P o l i t i c a l
I m p o r t *
tainly not for the better, as the love ©f glory, that laft infirmity of noble
minds, is a principle of the raoft large and expanfive -nature ; fomefimes,
is in war, deftru&ive ; but at other& the fource of every memorable -exertion
of human genius -and induftry. By the love of money the character
becomes degraded, the generous feelings obliterated, the very
mind paralyfed ; while the love df glory, like the vaft' mechanical force
of fleam, another vapour, -often opcafions exertions!that leem to furpals
human power. Such reflections- have unavoidably arifen to travellers
otherwi-le imprefled with' tlie deepeft veneration for the new eommon-
• Wealth. It is however to be hoped. and expeCted that this charafter
will not, like that of the Jews, become indelible ; but that, after ithc'
fathers have laid up a Sufficient flock of wealth, their^ofl^rit^Tralljp-
vert-thdr attention to more fublime purfuitss ‘ The war with thefc-
didns, -wMdNwght to have impreffed aft*America with & ;depje'fe«f|iof
the pdwer of the ftates, and which, a monarch of common- 'IpiritxyLquld
have terminated in one* conflict, appears to. have- been. palfied%yIndividual
avariee, and a complete 'negligence of national repatatienfl! ^he
equipment of a few fidgates - againft FrapceAvas alfo a mighty |effort;
and th&fom allotted for fix frigates fcarcely" fupplied three..|
candid obferver, and even the warmefl admirer :of the new, republic,
muft allow with regretthat its political importance earn only be -ytseighed
by pofterity. It is to be hoped that the climate and Toil of America
have.not that malignant influence over the human mind' which have
been aferibed to them by fome philofophers, and of which they adduce
an example in Spanhh America-, which after the firft and feeond generation
has not, in'three long centuries, produced One man eminent in
any department of peace or war, fcience or art: but that, on the contrary,
the new republic may be diftingutlhed bynames which.' Ihall
rival any of the ancient continent.'
*‘d Gtg’lkf- M H I f o •’ I
Manners and'-Cu/koms.^ — ,
Edifices.’«—Roads.—Wa^a ^tegattm.-^Ma^ffia&meshtond, C'ordme,fi£.J,rVl,
THE manners and'fihflems ^ t l | ^ nBabitmSradf tfey~ipHmr sVataa Ma
, mWe)bej|ppee|ved t^iff§r,^iltl^ftbm^riofl^bfUjcir 1 Iri'tlQi? J p c
ceftors,, except in a few focal particularities, to be learned from tlifl
cO^mfen hopksSf |t^y(el^-,pwhich-rhunctime*^^xplain‘ evuF the 'little
defers ,viub![e in partiGuIaanal^.,,T^yellei®Tua*eN^
HiilMelphi 1. a, y.;ant o f urlidnigfpapd aTpirit of coldftcVs and reftt \ ej ' ,
wh,icKjrender5- *fpcie?ty melancholy. In generaffthe' epmmoh'^ro&piC'
fh'dwtheh; independent fpirit by Turlinelk of- bcliaviopfVaha a cfpntem pt |
ox', tljat intercohrfe o f trMln||' civilities, which render Ufefjajmiafile.
Cafed teTelf^imfiortance^ fh ew ^m to think tftar{11''r ejmJ&lic ap
another name .for a.nlSarmadSlo. Various, rt 1 i giou s jup 6I:ntrei, minci off I
thejSof; yeryTeeent invention, feem to"'cohmiBe vvi t h .\ }u ^ ^ e ' o r
mpiieyJ* nr,.' in other. word&,f<cpm^^f^o^re,nm Throw*1sanr‘ Wmtronal
glooOT-over the character. One religions fe £fi^JM-jras\dopted dauem’g*
as a mode^of worfhip ; but a Frenchman yyould* tliink it1- the daffilf :df
St. Vitus, and would pronounce their mirth to be the height of melan- ,
choly. The gay feftivaIs$G£.the. ancient republicans,'1 and the cheerful'
and happy manners, of the Swifs, feem equally unknown; and the chief
bufinefs fee ms to be to render life as miferable as poffiblc. Munb^qlriit.
certs'are more frequented' than !||e thCa^fe^ arid in general 'thefe 'f0
little tafte for thbfe amufements which are conne&ed with the- arts and
feiences. In Tome provinces gaming. is faid'to be too prevalent': but5
the deepeft game confifl's in felling unfettled lands at advanced' prices :
a fpecies of flock-jobbing which, like a Mifliffippi fcheme, ftimulates5
die avarice; of many.*
* That cruePdperation known -in ’.tile,ifouthern ftatesiby- tlie name of gouging, isa difgrace to •
human natiircj and ought to be puiuftied with death.d 1
a n ............h h h i i ’ ©I*