T owns.
On the wide and frozen Lena ftands Yakutflc, with fome ftone*
churches, hiit the'boufes'are moftly of wood, and inhabited chiefly by •
Ruffians, as the Yakuts are fond of a wandering life. ■ Leffeps fay s that
the Lena is "here about two leagues:' in width,, (though about. 709 miles -
from its.mouth,) impeded with ice; and there are only
a few fmall barks, chiefly employed in Applying the town with pro-1
vifions. Ochotfk, on the fea of the fame name, may be-rather: re*
garded as a Ration than a town.
There are feme mamda&ures, particularly in leather; at Aflracan r
and fait is prepared there; and in feveral other places inuAfiatie^ Ruffian
Ifinglafs is chiefly manufadured on the Acres of the Cafpian, from the-
founds or air bladder of thc-fturgeon, andtbe beluga, Kaviar is the falted7
roe of large fifh. There is a confiderable fabric of nitre, aBoUt ^o -rmles
to the north of Aflracan; but though aluminous earth abound near
the Argoon, and Yenifei, yet-it is alinoft hegleded: The. Tatars’ and'
Bafhkirs make felts of a large fize, fome of which are exported. The.
Ruffia leather is chiefly fabricated in the European provinces, beihgf
tanned with, willow bark, and afterwards flamed, ^hagreen JO # - *
“pared from the hides ’of horfes, or affes, but only a particular part pf
the back is fit for this purpofr; and the grain is given with' the hard
feeds of the greater Orach, preft into the leather'while pioift.8' ’ Pitch'
is made by the boors from the pines of Siberia. Near the' Orahan.
mountains are feveral manufactures in iron and copper.
The chief commerce of this part of the Ruffian empire conlHfs in.
fables, and other valuable furs, which are eagerly Bought by the/
Ghinefe, who return tea, filk, and nankeen. That with the Kirgufes'
confifts in exchanging Ruffian woollen cloths;, iron, and houfehofd. articles,
for horfes, cattle, ffieep, and Beautiful" ffieep ikihs.: On the.
Black Sea there is Ibme commerce with Turkey, the exports being;
furs, kaviar, iron, linen, &c. and the imports wine,, fruit, coffee,.
• Tooke’s View,, iiv 531.
. filks,
filks, i$ge. ^ In .the;' trade op the^» Cafpian the ‘exports are the fame ;
but the Atom- chiefly filk. . The principal Ruffian harbours are Aftra-
can, Gurief, and Kifliar, near, the mouthtrbmneMTe'rek, but the beft
haven is Baku, jB'ele^ing to the, geEfi%n%‘. "The Tatkrs, on the eiaft of
the Cafpian, bring the products of their5^dsphtry, and of Bucharia, as
cbtton yarn7, furs, huffs, hides; rhubarb; but5 the Chief’ article1'is raW
filk, from Shirvan, and'Gffilun,heri’thewefl‘©f the Cafpian.
C ommerce.