H TN D O S T A N l
are little known ; nor that of the ridge running parallel with the Indus-
fen. the eaft; called* by, Ptolémy Apoçopus. The lame author mentions
mount Vindius,. whence he derives- the fource ©f the So an ; no-yv» k is
believed,» called 'Vhndiah, ai^i^cdt^'/nLentiQn^d; in . the Hindoo» t£jles,.
though they feem to * defbribe thefe hills as far. to the weft. Ptolemy’s*
mountain of Sardonyx is-, net far to the eaft of Batpach, >if that place be
the Barigaza'of antiquity; a His Bettigus, hear the, to y a h feat of Aroat*-
feems a part, of .the ëaftern Gauts,'as were His Adifathrus, Orudius,.and-
Uxentus; which clofe ther lift ■ of mountains know». t® Ptolemy in ; this-
extpnfive- region.
. In Major. Rennellls excellent map of IUndoftan' the ridges are ratherti
xnfèrted-in the minute and antiquated mannefi.of D.’Anvillé; than treated^-
with a bold and fcientilic dilcrimihationt The following lift icpntains»
moft. of the names there to be found-G—
The, GhaHfcutelL hills,.Between' the Weftern^-defert andf theSêtlêges- . g
The. Alideck. mountains,; ab ove Gujurat«- |
The mountains of Gomaun, or Kemaoon, Galled alfo „thpfef of Se*-
WaUo- This extertfive ridge, feems■ to form- the.exterierbarrier of the ■
Tibetian AlpsinSirinagur-, &£..
The • mountains. of Himmaleh, N. of Taflifudon.. The other-Tibe--
rian mountains-Teem, to-be from Du Haldev
■ Iri Bengal:aiife federal ridgestof hilfe withoat names,.- wlnnh ràfo
even-with the chaimôrt the N-. Wbof the Sircars. •
The Lucknow,; hills at the fource of thel’Mahànadà;
Thofe of Gbndwâ.nahj running- parallel; with, the Nerbudda,- for |aiv
ça ce,, and then, turning- foutfe to Narnalla.
.Theridges near the Chumbul are alfo-without name.;
The-Grenier mountains, in Guzerat.
Thé Shatpoorta hills, between; the Nerbuddarand theTaptee.
On the other fide of the Nerbudda .there are alfo - remarkable parallel'
ridges, giving fource to many rivers,-but namelefs;
Even the Gauts are kid down with lictle-dcafe^-- -andr the' impôt-
tant1.diamond, mountains of Golconda and Vifiapouf are not mentioned.
. /
A ridge
c h J p. ii'GÈ^rsR'Ai^vrEw.
■ A ridge-felled" the Buudeh-^monti&iusv ’run s parallehtb1 the Gddhveri.
•on thefoUth ;&bKbit a-eba'fiderdbl®fdiftajfic5#*'fitJ&Hi that river.*
»frijfeffce it will be''pfef-§fei%ed{*tbkt the^Hin&Udf’opSfcgy* is‘ fingtilarly'imperfect
but! what-’is^ tO'ftje-'e’kpeEted from 3s*pb$pfe Wh’d ’cO'sfddffd terms
fo -faf hs to c^lPa metfm’yih^a? ©aut of a Fafs8?? The‘ G^hts,_ peculiarly
fo called^ 'ire-ranges which run*amn^hfe'wfeftern' --aUd' eaftern' -toads <tjT
the'^Dedoan. TBe>fdMhd®Wii®^''thte natives! iMl-Stl '-thd mountains of
SuMieri,1 a name -‘which1 • fh-ould- fupplailt-'the^ihfuhd appellation ’-ofthe
-Ga*uts.“ '* Ifi‘*th-e-language of the country M&li or Midi ifriphes a‘ mountain*,’
In d Puebet a'thiife- iWhether- theiidaflerAg G&k§: he^'M-fobcalled
Sukhien'we-’are'not-kforraedr but it idsprobafelethat; another nativb
% |p e imay^^e-cdifcoverfed*,fp3i4ith%'tdifti^etiJ ratine', <tf*ftBj®untams« 'v$?fhn
aniintetefling'-journey to Si-rinagur, publifhed in the fixthivtfto me'*<*E the
i Affaire« Refearches,’ ,it, appears that eheifkme narn^al Ghat.br,Ohaik-ds - '
'extended to the high ranges-of mountains! in- the north t ^and’B ’Ahvifle,
'whdlly at a lofs for diftindt appellations, bftthe numerous rangesoin Hin-
cdoftan,;,has in his general map 'of Aha introduced tbfe o f
.Balagat near Viftaptfur, and has -repeated" them in-’, hiVla®g@iittiap>-mf
Hidddftan'; "though this' naiib, BalagatV- implytdbthing ■ 'htftothe high
Gauts. qif'fuperidr paffes.
^The'Gauts-peculiarly fo’-called rife.abrtiptly'on fcach -fide, .hut parti-
'-cftlaVly the Weft, forming is it were -enormous walls,’'fhppoftiftg'a high
terrace' of table Hand %i-?the middle.^*' This1 e'leva’tdd^7track, paffing .
through a great part of the Maratta’territories to the n6rtft"-pf hdyfore,'i*s
termed in general the-Balk-GaUt, through its Whole extent, "white', low
gaffes'"are called Payen-Gaut.H Oppofite- tb' PaSiahy, orfitM^Weilera
xoaft '-there, is'k *'hteak or interruption' o f the ‘mduntami^ahbwGlMeen
miles in breadth,'chiefty Occupied by a foreft | eXcM^e p f this gap the
;m0¥hta& of'Sukhien-extend from-Gape Gtooria-to Sacra*» i t tfi«*difu '
fit -^phie fmafl.piaprin tkc'Meniprr pr^fent-. thc^fo^'^y" P^* *
•SaWandrog, and Wuffi-in Cand-ahar, "ths Pundial in tlie-^oiidi bSf OHfcajfr. The A f Ref.v i.
»77, quote Rennell for the chain o f Caratniha^fourtfeta mUeV.^rh fttud'.Guya; and pag$ 283,
-theVindya chain iafaid tp1 begin at Chunar in Bahar. Thefe rtferences are frora.his Atlas of
33.A f . • Ref. v. i. j , " 1 P ‘ '«» Rennell,"cxxVii. -
-N -isr 2 Jancé