mdnio-ir. T f e ’Delta
b N i fb u lh , L o - \ u L g y p t , &Tc. by I .a R olIiluV;
r.Travels-df 'Pbcbe’ke,J-NBi'dey**,- ^Tiehuhr? Brcrwine'.
Tht late Preneh accounts; -' Vilheyi' SaVatyv*’. ‘7
The maps of Shaw, fo-ii Algiers and ffon'«‘r *' Tlfe
generah-maps and *Lernpriere,»fprf the others. ‘ Jjte
and -MotOccoy after TofinOi lHisieft, land: I.ett^iriere,
by Ganzler, ‘Mediterranean, 14. fh’.t 1785-,
fN Shaw’ s Travels in Barbary, ior.rather in frlgiefs aqd-
sTunra • 'thé befr editiair.ri’sjthe AtoV The 'tifavjls of
PShreiiare' ttjftiüg; and' öföniads book a Aeble COmlpi
iariöflit'Esmpiiérfh tgaoftj- • Hotfr,! 1775)1* ih' Datü'fii'
or German,-' gobd."’^,Agrèll in ' S fhV-'-’a o. - For
Tripoli’,1 Bfua«,» and the pUblicatioJaffiof the African
Society! may bff tofifolted> T h e curious 'reader may
look jfitö Addifon’ s WeftBa-rhary,
qrtii-3, fe general' Dr.' Dafpeds ÏAecoiinVdfsAfrica,
ot S O^lhy.’si rfatnllatión, ’^itiay- ftill bê tifed With .aAi
vanïagej'SS'thetè afejfeW more récent aocodnts'offederal
countries, whence'their kboVirsrt-in> thw portion alone
Of thg-gle^etaS" not wholly- futierannaatéd -J-V Sanfon
publilhed at Paris a defeription of Africa, 1636, 1660;
4t0. with; fgteral -maps., ' •
Weficrn ptiafli
, 1 There are old maps of Congo, &c. in the:account'of
Lapez or PigafettayMandel^Qr.Daiipet,' Cavazzi, &c.
and fmall detached mapl; 'by D’Anville, iy3’xf O f
the rive?of,'Goag»vchere friarohart by Maxwell,, 2- lhi 11
Lopez, or rather by
PhinpTigafetta from .the papers erf,Lopez, was originally
publiiKed in Italian, Rome, 1591, 4tol whence
it was tranllated into Engliih by Hartwell, 1597,4*0.
in'Latin i t 'f t h n s f i r f t patt‘ of fhe'Smafleri Vpyages
of D,e Bry, 1598, folio, I arid there is an apJiéfiMrby;
Btupoi ïS ts , f°ho*
Dejcmione IJlorica. delU Ire Rtgniji Congo, JVlatamba
& 'ylngola, compilata dal P. Gio. Ant. . Cavazzi. | Bologna,
1687, folio, pp. 9331, large, pfint, With1 plates ;
or Milan, 1690, 4to. This curious work was tranf-
lated by Labat in .bis -Et' Occidentale, Paris, j ‘
tomes, 12mo. which ttfuft'nót be'toftrotindéd-wilH the
Afri^ue, Occidentale , o f ! that voluminous, compiler.
* There is i French edition, ï8bÖ; 4to. .
• - 4 Dapper’s African l;fla-h.ds were ipjiB'lifliediii6fl,^ and' his';
Africa, ■ i'Ö7o;pin Dutch. ■ The piatesT arc; uibd b^*Ogilby, 1671; 1
SMmteBworn .in -the-,French tranflatioa, ,i6S6;i S.anntoVAfrica
hus fome curious maps. .
W m j jG ’ l^fyatt'^uhUnuid at' . Paris his'Hiftory of
Loango, from papers of French miffionarie3 1766,
wfth 'a new but imperfeft map, a curious arid infe-!
r^mng'v^o'rk * . |
Lahat’ s CoUeifrion. Bofman’s Guinea. Norris’s
Account of Dahomey. Park’s Travels. Adanfon’k
|f* wfieWlaff fflmf
* The Survey by Barrow. The Travels of
C^fte,cPate5frg,sSpar^an,p^|j'0V) Ac.^ i‘As repeated
falsehood i have been iktt&daiin, Vaillant’s boeks,
.laft, .journey, they are^Uiefty to be, read
5 There is a fmall map by D’Anville, called Ethiopie
Glcgid^iale,. which ^eqnmyiles- Mqparanga,j ‘and . other,
dominions of the Monomotapa or cu^perOr^ 17 32 ; but
qffhele fingular and interefting ®g^|s,tjhCg|50gcaWiy
npy fbatofr evenr
4,,,fridio.nahy^podern account dfiMhcfyari^, Sofala,
§alSia,'f&c f .‘b.-The-'letter o f probably’'pre|i
fefit fojnpi mateririay ibpb&dcJtrM-nyS is an‘ipjjti4ipiPV&
j^pi^tiah, , the, titq^v^vfrl.
tprs. ' ‘-i^pfrlerpiau'VG^bge|., ofpBucq.up.y'fi'"^ i, and
Thomanuiyg.S;nriaa-y,-be confulted. , 1,
hMaddgaftar. ,/d
Flacourt lias pub'liiiicd '•‘a>tiiap)i:n.p'nd''. Ruchon has-’
beeri»coirtehke"d- \\dlih-t&n e Beilin hah giVeir-tflarge
map. Tlierp arefryera'l- French- accounts, Ro-
clfo'nf s-‘ beh) g b£Yt o*f the 'lateft.
General map. i ®l^rey are Se’tdched maps of the
Hiesh)f lyduvbon and Mauvlflui','&ci. -- ’
' Rochon’s Madagàfcar'. Gridht-Ts Mauritius, ‘r'&t.
Rtl ÇucletiN I A d", Cook' lâft voyage. -Gias’,8
Canary Iflands,^tc. For 'Sre* Azores,’A ? Portugal;
.as theyitnetly bthng «nlînn)‘iî>..j'fîl
’ ‘HYD.R’O j^ O T f t 'Y tu * v
.i(T’HQh'GH, Charts he flat confidered -as(effential in the,
ftudy o f geography; yet as a few of iflands,; Sec. are
admitted into collections o f maps, it may not be improper
to offer fome hints tlifriubject-;; -, i n a- large
bi^public lib ary indeed ,the He.ftb eferta-flrould appear
akvfelb as thedbe'ft'-mapB. But in .‘general'the chief
purchafers o f charts are merchant, for flu ir counting
houfea; and captains and other marine officers, who
procure the moft recent and autheota’c adaptedito the
t v*3§ee ’alfb*' -Z/Ucchelli’s Account of the Miflion -in.; Cbrigof
pulaliflied about 17m. tAn^.elo’s- Voyage'to';Congo^ r6o6y irsiim
, JLabat, tome v. -
1 Les GVano*, jri‘4#s difleitations annexed to J|olj|®, At^ffin
(pk *$9,' JSItifoH’s t-r.) quotes Dos Santos Etiopia -Grientale,
Evora, 1609,,-of which thene is a French translation, Paris, 1684;'