voyage. -. Such;are often bound up together, in the
form of a narrow" oblong folio, and are llyled Nep-
tunes, Pilots, See. Thus the Eall Tndia- Pilot con-,
tains more than a hundred charts for a voyage to the
Eaft Indies, or even to China, including detached
charts oftjlre; ifles, coafts,' and harbours, which may he
vifited 'from choice or neceffity. In like manner the
African Pilot prefents charts necefiary for a voyage to
the Cape : and there are -Pilots for the Britiih coafts,
the=T3altic, Mediterranean, Well Indies, &c. Each
chart, may alto commonly be had apart,' and is often
accompanied with Sailing Direftions, as well as the
Neptunes and Pilots, in a detached oftavo form. The
.Dutch are-carelefs navigators ;i’knd the belt charts.are"
the Engliih and French. Yet the Dutch, in the fix-
teenth century, feem to have been the Firft inventors
o f the collerions called Neptunes, Flambeaux, Colonnes
de là Mer, &ë *.
• The moi celebrated French name is that of M.
D ’Après de Manneyilett'e, ‘ whofe Neptune Oriental,
or Survey of; the Indian Ocean, &c. is highly and de--
,fei vedly efteemed by all feamen. The charts df-Belliny
Engineer of thé French Marine, 1737— 1767, chiefly
relate to, the - Atlantic,’and their eftimation is prin-
1 eipally confined .to France. His Neptune General fills
2 or 3 thick folio volumes. Beilin-alfo publilhed a
rfmall maritime atlas, in 5 vois, and a feparate deferip-
tion of Guiana" and its ihores. His ■ Neptune Français
-prefents the coafts of France, Spain, England,/Holland,
& c f .
In England the and Pilots are always -com-
pofed of detached charts, by various authors and ob-
fervers. Mr. Dalrymple, in his zeal to promote geography
and navigation, has publilhed a prodigious
number, perhaps a thoufand; detached charts of ifles,
harbours, coafts, ftraits, fhoals,;.iSc(f. chiefly in the Oriental
world. Amdng-pther works may bè mentioned the
American Coafts, or Atlantic Neptune, by Des Barres,
1776, (too full of neology ;) the various Pilots publilhed
by Mount and Davidfon'; Murdock’s Atlantic
Ocean, publilhed by Faden ; Mackenzie’s Charts of
the Shores o f Scotland and Ireland, Huddart’s Chart of
the Weftem Ifles, Captain Rofs Donnelly’s of Fèrroe,
the Orkneys, Shetland, &c. 1797, ■ which may be
compared with Lowenorn’ s Chart of the Shetland-
ides, 1787. Of the Engliih coafts there are-various
charts, and it might be ralh to indicate a preference.
For the prefent purpofe it will be fofficient to commemorate
a few others. |
Arrowfmith’ s Chart of the Pacific, 9 Ih. and of
the Afiatic I (lands, 4 fir. The Indian Ocean, 4 (li.
The South Sea.Pilpt, 28 Ih.
* The hydrographic work of Dudley Doke of Northnmber-
Iand, Florence, ,1647, 4 vois. foL is not only curious hut of
£qme value.
f There is àlfo ’a Hydrographic Françcifc lately compiled by -
Débauché/one of the chief venders cf charts at Path, and
which contains recent French -,charts of mod parts of the
’ * Mr. Faden has Hfo publifhed feveral charts of great
reputation as: \
Parts of the Baltic 1802, from Nordenanker and'
Wybe. V Gulf o f Finland, by Captain Goff, 1785' 4
% Guff of Florida ^ Windward Paffage; Mal-eb
pina’s Coaft of S. America, :r8o2 ; Gulf of St. Lawrence,
4 fh. Guafts of Labrador and Newfoundland,
by Lane j 'Bay of Breft, &c. 1802 : with’feveral
~by La Rochette, drawn from the beft materials. .
Some valuable charts have been: publifhed by Laurie
and Whittle, fuccefforb to Mr. Sayer ; and by others,
fuch as Steel, Moore, Mount'and Davidfon, Gilbert,
Heather,’ See. whofe reputation can iojh-ly- be ’j^-fly
eftimated by feafaring men. "Even in a fmall (cplle6tioii
the charts of.feveraliflajids, as ther Azoijes^ 1 the Bermudas,
the Canaries, See. Sec. will-be found intereftiugv
The coafts of_ Spain, publifhed at Madrid, 1798,
by Tofino-, may be conficlered as an accefhon to European
geography ; and theffame laftrohoi-ner has given
charts .of •forae. paints of Barbary..,
Thefe--hints kmay fuffice for • the, geographical ft undent
; but- it may be added, under this department,
that there are feveral voyages,. chiefly publifhed in
France, profeffedly undertaken for the purpofe of'
improving , aftronomy and geo g rap h y fu ch . aid'The
Voyages of JBouguer, 1749; Chabarr, 1753; Cour-
tanvaux, ry68 ; Cafiini, 1770* ,; but particularly the
Voyage par ordre du Rot, by De ; la Crenne, Boirda,
and Pingre, Paris, 1778, 2 vols.; 4to. abounding wilh
important obfervatiogs,cwffMr have radically improved
the geography of feveral countries,. The Voyage of
| Kerguelen to Iceland, Greenland, Shetland, Norway,
~Scc. Paris, 1771, or • Am'ftr 1772,, 4to. may alfo, be:
mentioned in this clafs.
