D iv isions.
H istorical Geography;
Divifions,—Boundaries.—Hijiorical Epochs.
THE territories of the United States are claffed under three jgga'nd
divifions, the northern, the middle, and th.e fouthern.
The Northern States are Vermont, New Hamplhire, .Maffachufetts,
Gonneaicut, and_the fmall province of Rhode Illand. of
jyiain in this quarter belongs to the province of Maffachufetts Bay ; and
its eaftern boundary, according to tylorfe, extends to a river^aTledjp;
Croix, long 67° W. from London: while on the north whaVisffcalled
Albany ridge, which feems an elongation of the Apalachlah^mtfutitains,
divides it from the Britilh poffeffions; bjit thefe bduhdaffesT^ g « c >on-
tefted by the Britilh fettlers in Nova Scotia. Thefe' norMern'ftates
have been known, fince the year 16144 by the fpecial appellation|of
New England, and are remarkable for the comparative fmallriefs of
the fubdivifions, the five provinces being only of fimilar extent with 2
New York, Pennfylvania, or Virginia.
The Middle States - are New York, New Jerfey, Pennfyl vania* Dela-
war, and the territory on the north-weft of the Ohio.
The Southern States are Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, ‘North Carolina,
South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennaffee, or the country fouth
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