Rivers* has’only tö êompare■; Mr,Tufherré nïapfAf Msr route isn thebióuth oE
Tibet, with the fame country in Du Hakte’s map, to fee that the Jatter
is- ërtpnèoüs in almoft every refpeétjEas th e Gourfesiof the rivers, names
of places,' &c. &c, Such being the cafe, there is little room tar expert
- more accuracy; in the other parts. Antjuetil du f erron confidérs the fource
of the;Ganges as ftill unexplored ; and fays that the Ghinefe; miflionaries
only difcovered that o f ; the Gogfa,. or Gagra, a- large river running:
parallel with the; Gang® oh the eaft, and joining thsrrhdble ftreanv
above Chupra. Thelabours of the jpfuit Tieffenthafer' ha\fe little' il- '
luftrated this fubjefit, though they feem to evince that th e Gagra-
fpring£ from a lake called Lankcn, to- theweft of’ the lake of Man-
faror, whence one fource of the Gang® is füppofëd to flow/7 Tièffen-
thaler has laid down the latitude of the noted Gangontra,? Or Cow’s-
mouth in lat. 330, being a cëlébratèdTataraéi where MgiGangesp is &id
tö pafs through a vaft cavern in a mountain, falling ‘ihto a large bafon
which it nas worn in the rock. At Hurdwar, about two- hundred and
eighty mites to the fouth of the Cow’s" mouth,; (if this laft. he not a
dream of the fabling “Éiindöos,) the Gai^e^entérs' theï w4d®p&ms o£'
Hindoftanj and purfues a fouth eaft direction By the ancient‘*ei{y of
Ganoge, once the capital of a kingdom, by Allahabad^ -Benares,
Patna, &c. till dividing into many grand and' capaciouS inouths itform
an exlètffive Delta at its egrefs into the gulf of Bengab The extreme
mouths of the Ganges are interfered wkh ifles,; called the Sunderbuirds,
overgrown with, tall bamboos and other luxuriant vegetation, the pro-
fond haunts o f the royal tiger and other beafts of prey. On the weftern-
moft outlet of the Ganges,; called the Hoogley, or Ugli, Hands Calcutta,
the capital of Britifh Hindoftan. This,- and the mdft uiaftern which
receives the Eiirrampooter, are the wideft and moft important
Barra ra poot. The nobleft tributary ftream of the Gang® is-the Burrampooter, or
as. fey léd bythe people of ATam the Burrarhpoot, being the Saiapoo of
the Tibetans, The; eourie of this river, and' its-?junction with the
Ganges, were fitft afcertained fey Major Rennell, of,thé Engineers,f and
_ 11 See Tomé n. of Benioiilli’s Colleftion, page 35Y, &c. Rennell, 31 3 : tne Jêïüït’ s mountains,
■ of- Kelafch, i. iJo, feem the Kentais of the Lamas,
Surveyor- General in Bengal, ini .1765. This npble river runs for four
hundi-edmiles. through,the Britifh territory; and.; for the daft -fi-xty, m^es
before its junction with the Ganges is from, -four to five rniles^wijje-
On their'unionhelftw EusWfiW». thfty form;#»-hpfe;;pf .running -frelh
water, refembling a gulph of the fea,,.. interlpei&d wittidflands, fqme/of
whichl rival in fize. and fertility; par Ille of Wight. In the mouths; of
the. Ganges1, and; 1 the . MegfiatjL or; Burraippoot, the Bore ,pr. fo#en
influx of the tide feud r-rifej«ftaatape£jufly the height of
twelve, feet.“8 .Between' Bengal ...and Tifi$ the Burranjpppi^gaffes
through the, country*-of Mam, %rggjo/i. hit^erjto little known, and
vrhifih^ay he hf re hriefly^p%ibed.f c It is dgv^d^^w^^ar^ h y ^
river j the northern bping aafie^ptt|rcjul,; and,-j:he< foptI|ern. D acJh-1KPWJThe'mountainsiofDuiph^
dDanda dvy^pAfam.froipj^^j^ Afarn
is inierfedted by feve^al ftre^ama which, -ruri j i$ta fiwj^PP0-?'^
among which is yhe Donee in the fouth;, the^nykpns
fields,, grrryes, and gardens. Among the ftrofiujft? kj^ds of
variable fruits,- w-ith pepper, jjQQcpa^pu-tSjj fug^r,' and- gingeri.- ThefiJ^
W v* i -<.®f
northern, province,;Uttarcul,/urpaffesthe fpjltherp in^illage g j papula-
tfen; 'gold andTilver are faid to beyfound in the and
tps^urniCh employment to many of the natives,jg Th^ ^ndo^> ten®|.are
not known by the »generality, though there be4 fomp Bjamin^, and the
vulgar dialpdt fomewhat -rpfemble that of Betigah The Raja, ^or king
rehdes at -Ghargon, the capital, which,,,by this account, ftands On the
fouth of .the great river: it is, fenced with bambop|,, and his four gates
conftrudtecf-offtone and earth. The* palace," public f^ooh, &C. feefa
rudely to fefemble'ihofe of thb;Bi'rmbi|j* the nativfesyme a flout and
bravCim.ee ; ,and repeatedly foiled the ipvafiQns ,0$ thp,J%&uls..,
The courfe of the Burrampootus fdppofed to be nearly e«pal in length
to that of the Gang®. Thefources dPthcfe great rLver^are ftated .to
.be very near, yet -they feparate to» the diftance of more .than a .thopfapd ,
miles, and afterwards1 join in thmrtermination. - - *
The-moft important tributary ftreams whiSh^fw.ellthe Ganges are the
Gagra, alfp called Sarj00, (a great part of, whofe courfe,. like thofe of Gagra,-&c.
' «»-Rennell, 358. - " A f. Ref. «• 17^
M ,M. 2 the