D. maintained till the beginning of the fifteenth century, the laft of feven-
tepn biifiops being named in.1406 : and-in that; century, by the gradual
Tncreafe of, the araigji9®,|t^e^lonyrApgejiF| tQ h^fe been qom^tely
impVifoned by the'mSzfenttd&n f whihArf tneVfeft aTau'ge'ofintpalTable
mountains and. plains, covered with perpetuaf ice, pWclii'ded ffl]|g€efs.
The andient letllement contained feveral churches and monhfteties, Met
namds and ’tbf t?[aqed; yp th^jnaj^^Tfefaeus;
from which "it would' feem • that the colony extended over about 2,00
miles in the S, E. extremity. On the weft fome ruins -gf eh^ehes. have
alfe ’been difcovered. In nnye-racent--times tb,e. weftern'ooafb was
chiefly explored.by Davis» and other Englith navigators ; but thete tips
no attempt to fettle any colony. A pious Norwegian clergyman,
named Egade, hayingfprdba^yc r^d-fcta b o ^ j c - p f in
if at fliouji >C€ouV&^t^ eMft.h «Ml &.
ftoffeJwhere he contxnueEtilV 1 y^preachin^ tlye gojpeljo
his ^ving
ri^l|The fed calleii 'Mprayjans . Regan ‘ thw^totl^ents |h;^y
y|»rs af|er^ being^q&iefly thole offffew
wfmd^^at tielIbuntry is Inhabited as far a f^o f; W t th e ^ M S .^
Moravian fettlements are chiefly in the S. W., though at one'timgWre
appear to have been a fadpty^, a§ fay nqrtfi aft 7A°vx The natives hav^no
conception of what we tedl 'Baffin^ fify that in thp®th of
their, country t^erq if a, narrow ftrait whipfedjyi^f;,
, of America.* *; | c..; b^jbtfc;
7 This dreary country may be fftk} to confift{,ef-irocfe§i(|c%,and
but ip the fpptbern parts there px<£ fppe fipall junipers, .jVyilliG,vy§i.^n,ci
bipeh. There, aye ,rein-deer, and fpipe, dc^ypffntbbngi ■.‘wply^
s^C tic, foxes., and, polar bears, ,, Hares, »ye qoip mop; apd $b®jWfd®W*
ahd five kinds of feals, frequent the,Ih$res.| Tbe biyd?> particularly $a>
channel-; bntthis is a doubtful tradition. See the valuable voyages by order of the French king
in 1771’ and 1772, for the illiiftration ; of various -provinces iri navigation1 arid geography ; Paris,
V fj$ , 4to. i. 264. ii. 244.' Some mountain'sofi&rfeeniandmay however be feen at the’diftanpe of'
forty or fixty leagues. Crantz,-v61.:i. p. 8. < ♦ ■ * ’’ 1 n j f f l i M E g a l 1
* y ir_ Pennant, A. Z. ccxcii. obferves that the Yarmouth whale fifhcrs, who proceed as far a»
Difeo- Bay, give no'intelligence concerning Baffin’s Bay;
in # water fowl, are tolerably numerous'; as are thc.'fifh ;l.and,-the iu- fitam itfin'1
fed&' exce.ed nlrfety. j
“■ "What is salted the^<?p-i#AwJf[l5{,ati-a<mat4ngt',^diige#ieiS’o^'’Me,'‘iai!i'the
nfOWh'3pf ah iftlk , tbfeif|)lfeh#or Of 'whichla*1 -{ftfikue# at th e ’diftailcC of
manyd'eagh’£s£?t It •ls'faidi't8i%ht'eti#!iifi ImagJajjffgehn: -arches fbl'i a’boat
twenty-four miles;| T h e fiioft Trimmer- is; very^warm; .but:; foggy..; »rid
fr'0'ft imfSke l»\irft§t#6iri7trayk7dri thC!feQze®: g)fc®Sn.’ :rii$hdb8�Nfe£
fh'Oi'iy WMIH®hgiib 1 ackf Haih, ''fmall fe'yesj -andlfiat a branch
ofitb'C SfMbrioS,* 'dr American Samoieds: it is fuppofedi tIlWt f they rd®> sndt
nowirix^gd fetf flUhib^r having beenMgttafly iigduicedsby
fife ftritH-pex. :6apoe§,; ’ in WMdh ionb I main ftifenee® tsm feftl tfeals,
arriM& fiffgaiftr ■ COaftjraCtion»' althl bays <foiietbm®Si‘bebhl■ waflftdilt:®:fa&'
as thn’Orkneys'.*"' 'The' higheft mountains are on the weft ’fide ; ■ and the
thMi'piuatles ©f what is calldd tic Stkg’s Hom are vifibte:.from; fea at
the'#iftaneo bf'forty or fixty'lph^i^Svsi‘ -Gfantz:oMrvss ?fhM ;tSie rocks
ate mepf fdlhdf«tefts» eommohl^ peipiendicukry and feldom:wid;#rtbS|i
half a- yard, filled With ipar, quartz,: talc; arid garnets. The , rocks, are
gsa&aMy rather vertieal dr kittle incllned^tcbhliftadfgi of gEa&iSe,, i,wit&
ftdihe'-and lapis blaiis. Ou*. atsthoEs imperftdb shttnOEafagy
®hiftusi;i coarfe- tttifebtey and friy^ifiise 3 with
iiflae^s^nd%tnlanfhUa,teyyfi»lS, stnd'blaidk fchorli lft;is Tasid thafPnatfe©|f
» fieW ^ b ftan h e , !-h»S bek£* Silently
tkfei^The'Tffeft; 'tlmnfpatent ftoh# df!©aitz. ‘ rThe,ila#&:JOl^4i#iQif^:n4-
gular utility in Greenland, and' the north of Americri^beirig. Ufed fof
landps; andi-fcfiftflary utenfife^: Thfe flat oonfifts *of unfertjWwS^; qHufaed*
The wihiter .is’’.wryi ftvere 5 »nd &fife fockshoft^n» bunftiby'the intehfity
Oftth¥fif6ft', ’ Above 66^ the fun doesfneft fet miitlle'-longeft- days» and
at &40 is 'n b t fourhours beneath tbeHorizon. jj;
'la b r a d o r .
T his large extent o f coaft .jyas fo named by the Portuguefe navigayof
who made the firft difeovery., , In the inland parts there were American. .
' \ 4 M 2 | | . | favages^ |