573 U N I T E D , S T A T E S .
C it ie s . .
Inland Navigation.'
kind- in - their manners, and have much abated of their petfecuting
fpirit.” This city is even already ranked by feme among the
pleafing anfffoclable in tb^ U&ked States. 4 ‘.
Baltimore in Maryland Hands on the north ftde-bf the^if’ler Pa-
tapfoo, which may rather, be ' regarded"'as a creek of the- great bayvof
CheFapek, and has rapidly rifen torife prefent cdrrfequehce. £' The fi$fe-
tion. is rather low, but it has been, rendered by art tolerably falubrious.
f In rf fe the? number (rfinh^itartt^wasrfi|,5®3f f
5 Ciiarleftown, in South Carolina, is- fituated at the confluence of Afh-
ley and C.ooper rivers, which are huge and navigable, and Jdpe|f'into a
dapaeious eftuary. Tlie fituation is efffeeiriefi. remarkably fealfhy,
though law, being refreshed by1- the' fea’ breezes." In 1791 jp;re
16,359 inhabitants, of whom 7684 were flaves. This city U.G^|brated
for cafy and, focial manners. ..
Such are the principal cities, of the United Ejtates ;■ and to^en^merate
Ifie; others' Would be alike tedious and temporary ; ^s, aipidd new
fbmidatiohs and improvements, great changes often happen i^heir relative
The chief edifices are commonly the halls-in which,the fl-ate^pf £acli
province afiemble, /The Capitol, and the hpufeofth^pr^fident, ip the
new metropolis, de.figned, it.is believed, as well as the plan of thirty,
by L ’Enfant,.are confidered as edifices: of the moft fplendid promife.
Little occafion has hitherto arifen for opening any canals for ■ inland
navigation-, as the numerous great rivers have been found fufficieiit for
thepurpofes of intercourfe. No country in the world can boaft of fu--
perior means of inland commerce by the great river Miffouri, and many
other navigable ftreams, not to mention lakes ;of prodigious -extent. A
canal, it is believed, is now opened- between the rivers Shuylkil. and Suf-
quebana, and others are projected. The roads alfo; begin - to be improved,
and feveral bridges have (been credited, fome of which in timber
are of confiderable extent.
The manufadtures of the United States may moftly be confidered as
{till in their infancy, as they were accuftomed to. be fupplied by. Great
Britain ; and though the bond of authority be broken, the commercial
S 9 . | ^^fj^&^Vch'ains
remain. The chief manufactures are; tanned leather, and drefled Mtsur
lkidt’ho^^GUS Gonsmon-wotks in iremna§£bin.wped'-j fhips, for which TUKt
BoftöJi was (ételfbèated ; -with feveral arfrdps -dfjmach-inery and hufban-
dry * !«@ables, föllilitb, cordage;-J: wine, packthread, bricks, tiles;, and
pottery,‘|(apèr of all k-iAdslrhats,Tuga'rs,I fiuilf,'"gunpowder, are alfo American
manufadbuCes^ with fdme Aténfils' irt. copper, brafi, and tin-
■ eldfekl,, „and" mathematical - machines, and carriages óf’all ‘ deferiptions..
1 he-^oiireftTc maiiu&ófcures,. in è9ahfe-'clot%,'TórgeS,vfiaóp-eis, cbttöfi and
lin|h^oods of feveraf fof;tif,' pot prijy’ftfffiee for thé' families, but are feme1-
tim-i^fetd^aud even exported5-";and.in rnqlLdt&idfs'a-’gr eat part of the-
dr^l^j'is : the product- of domfeftic lnduftry. GTobd- wines. have been
mal# by Etehchs 'fèttletk.önpthe Ohio, from various wild* graphs, par-
ticbla’rly the^oteck andirox, wb&’h.-,grow' fponta-peoufly*’imthefe regions*.
The-iitóple fi^gm^is prepared in- the northern and flutes,, and is
Jeer^jlby many equal, to th^t from thé cape. -The^ecenj: eommotions
in. Europe have probably driven many "able manufa&urexs to A'merica,
whe-rd’^machinery is' particularly; Valuable, as the j>rice 'off labour is J
fo exorbitant.
Th^chief commerce of the United States is fUll centered' in Britiffu CommerCJ
pot^,' though France had a. confiderable fhare; and fome trade be alfo
carried>on with>%ain, Portugal, Holland,and' the Baltic.- That with'
tae-.'EafeiTpdieS- and-Africa is inconfiderable. The. exports in 179a.
a&QtjrifCd ta möré than twenty-one millions of ^dollars:; the chief article's'being
pot and pearl allies,, cotton, coffee; flax, dried and prckled
fifth, whale oil and whale bone; wheat, Indian.'corn, indigo, fheep, liogsy
riqlaffés',.'tar, turpentine;. American rum, tobacco, furs, ftav.és, Ihmgl'es;
piltkj^i&ftrds, and timber in general. The tbnriage was in ry^p'bfti-
®ated at 297,%6&; and. in 1798 at; '8óoj,ooo „tons, navigated, by'iheai’
5b,Óóp feamen. The batik of Phtjadèlphi^was-ftMioiidbd; -iaat;- f yfcii' asd'-
, leeuis- to - have been- füccëfsful: it is alfo called the Bank of the United
Stages;, the capital flock .being ten millions ;löïi: dól.Iai'S. Thc'chinage;;
confifts of eagles in gold, with a-half and-quarter, the ëaglë-bëmg: varied
at ten dollars or two pounds five Shillings!-ftêrlihg,. thuslexteeding:
.by about one quarter the golden, mohur of Hindöftan. In filver,: befidès -
the dollar, with the half and quarter, .-there, are. diftnesuor. tenths of a;
• 573'