P olitical
ï . Golcondâ. -
2. Aurungabad. •
3. Bederf 3 ’
4. Part ofBerar.
5> — — Adonij Rachore,. and Canoul,
6. Cuddapalî. Cummum (or Combam) and-'
. * Q^adiçott^ (or Ganj eco tta ).
7V Part ö f Göotyj Adenï, and Canoul» '
8>. Part of the Dooab. , -
£9. Other difeifts acqifired'ia-iy.gg-J j
.; V . . §EH£g.
' Lahore,.Rfbultan,.and the weftern parts of-TDelhi; fm
As theother great power chieffyextends over Perfia, and may be rer
garded as- foreign^it only remains-to mention-the fmall ftates.?.
i. Süccefibrs of Zabeda Cawn. SehàurûngputV- .
2* Jats. ’ .
3; Pattan Rohillas. - ïurruckabàdC-
4, Adjig Sing. Rewah, Sec.: • -
5: Bundelcund, or Bnndela.
6; Little Ballógiftan. It*
T o which may now be added t£e Ràjâ of Myfore.-
The BiitifH pofleffions prior to the fall of Tippoo, 1799,'were lup-
pofed to contain 197,496 fquare Britifh miles, being about 6ojoe>ojhore
than are comprized in the united kingdom» of Great Britain and Ireland
: the number of inhabitants was computed at ten millions. ^ The
acquifition in 1.799 probably adds 15,000 fquare miles, and the population
fubjed to Great Britain ifr foppofed to hp 12 or 1-4,00a,000.1
The net revenue .exceeded three millions before the ceffions by. 'Kppoo
in 1792, computed at 400,000!. 5 while thofe in 1799 do not appear
much ta exceed half that fum. This great power and revenue :of ifo
diftant a eountryj maintained in the midft «^ a highly civilized $?reign
nation, is perhaps unexanipledin ancient or modern -times. ..
The Marattas are divided'into two-ftates:or empires, that of Poona
or the weftern, and Berar, or theeaftern ; each ruled by a number of
chiefs, or princes, who pay a nominal obedience to the Pailh'wa, or
Sovereign. An account o f the Marattas belongs to the-cenfral divifion
of Hindoftan. The Seiks, a new religious fedj firft appeared in the
middle of the feventeeilth century, and have gradually become fer-
* Sir William Jbn.es fays 30,060,060.. Is qpt this an orientalifin j
midable 'to the neighbouring ftates;Ï The Jats, -or Jets, were a tribe of
Hindoos, who about a century ago erèded a ftate around the ‘capital
Agra. The Afghans, arföïh'e-r -peculiar people, originated from the
mountains between1 Perfia and India.
Before closing thefe--general confiderations ■ with regard to this ex-,
tenfive country, it ma^ be proper to obferve that the name of f f in-
dbftan has been confidered as Synonymous with the 'empire of the
Great Mogul, But the power óf the Mongols, which commenced
under Baber, 1518, was .moft eminent in the northern .parts, tire
IDecca’n,5 dr,afourtiM'rettiaiiiing ^orrfubdhed till 'the tone fetf Aurun'-zeb,
1678, when tharrëgfon, with what is called the peninfula,-*' a few metfa-
Vaiifous and inaèbeftibïe, tfhds *Önf^^^<^pÊea|ywere either vanquished or
reimered;tributary ‘to-thé' thrbtié of Delhi.® - 'When Aurunfeeb'died in
"jyox ifi ,ms cfqto year, the Mongol empire had obtained its utmdft
ektbnt’Tfom the ibth'to the 33'th dëgreé of latitude, fahtSflt 175° Bripfh
and about' as much indengthr-lhe 'Revenue exceeding 'thirty-
two millions fterling, in a country where pnoyifions are .about four
■ times a's cheap as in sEngland. Thenurtiber of ms- fubjeds may be
.computed at about'.fixty millions. But-this great power-, declined fo
rapidly that,’ within fifty years after his death-,, it nfay be faid to-have
beep annihilated-, - and the empire* of the Great Mogul has vaniftied from
moderm geography.
The'plan to' be purfued, in the fubfequent- brief account of Hin-
doftan^ h a s beefi above,indicated as divided irito ,fouyparts-.| the regions
oh the Ganges, tbofe On the Ifidd^ttafe berRricaIïiatïd1,t ïi’CtiG|uthern.
In three of-thefe ’ diviftóhs the British .poffeffiotfe.are powerful,' if not
predominant; and it is. difficult to 'ConneQrtbspolitical.^ith|the natural
geography. Doubts may juftly arife whether the Britifti territories
ought not to form ^feparat&.aod diftind portion (in a ,perfpj,cuOiia/ar-
rangement, this, being another of the peculiar difficulties-which attend
the'geography of Hindoftan. But as. the grand; maft'of'the population
* IsMot this abfurd term of peninfula, which Major Renpel juftly Wanks, derived from-Guth.
1 .Rennets Memoir,.page lx.1.