- I nland
• SlAS*
Hudfon Si
ten degrees wanner; never fparkles in.the nfght; and'whe#4 t'arrives
infeeol latitudes produces thick fogsy, The trade wind, or diurnal fea |
breeze, is from the eaft, and its collateral pointa,1 with little intermiffiOn,
for nine months of the year! - To the fouth of the g^lf ^jddods jhe
Bay jqf Honduras, well knqwn in the annals of Englifh commerce.
The Caribbean fea may perhaps more properly be confidered as belonging
to South America.
Srhe oppofite fhore prefents-the gulf of California, which, 4eems an
eftuary of two'Wge rivers* f The jealous ïïïencé of the Spamard&cqn-
cerning their American poffefRons affords but few matenaVfhr a pro'per
illuftratiori. of their geography. The gülf of.Sf. Lawre|ch‘is the well
known eftuary of a river of the fame name, generajjy frozen,frbm December
tq April. This noble gulf i/clofed-by the ifland ^Ifewfound-
land, and bÿ nùmêfduâ fand-hanks, particularly what fs" called
Gréât Bank. This celebrated fifhing ftatiÖn Is more than ?jfei miles in
length, by about 140 in breadth; the water being from f2#‘tcffeb
fathoms, with a great fwelT, and frequently a thiok^fag. The elief
fifhlry Begins on thé 10th ofMayi and continues till the eij&Wj&p*.
tember, the greateft number of cod filh, taken by a fingrMherman,
being twelve thoufand, hut the average is feven- tfmufand r ihe'Argeft
fifh was four feet three inches in length,"and weighed pbih&ls.3
More than 5do Englifh veflels commonly' fifth omfibe-bahk ;> afidfpe
number ufed fometimes to be equalled by that ofrtheJFr&ach, who had
formerly a fettlemenl in the neighbouring ifle of Cape Breton. W
There are alfo great fifheries on the banks which lye off thehoafts of
Nova Scotia, particularly on that called Saddle Ifland Bank, or rather
from the French Sable, the Ifle of Sand, which is in the fhape of a bow,,
about eight, leagues in length, with a narrow pond of fea water in the
middle, filled.every tide.by a narrow inlet.
Hudfon Sea may be, confidered as extending from the entrance of
Hudfon Strait, to its weftern extremity, that, is-from long.. 65° W. to.
long. 93°, or thirty degrees of longitude, which in 'lat. 6o.° will be
900 g., miles, or about 1050 Britifh, exceeding the Baltic in length «.
welhas -hreadthi Thethoses, are.,g é ^ e y a l l ^ d precipitous, and Island.
tbie .^litpate almoft -M?l^>perpet-uaha|^^f^wAnl^jh'haïh@^fw©athert in -
brief.ithougEviqleti't:,“f, |^hig(feati|^^i,rffudm abundkbbW>fiii,>
bu^'Ahe' common wh^g®,j|®usnd ; jj ajnd. thj^Bélliga, is
takeu'rinftyonfidurable number'® An.- Jrihè; * .v^hfjhfcthei rivers in»ieh^plth
have' dffchiS^ged'ftheir|^»^E^tge ft^f/aps, -are ..-alfof qa.ijtght-f, .npr.j''
Albany ?S.hell .fifh,.are_iextrem^yt>jay,j.homm(^^mjufelq!^gfanp;ihp^ff^
»Thftfkrgi^.tracfc 1 of'.territory .or^^étfo.nth^qéf thi^förisjthé i
propqfflv of thp^Hq^fa^js J|ay;,Company,. -yvhofe ,4,xiklfefepFi^irs> are d&j
rivejd .jfiynnx- fu^s^^^&-ffe|i^^hi^Ilti?^p^atedlyïeixplared for a ,'
parage, -perhaps as ditt-lf, tqybelexpeiftqd4. as .a^piff^gfe^om^thq .Baltic. ?
in^.thé A&9:ite|Oeeany orythe* .EuxAne. Cheft^i^elduInlej|As, a Singular i
ftr^j^ffetchr^/ai t% tlfe weft, but^termmates in-'-a1 fnaghlfigCtit'> lajip.of
frefb&#?atéF,\ communicating, with, .this fea by fjfhiats may|b^^(lljp afh
broad! river; thé adjacent land, beingftevel,' rich-inpaft-uris, "akd^hou'nd-
in§iwi,t*h deer.* .But it is-probable that iti E. > Hudfon- Seai«©pensintps
t-Kb> Aiétic Deccan,-, where the .perpetual 4©e,-prefents.,a '.Complete* \
bansggto commercial-mews..
TheïrGulf, OB^Seasof Davis mayi‘bèïnpnJfidéred.a;sipart.of tfre> Sea of ’Dav«
Hudfon;- and probably'joins the Arétict ocean.- Wha^ jso^lléd-Bliffi^^':
Baft§§*"laid down as extending from 46?>W. long. ,t# ^ 9$y0iichf'fó{>A '
pS)A^-the degreeunly 16 g. miles, would yield.a.length oftyó$lg. mile's'; 1
ap|jtbe breadth omthe weft-fide ^ueprefented asllhtlèiinferiör..' As>this £
feg|ia perhaps wholly imaginary, 5this- unnecefferyI ’to enlarge i-om-thê-i
fribjeét r'and it flialL only be obferved that .the.. vlefb coaft-ofrCrrienland -
hj|| nét been explored beyond.lat. y2°;ior..Sanderfon,s4H'©pte^'a®,dtaaa^ofd^
D^nifh fettlement called Gperiaevig., S' Imfhpïmidft* ofi Bzfffinl's ;^ay .rh&'ny -
maps prefent.a large traéf! Called-James; 'Ifland,|>v?h'ich perhaps is a pro-
montory paffing from Greenland.*
As'mithé'ïgeneral defeription of Afia ndt only the Cafpian SSfei; but*'
thcifejoÏ Afal- and Baikal have'-béemcbmmemorated^riunh^Vèft' lakfesfc
above-mentioned,' may here be confidered as detachfed inland feksl
4 I’Mnant, c^xb*-. È i
* It is gather .a large ifle in the north of Hudfon Sea,, laid down from crrpneousLobfsr—..