abbut two hundred .-feet high, on th^weft bank of the river Cos&s&fcut;
and in the fame pro4ince is a curious ftaladtitic cave, in wbit%; after
a defeent of'. 1-04 feet, ithese, opens a ftwci«}» room- about acieet in
'breadth, and 100 in length, with a circular hall at the further end,, at
the bottom of which boils up a deep fpring of clear water. Rattlefnake
Hill in New Hampshire prefents a ftakaitic cave ; and near Durham is
a rock fo poifecl on another, as to move with,one finger ; a natural remain
of a ruined hill, though in England it would be called Drmdical
The rivulet in Maffachufetts, called Hudfon’s Brook, has, e x i t e d in
a fantaftic manuka larg^rpck of white marble.* _ The fall^pfthe
riv,er Powow, in the fame province,, ^p^t^only curious in the©-te|ves,
but prefgnt many gfotefque mills, and o|her iftonUm^ts/rf |i^u|ry;
and a fimilar appearance occurs on the river Pautukit in .Rh%d^.Ifiand.
In Gonneaicut is a cave which was for fome time the retreat jrfgfhaley
and Goffe, two of the Judgei of Charles I : and 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
is another, rendered! remarkable by a humourous adventure;o»|eral
province of New York a rivulet runs under a hill about^venty
yards_in. diameter, forming a beautiful arch in the rock;.andlhere |
a ifala&itic cave in which was found the petrified fkeleton of a laige
fnake. The falls of the Mohawk river, called Cohoz, are more remarkable
for the width of the ftream, than from 'the height of the
defcenh There is a beautiful cafcade in Fayette county, Pennfylvama,
over a femicircular rock of marble.7 In Pennfylvania thete If
feme remarkable caves, one of which Membles *• church vTith . pfilars
and monuments. In the territory on the N. W. of the Ohio| the
favannas, or rich plains, extend for thirty or forty miles without any
tree* they are crowded with deer, wild cattle, and turkies, and jrftea
vifited by bears and wolves; but this diftrid M chiefly remarkable for I
a n u m b e r ©fold forte,-of ah oblong form, with an adjoining tumulus,
or tomb. As the Mexicans have a tradition that they pafled f rom the
* The fmallfandy defert, about five miles in length, near Race Point, which has overwhelmed,
a foreft of trees, alfo .deferves mention. 'Morfe, p. 316.
1 Imlay, 3°4* 6 north,
north1,- tfifte1 Tpr|s fetgafffilfof :fheif -fijlf rfefldence, or I
there are'sfaid t p feafeM anWm^s^odctfr Hi Mm*
gi^tef-'llkrlicuiaS^'-t h^t^I^rbladillm^jc^ diftlffirN.
Blue ii|dgf^,
blowing,y$.Yei emit-s^a tU1 tflpfiy
W^fetr. Natural brit||pi^9:f^Mwpf-andwftdki4^^^1®®tV'^bgfn'g
u fook tooseied i\ithToihand%fc,ets\, ^terpfs a eshafin, appeani^Wfiii'e
beln^ipened in -the $.outrfe of ages b) a brook, \which now runs.tfee,tv een
'fffisMivd j$llip$\hun<h<.d feet ,hem.atli: ^TIic bieadtli of tjBSjpbftrd^
abpqiufixty-^feeC y>and the of tllyu, nxa^ abouyffoit).“ ri he
rock 5s^n\hflq§!e, whicfi^elfily Waives by tnfe atoiifen^fef^Jgs. wfi-ence
; » W'U^ber of cav^jis/ki' tj&t£ kind of -rock, \yhiffiftTii pfc ghmific,
M argifebeonB t|^y JTfrely occur«. In Kentucky the banks of the liver
foil^BdV^hSifSf Dick’s-river, are fitmetimbsf fodMififindfed, feet in
hi|pfof limeftone, .or whitefBurble ; and ther,§^|lajd 4 afSe|eaverns
ojf^ome ipfptan length, thus rivalling the.txkbi ifed cate fhfiGh-.
riAih.’ The territory on -the'" fiMffi^ofitnp Ohih ,^Tenha||il|prefents-.
a Remarkable ledge of' tocks' in the ‘ Gu'mberlahd > mpunlafiis, ''about1
thirty Whiles in length, and two Kupdfed ’feet thVck; jWith
pen3|e|tlar face to the §hsj|i The •whirl is‘| tn,©fi^gffpd ’than the;' ‘<
irffijraon of the Patomak th^opgh "the Blue,ridge 3 |$fe Tjshnaffee,
whhijy-a few miles above is half a mile w i d e , h u n d r e d
yards, and its-way through thk outer'Mjdge; of jfie Abalachian^
forming a whirlpool by ftriking againll ,a large rock. Jmfkorgih|fhek ’
chief curiofity is a large bank of oyfter fhells, njnetylsmiles frdrfe\^k
fea, to.which it;-runs nearly paralpf:, if' the' jriveMf^^knnyh n^Ver
paffed in' that direction, it is probable that the land has gained, fo far
oh,the; ocean.*
8 III Mr. Weld’s travels there is a print of this fingular bridge, which is not only curious but
°f'’great; ability.';
* So late as the year 1771 there was an excellent harbour, which might receive one hundred
fhips in a good' depth of water, at Cape Lookout, North Carolina. It is now entirely filled -
"P> and is folid ground ; Morfe J39 : but it is to be wilhed that he had more enlarged upon fo
incredible a.circumftanee.
T h e