P E R S I A.
Further tö the -N. the large river Afas, the ancient AraXes,^ falls^irito
the-Kur or Cyrus, bothrifingm ttó W l U Éröuntams.^purfutng
a eoürfè öf Itrfeme rapidity. - The. Kuf M l
other large fifhj and at its mouth are fevëral ifles» liable to be overflowed
in the fpring.5 . 1 . , .
- T tecentfririvefrof Pert»remain to be me«o»ed,.nm<l which
»reli.oitU.ftiu lhraly .teftr.«, but defer*» attention {tom their h.ftorxal
feelebrityo ' Ttie Zendentd rifer in thé weftetn cWu 'of El^eud, and
paffes b l ifpahan, bèyoM which capital its courfe .8 foopdoft td the
L d t this river feemato have been .be fecund Gynde. o f lte aneteum
Chardin.fcys that Abas the'Great, b y pieicmg t a e meuntai^.thirty
leagues from Ifpahan, drew, another «ream mta tfe-Zenderud, called
tehw oud Ker, ftom a deep fnbterranean Uke. Tbefe .»..fonrcesof
t h i s t i t e r are not indicated in the maps; He adds that t t a e are two.
rivers in The vicinity called Correng, which pafs through Chaldea {he
■means SfiBana), probably thedloh Alp of D’Anville* which p a fe,b y
S h u t t e r , which the Pcrftan monarchs ut vam aUeoipted to t»roduce
into this favourite ftream. . _ , . , ' vr B L
But the moft important river in this quarter is that which paffes between
Shiraz and Iftakar, or the celebrated ruins of Perfepolis, called the
Bundamir, and fuppofed to be an ancient Araxes. This celebrated
river flows into a fait lake calledBaktegan, and which atfo receives a eeta-
'fidemble ftteam ftom the N. E. called the K o ren f - B e t y n & &
two rivers a branch of the mountains of Elwend extends S. E-, on the
weftern fide of which ftand the ruins of Perfepolis. Thefe mountains,,
called Rehumut, being confiderable, and the plain of Merdaftit exten.
five» it would feeni that geographers have too much contracted the fpace
between the rivers of Kuren and Bundamir».
3 Go^fn,ib» 436- - - , i: , , . r. . - i
* See- his ancient geography, t M W | | | l
■ ' be Koh Zerde» or Yellow Mountain, from whofe oppofite fide . jffues. the nver of Ilpahan , and,
^ 4 8 7 ,, he IEappofe» the Kuren to U the river which the Perfianking? wjlhed.to turn u*o the
Zenderad- A h the inland rivers are unknown tb Ptolemy.
% This river La Rochétte, ih his elegant map of the marches, of Alexander,. fiippofeiwas the.
Medus,.and. perhaps a Mardus of the ancient»..
c h a p , m : n a t u r a l g e o g r a p h y .
Thelargeft and tnfeftlrfciinarkable. inland river is, tHe Hintpend. of the
province of Se^iftanj which rifes* from< tw©1 widely,Separated fources,
one i'n the ' mo'ft’ntains '*df Ga.ut,J a!; part of» the Hindoo Koh, and the
oth&rfTar’toiMra1S. frbni^tkef.ffibiintaM^^ofi@ebeiabad. b Thife flfeams
join not' fkr to dhe'E.^bf^iBoftY whenefe-'the'ri't'fefr^urfees a wefteriy*
edurfe, atid, 'a!^GWdirt.gTo'tT^<\cfcoAdt,'df'*©fterA very, foon divides into
marij/ branches,l^1vhifchi!Jare*' loft in h h e J cent'r&l - deforts ofl Eerfia. Our
geographers^ bn the 'cBlrtifary, fiip^bffe §tha£.' the,* HinnVend paiies by
Zaranf into 'the of“ Zereh.’ ‘ ^ Ifhde'd,|^6t h i repeated thahthe geography
of this'parf of Perfiads' ffillslli|ment^bly dbt@Srive>; ’ -
Aiftbhgl:'£h'e ‘Ialel'* of Peftfra the mbft ‘confiderable beyond all tom-» Lakes.
parifoaTs;the Aria Pains of antiquity. * This large lake is fhe-ifvefteral Aria Palm,
part of'tfre "proiMcebf Segiftany and is bailed ito the'Erencfe'rtiaps the iVJ“ ,;--
fhke o‘f'& rb ,'from a viflagdGf thatbamb diear its weftern extremity ;
but in the 'Eqgjliflr,1 the*' fea of l3ufraV '-from andther* villagehtuated > on
a river atj-the'^drffaticd of twenty mifefe-from the1 lake.* Thefe {appellations,
"derived from trifling" fources, might is'jWeMh be fiipplanted by
that of the^fea tif Se^iftan. According to^ftSf^thb length'is, thirty
leagues, by a day’s journey in breadth ; and ind waterds freuiand’full
df fifh. By' his account it ’only re c e n t the river qfT'lrah, or Parra^
Which comes from the N/E.; !]but perhhps''tM'£fa£^el!fef decides-kpori
a brief and hafty information', as not unfllfijal"f Ptdlemy,'!whb‘ is here
better informed than concerning weftern'Pe'ftiA, fflrilb errs -widely hi
the pofition of this celebrated, lake.
The fait’ late" of 'BakteganV' aBbut^fifty milei^Ef.' of Shifaz, receives, Baktcgan. .
as kfready mentioned, the rivers of Kuren ahd Bundamir. It is re'-
prefented in the maps as. about fortyJB. miles in length, and the breadth
about ten ; but 'the imperfeftion of Perfian ’geography affords fib further
' .. i Voyage en Turkie et en Perfe.' Paris 1748, .two vcls. i2mo. tome i. 217. ‘
- *' The name Zurra feems to be froin the ?yMage’^ f 'Corra,' or Gurra/ at the. weft end of-
fclte ^afcev:
,By • Ebn Haukal> Gent|iT|ry it ^ , .
travifldtlon, p. 84. The fame author, p. 206, fays that 'the Hihmerid rifes in Gaur 'and pro-''=
ceeds to Bolt, thence to the lake Z a r e h n o t b f Zafang,! as appears from p. .203, but by
Z Z 2 Ear