■ SöywAM;.
reddifh ku;aw.mq£ copper cQlparj.ljke^theïQther'.American tgiJ^a^Thofe
tQjwards the cqa$ j^pbhftes« whp be.m&^bqd iq a§ aü-xjl^|fe,&ttp
fupprefs a pegro_revolt,'tiQ&YOiired the hoches o£ thefjain.” , ,Our Jie'ne-
voient philofophers,^vvhp arguej.againft'.tha ^epnrence of" ca'nngjals,
might as well deny the exifteneet of favages; but nothing is more 'ab-,
fu-rd tharj a, wife ^theory ofihuman affairs, .which1 are neither wife. nor
t-heoMthcah ,- Thp,worrosiarh anothe^mhrltLrne tribei but'the Arrpwaka
are the molt diftinguilhed by éleganee ofform, and mildnefs óf qi^o-
fitioq.- They .believe in a iupreme deity, and'in inferior mafign fpirits
cal)ed Yawahoos. The'priefts or magicians (are ftyled Pefis,stbe.fQiffinc-
tion being hereditary.
There-are more materials for the botany 0f fGqianasegllei3:ed by *the
FreqchwDitch, and Englifh TeUners, than fpr4 any, ©the? paft öf -South
America ; and infconfequence. of the fwampy Toil and'motft atmofehere
of this re^oti, it prefents a vigour and wild exuberance of yegetatmn,
perhaps wafipUt parallel. All the nfual tropical produaiiphs, «Slept
thofe that delight in dry and fandy tra£t§, are found Igrfmïwpef-
fedtion; the. names and qualitiesof thefe, however1 we mall” not againlfe-
peat, but procqedjd the notice of thofe which are ,in®EqeprpperR ch'a-
Befides the .common. fp^i^^. 6^ p f ni^^tóeff;arp
reckohed alinoft peculiar .to this part of Am^fifajfbut which, together
with many other o f the,native plants of Omma., have*iiotgyet |fp.u.nd
their way into the Linnaean fyftem. One öf thefe, called -lihjajie^ka'rito
palm, is remarkable for its hard fplintery wood, 6f which the ffijall
poifon arrow's are conftradted. The other, the .manfeëïê- ■ spalm,
growk{orfly!rn the deepeft and moft fertile^ foil* vyhere4ti.a;ttaÉös|ïie
heighth of fifty feet, while its Item in the.tbickeft part -w fearcely
nine inches in diameter. - The annotta (bixa orellana) Teems to bB hfcere
in its favourite climate, as appears, from' its magnitude of growth apd
brilliancy of colour. The quaifia,whofe intenie bittetnefs is become of late
but too familiar to Englifh palates, and the quaffias imarouba, '^medicinal
drug of great' efficacy, are alfo natives of .Terra Firma j nor amppg
M Bancroft, z6o> |
D U,T C HTP 0 «SS E'S^iI'f) N S.
\the m^teri^S-,whjLsh^lbeiith'Ml’llBS. Srtt>d‘&rlwes ffrom thj^ cpuntryrAUght
we to omit the of the »finnqji, #U,, nut,j^be caffia
^IWyth&.'qo^'^^i^^li.^ps;. -ppuigaff^g^ e balfam of
G^fi(Yh,!aP4 ©gCgcuapfia., (Am'hi^bacqo^f pl^ipalled .tf^oji^a potws
h#tg, \yhojfq, le^y^Stiafi^thefjlaf^fl^ aa;y>yet-f(knQVfn.;*tbe|t)%wPR!
lh§ ground^' jaftd ,ha^^,;%enn,k;ni:og.’n to. ,attai nr*vt^jpll .f i,n
fbyr ftjirp$gfeet in -.wfjd th&: ,^adgmrahfe<* ^matp'-
ria^-jfqr, ^ppy^ri.^g^fijis ,f not , been fedta^w^ _ ,on,;;thfe country' in
yain,; moft kp||., the ■ shqti^, am^a^eh^ll
®?nl^»^eat& j withauHfirmuiring^rqjajrA The^fim-ulagly | gupi
cajled. ca^pmfipu^jis ;pi^)cJp,e:e^Trom a ^fimgg.,tj-,eer- in^bBdng.(Ffench
G^ajna/^aitd here d t^ u fe d for svejhdsjipf. various.jkiH;da' '.and for
torches.' A Tma-Wf^tree called ewuna ^ej’ds- a-fea^riloedms ';nht,;Troiij
which- the. (.IIIqwIt -pcafQn-.'pf the Ace^wau^ In'ci’ans-uis- -~prep'aredi
tbeneeitkin - th-ongh ' protradted inftrumtent feaMmiy ior re-venge.
Still m^^'c^ta^'becaufT narare.rapid, is the Ticuna poifon-,« the',dread-
ful dtequall nofcrthat«fram Macafiar: it, is cpidpared .from ^thehroot&'of
cdfctaih* elimbersi'cafed ^bhess, which inhabit Ufie ' entangled Torefts
ahe a worthy^^fhelter to'^tfitf pan*
thirsj^fh'ewfe^pfehks^ and all’ thofe monftrous 'and' abominable' reptiles
thaiglnerate-and batten in this peftSlential'atmofpliefe.
I" I ;
SOME account of the Peruvi^ns fias already!’ beenl^given, and the
hames of the favage tribes- of South America atefomumerous^ that
thly! ihight b:e hoiiflfed bjr 'hundreds. "Nor Fi^s ^ny clafTi&add^nM'et
taken place according to languages; when probably thefe numersus
B o tah y.