U N I T E D % T A TE |R
Miffouri and Mifliffippi, where the* are alfa herds of that kind, called the
«a t* «are two kinds^f shears; to h black ; but that
carnivorous animal called‘the ranging bear «found m all the fta teg igis
the wolf Several kinds of foxes ar&alfo feen : and the wolverine ieems
a kind of bear. The animal m g dreaded is the catamount, or cat oi
the mountains^ found in the northern and middle ftates, and is probably
the fame with the p um a of Pennant, which he lays is fometimes in North
America called the panther. Qne-killed in New Hamplhire was % W k
in length, and the tail three ; but .the-fength.of thed^d.^tfegpc&ed
twelve-inches. The is about five .feet in length.-and i*the
fouthem ftates’ is called the tiget: but it-is well-.known, that-tkf ,%o-
ciouS-animals of the new continent are *Qta%
old, there: being neither « tigers/ leopards,- nor
whole extent df America. A.German mifl&onary,* whorgfide,dtwenty
two years in Paraguay, defeibeS #ie^ger of that xpuntfy ,as § »
witb-black fpots, fometimes^n
ground • and fays that as the lions qf-Africa far exceedi%)fe;9jf P^guay,
fo the African tigers greatly yield | M f
be inff, as the r o y a l tiger Teems peculiar to-Afia. B u t^ -adds^.f he
has feen the fkin of a tiger three ells and-twofnehes ind^igth, ,(^r
to that of a large Ox.. This animal eafilyfeawias-off a horfew^anjpx;
'and feems to exceed in fee. any. American beaft of .Readmit#,d in*the
fyftefn of Buffon, whofe fondnefs for theories^ oftentoLe fainted;
and his , /W ,o r American tiger, feems only.a diminutive fpefcips^
The lynx, the ocelot, and the margay, are fmafier beafts of prey,,of the
cat kind. Thefe and many other animals fupply furs. The beaver is
well known from the fur, and the Angular formation of his cabin, built
in ponds for the fake of fecurity ; 'but he feems to feed on the twigs 1
trees and not on fiih, as commonly fuppofed. This induftnous.animal
is found in all the ftates, and is fomewhat imitated by the muik rat, who
likewife builds his hut in fhallow ftreams. Some kinds of monkies are
♦ TJobrizhoffer de Abipotubus, vol. 1. 283'. Vienna, 1784. Brer. 1 " . L '
* Perhaps from Cayenne: bot fuch exported annual» are alway« fmall, and zoology »
much affifted by a menagery. , , - faid
fai'd.tA be, found in the^Tgu.|jh,er, '.The .morfe;{or £ea cows,,and the
feal, uftdllgiff equ ei|t. the fnjorjthib.rn ; and^he pi a natt, <cp m,m o q in
faidAfiyp.fi me^to' .appear, -o fe u th e rn , coafts: this
ani-paal,*whiGhfhas Tore^gt^li'|^hmdsi an_4f^ji$whke %fife,while tfe
breaffs of the femalirefemble thofe of a woman, -feern^apIbS'tfe -m.er-:
Among the birds, there are., many kinds, ;qf:magles,;;y.tiltures, .owls ;
and ppmerpijs for; ts.,called by ,Eqmpejafii. n a rpes, ^fennV.b oy.n p^gj | y f ’f-
ferint:in thq^yp.p| the.nMUralift. Th^Mrd^ljlp a turkey i-> peculiar
to., Amem^'hpdi{(4| 0HRdsKf9r the„*adrth.5 Tlji|$||w-ere bxpugliriybni
Mexico to ^pain, and from Spain;«^nglahd, about i524; the African
poultry, oi rnehagrlde's-,.of t mme\ag^ ^ ^ iuthoH*. Btdrig Guinea rowls:
Tfere^are -alfo . bird&i'wlp£ jh tyg ;jp.«tni!lgf, ‘ptJ^injgin. .arid
S'Mlfk- pf Jyqrdpe., "N^rgiru^;jabp^dss^/th/.\bv.aue^S,^l)ii^lv «moiig
which is the hummirig?|ird 1; a§ already ip4ht§Md, while tliewakon re-
femj>te§-the {?ird of par-a^ifer;.apd^'itr ma^h^^)iicei\ed‘ that vaft
yiaHAfeS ^ of aquatic birds, qfowd Jhe ; numerous lakes - anln SveEs, -the
la^geftEeiag^the wild fwan, which Iqmelame's ‘weigh*lsfe®ty-fix pounds.
Some of the frogs are of iremarkable«i2e; and’ ’the twtM'^1 ov 'turtle
fuppjies a delicious FoC^, while th'dalhg^tor 151 not -unknown in the
fq^f^n, rivers. Of ferpent? Mr^^^dorle enumerates near raty kin is
tpe.yhit@d territories, Virginia,
number^.' The rattlefnake is, thedargeft,r beirig From fqur'tp fixTeet in
length,, and "is &ie of jhn moft dreaded. ,Atngn^_ Me Tifh^are moil of
thofe which are efteem||jin 'Europe; and .among thofe that’ §e peculiar
may be mentipned'thatiarge kind of white trout found in the lakes.
The mineralogy qf-.the United States' will hot fupply an extdnfive
theme, ’as few fub(lances are jround^;|xcep';t thqfe^whmhljr^indeemthe
moft nyeciops ,to;, ^ndpftry,jfr©n imd goal. In the diftrjd'of Main f c
founferies are fug.fjliqd jwith bog^rop or,eand there^is faidJo-lAa kind
pfjftqn^ which, yield^, ..qppperas,, pr; yitriJ^.sap^fulph-uD.Ifife'hfWe is
fomidi in jgreat abqndanc|^h MaTa’chuietts,.wne’rq mere
;able manufadtures, .Copper ore a]lb appears'’^ moviqcq with
5 Pennant, A. Z. i. 349. 6 Morfe, ir& .|
4 fH