I t is to'be wifhed that travellers, inftead of overwhelming
us with ridiculous voyages to the Leyarari
would examine the geography of fuela! .countries as are:
little known, in which cafe they would contribute
infinitely more to the ftoresof modern knowledge.
Thefe few obferv-ations on hydrography may be
confidered as introductory to a^bnef lift of tbe^jfc'um-
navigations, and more general voyages, which- cannot
well be arranged urider particular countries. V
’ The Voyage of Magajhaens round the World, was
the firft, for it would be ungenerous t-o' deny the title,
becaufe that great navigator was llain in the- Philip-
pin?«. Pigafetta, who accompanied Magalhaens, ckew
up an account of this memorable voyage in Italian,
which has. recently been publifhed in a. fcLppdid manner.
But for general ufe the Ftench tranflation., Paris, an. 9,
8.VO., will be found 'interfiling./
The Voyages o f Sir Francis Drake, London, 1653,
m M wM |jJB g
Dampief’s Voyages round the World/ London,
1729, 4 vols. 8vo. including Wager’s Voyage.
* There vis alfo a journey to Germany by the fame author, to
examine the geography of the Palatinate, &c. Paris, xjy_6,;4\>Q>
Gemelli, Carre rds Voyage rbtmd die World. Na A ,
^9 9, 6 vols Hew. 4 Luve,. ,
I Horn fome domeffief u$s$nek T & t 'hk'1 i
wmed dh™, voleté ' feeme > now, adïnitf d*j ■ bms'blfè
iffe and a voyage- b o o k 1', A j j p W P W I uoffiffiSSihe vtoM®]
lo nge i a matter i f wonde:
? , W m M m ro«nd tSe vWo^ld.
Cook’. Voyage-,, ^ BNon, Poulook,
V aneouvs), 'BpU0ain,vilE', Ibi Peroule,
To (.lun’n tr tte < olk^i'ori. ,,f n
fr,1 W m Wm 1 Gentra^ d W I f
morp arimflWtjfan aerUrate,'-'!^ d ;
I as'ffie origiuaia t m t bvufist
O r h o f G iv in g i- tbe ufl’tit
- waa f illo^red by tlufi, of Rioiilio,
- Ha'Muyv and 'PureFas. Bergeion’, Guiio'islu(Hec---i!
taon appeared i6 p , <A. Kvo*y,.,epiIrit(.d at Ecydc,..,
1742, 2 vols. 4to. In
volute, v Inch was followed by two other-,.
1 y " t? n H Eftala, Madrid,-
* 796, &c. whith 4bVtls.;gVo. Tfie Deicrip-i
non of the XJUrtedHSfates.aDd Mexico-appeared in 1799.J
a°d'E01 tuguefe.books caa fcarsdy hs-
Ray’s Collea-ran-, 1693, 8vo Harris’s Colleftion
I aPPeared in voki fol being a good general
h.llory of voyages : it was afterwards improved by Dr.
Campbell, 2 vols. fol. 1744. r« | - . Stevens’s Cöllec-
K f ’V t - ,a- ;r i r ' S 2 ' ° 1S- 4fo' Voyages from
hH M | f TO]s W- ’ 745- CWlnll’a
rC *ol.l S1io n, 64 .V tl) ’,4 m vot l 7iin a’4 *n0c.w-r are and Avfatllueayb’lse,
I I7t 5-5, the ed,torrIS calM ©reen:;in'fomecatalogues,
r r ? . 3 -am of great learning and induftry. De
Brolfes Na igationsaux Terres Aullralra, Parts, 1746 1111 l t(W 1 ted IT C Hander, Edin. 1766, 3’
volstSvo Fbere are feveral. fi dkrn Engliih collec-'
‘ ,ons; bJ 1 mo.n* 2 f 01 • W- 1755- Guthrie, 7 vols.
■ b o 1767, &c &c. Fi j i -b Hawkefworth and
iv.lrrinjik ate in fupeiior eftimation. To which may
be added the re, e t -< lleftion by r>i. Mavor.1 In
* German is-the Sammhn&'C- a colleÖion of the'heft
and neweft travels, -Berlin, 1765— 1782, 23 'vols.
large 8vo. In Spamlh the Vtagcro Vniver/hl, dready
’ “ entioned t but this la-ft is rather ■ a hiftory .of voyages...
-■ ’ .
•Pufrefiioy m ntibns-a colleflion, Lon Dh, 1674 a vo! f t ,
(Churchill's) I vols..foi.-with , p X k f
I n d e x *