Delhi, äj
d a fmall fortified 'town:;, but it fbori became an extenfiMes#nd magnificent
city, and has .as rapidly declined, ; ;
- To the ‘N. W, df Agra, near the • confines: t Sindetie'. Hindoftan,
ftahds the celebrated icity b f Delhi, the Mahometan capital aflgadid,
faid -t& be of confiderable antiquity hy the' name of Inda-rput,.'.'.„That intelligent
traveller Bernier computes the extent of-Delhi, .in- 1663,
three l^laguhs, exiclufive of the fortifications ; and he reprefentsiAgrajis
of wider circuit. This metropolis may be laid todhe^ now in rnijhs;
‘ but there are many noble and fplendid remains of palaces with baths bf
marble.1 ' The grand mofk is a magnificent edifice, of marjb^e and red
‘free done, with high minarets, and domes richly ‘gilt., »iQfrtejdf, the
quarters 6f the city has been Very thinly inhabited^ finfee th ^ i^ ^ ^ fu l
maffacre by Nadir Shah', in which one hiindred thoufand people are
faid to have perifiied. The royal gardens of Shalimar are faidjto- have
coft one million fterling, in canals, pavillions, &e. decorated with gyeat
profufion. When "our author vifited this city, in 1 793,-lie was iptyo-*
duced to the laft: remnant of the Moguls, rShah Allum, then,jfeyenty
years, of age and blind, being here kept in a kind ofi captiyity by Sindia
the Maratta chief.
The city of Agimere, or Ajimer, may be more, properly i^llhitted,
with the greater part of that province, to Slbdetiff HiffldofianBh|n:
Oujein may be cemfidered; as wwdwIfiBbtfa t
, portion now under view. Oujein is about fix miles jn Gircumfwence,
furrounded by a ftrong wall-, with round; towers. The hairibs ? partly
brick, partly wood, covered with lime, trafs, or tile s th e Bazar, pr
market is fpacious, and paved with ftone: . there are four mofks, and
feveral Hindoo temples, with a new palace built;by Sindia. On the
fouth runs the river Sippara, which here fuddenly turns . north, pur-
fuing its courfe into the Ghumbul, the laft a large river, not jefs; than
three quarters of a mile in breadth at fome diftance from its egrefs- into»
the Jumma.8 About a mile to. the north are ruins of pljd, brick
walls,, ftone pillars, pieces of wood, and various utenftls, with, ancient
coins'. The fuperjacent foil is a black mould; and this cataftrophe
muft have happened when the river changed its courfe to the WeftWar d*
7 Af. Rtf. iv. 417. ‘ lb tsi,'4o.
; M i ' #
by fom'e;a;c|uieousicohchfli&n 'ofsna[tnre,“ j ^lq4 iflbr .So'^ye'ars ago, as ufbal
iin Jithfoele
t. Turning td. the!eM^. the river Nerbu'dda, ma^ffi.rra^|Ft'be confidered
as th'e moft foiifftertv litdi« iftf Oange^diHi|iohan{ ft >ets' c o n d E ^ g
Gurrah, i? ©t4fbms& note, there *are n© j
othef names are tod’ uhl^p’ortatf tifocrgehe'ral%eographyf4 But theWd*eS3H
fort* o f few ^ii or muft notsbe omitted,!
top'egraphyi The imfelathd^rdcfe on wifil'ch .it'ftandsms ab'ojibfour, miles
in length, tiut narrow : the'fidfes are alm©fttge:rpena|£^^
-three'huiidfed feet," abdve$hatftfrr4ubdingl plain.9 t. ’© ^ tfc^ |p ;tK ^ ls
a town with' Wglli -and Merv-sbs,1 4nd- - fomdf'chitiy|te|l Hand.
-ellefirated fortrfffc which fe,abdtft /Agfa, .was
tai'etf 1 thy'Vfurprk©’ by ac,few English u n d e r ^ l V I a j p l i P - o p h I
Such ifolited fdrtsMon rocks. Were not "uneemikon in|hndieht India 5 aftd
that o f Aornos is-diftinguifhed in the Alexander. ,' A t-heorift 1
might argue that thefe ate the fommits of ancient mountains, ^mperied
in the > rich: vegetable; foil .of tiinidbftan, ■ whiefi-h^been .fiwepfj, by-primeval
waters froth the mountains of Tibet^^uwy^arrewinoeks,5 a n d .e ^
from thefelevated defert of Gobi', which in-confluence was left a .barren
m-afs of fand, - ; : ; I ' ; ; _
Before' e-lofing this brief delineation b^GahgJ^ Hindoftan, the moft
'large; celebrated, and beft knewn^u^er-of'that Uxt'drtlive fegW ,‘'-it
may-be ptoper to offer'fdme remarks oi&thenfurrhunding ftate^n'ithe
E. and N. ‘The Rofbawn of Rennell is the'fahie with,: Afecan-,: betn'gj
merely a Hindoo termTor. that c o u n t r y .H is G b lf^ is on^nptlhr^
name for Meckl%y},! ©r the'^country ofhhe'Mu'i|ai>#Sj ipes^l^tWee'n
Afam oft thfe norths and-Aracan M lh , whdfeBi^dWii?lSb
Munnipura.^9»Thefe-1 eaftern tr^bei^oft^fude'’ mbuntaj-neers iar&r'lftfi|,
known;’ but approach M ‘tYii ftate- Afehi :haSibeeri ,|lr;e ^ y
briefly deferibed mbheaccount of tfte river BurrampooftgI’ahto,the weft
open;the wide dnd obfeure regions e f T 53Jel.\ It -wdftWjjeem, framlMr.
Hardwick’sjotirney tdrSirinagur, that the name Qft'Bp,9ta£sB^Scludfe8,moft
of .the*!fetuth of Tibfet^.particulariy, th.dle|regipns;which a^jornitted in
the doubtful map of the Lamas, who., jA th e p acc^jpf of thefe frontiers,
® Hodges, 139. * ' *«-'iA&Refi,v,®*Svandago,lj
C ities a»d?
Towns. ,
.States. -vf.