t h e w e s t e r n COAST.
J a l o f s , F o o lAHS., and other Tfifos— B f ti f rN ^ L p A N G d—-CONGO1.
* 7VN, this-fidq of Africa, ,fo far^as’jWtherto explored, w innumerable
V 7 tribes, as little meriting, particular dqTcription .asthofq of America.
The Jalofs or YQlofsWdiFoulah^e.the chief i***?,
gri and Gambia rwiriie Guinea, divided ipto the Gra*n prniore properly
Windward coaft, Ivory co*ft, and .Gold cQ,aft, clpeflyfupplies
flavcs,, a trade w^ic^..commenced in 1517 by a patent froin, ^tbe
peror Charles V, obtained at the l i s fhe .f^ed protestor
of the American favages! Hawtfns, the great navigator, was jhe-
firft Englifhman engaged in this commerce. The fettlements in, Guinea
are chiefly Portuguefe ; and the Caves'from the river Senegal are called
Mandingos, from an inland country W that, name j while tbof|from|he
gdlf^coaft are called KLoromantees and thofe towards Benin(gpes/
For thcfe flaves Britifh goods have, been exported to the annual' v^ue
of 8oo,oool. . . . 1 -
The countries of Brain and Calabar, which feem.to afford th^eafieft
accefs towards the interior, afe followed' by "other iavage ^ibe^-f^he
kingdoms of Congo and Angola are celebrated in Portugpefe narrations,
and preftSnt the ffloft mtereftii^rfq^s‘in this wide extent jO&temtory.
To the fbuth of thefe there is dfeep otifcuffry * till We a&it-e’ at fhefta-
tions or tribes called Great and Little Ne®akas,and Kaflers or .Kouflis,
on the north of the European colony of the Cape of Good Hope.
* Edwards’ s Weft Indies, 3 . 50. The fort* and faftories belonging to Europeans are about-
forty; 15 Dutch, 14 Englilh, 4 Portuguefe, 4 Danilh, 3 French. Ib. 53. With the ICoroman-
' t-ng Accompong is the fupreme deity far above all woribip. Affarci is the god of the earth, and
Ipboa of the fea ; while Obboney is the author of e,vil. Ib. 72. Among the more curious ani-
mals are the chimpanzees, in the face refembling negroes-but with ftraighthair. See Matthews’s
Voyage, p. 41- ’ - ; .
* From Cape Negro to the bay of Frfi> the coaft can fcarcely be laid to be inhabited"; but it-
belong», to the Cimbebas, a black, nation,, whofe king is called Mataman. Sail. Dir, p. 94.