appendage of New Guinea, ’andq^h|eh$dhy Maccswn account* ^produces
fago, n o ||fp^ ,; / fh f j ifles-J ofj Banda, fallow,fr^vith Am^qjyna, Geranj,
B,ourq? &c. - Mr. Paqna-at ;ne^t dsfcri^e|i|i^'Mqi'ucca mauds," including
iQfsfe?-’ ' iflan4h&££. pn thq pare of Pafatfikop
.J^S‘Wi § rt4neai whichfoHo ws ■ with-.fom'e -other iflgs ;fi. and^after.djeferibing’*
PhW', Britain. and jj Nfety * Ireland, Tie; agaih^tu-msj, , I f jtHe h i- 1
geriioua author had’Xeduloufly endea^ctor&T'tU. fe^qer confufiom. mqre.
confufed, he could not have Showed a, oetJCrpldhbut whafprecifibn,
caq tJiere.Leun^thq' gepgraphy o f thefe regiplns, in wljich a. moft able
and intelligent writer has been recently To much.bewildered ?
An (iafpedtio'a ofr-the - maps* and'charts of thisi-parfc of the-^lobeiWill
fhew thah'a-igi%at chain or idands^ehnneiTed^wim W-u'dh proximity, ex'-:
tejid^ tfr.Qm- &unatra N .W . to Lactal or _Lachalr Si' E*. ‘Tms chafnrlif-
clu^dis-SiiBiatra^ Java, Balli* Sumbava, Florez, and Timor, db'tsfe chiefJ
iflfes ; with SumBa in the Si, and in the N* MaduraJ ^ilhton, Banca^&c.
This chain, diyided' «End diftinguifhed .by, the^Land’’o f natj^e' might
eitfiqr be .termed the Sumatran iflands, from the’.chief or, the received
name ofTfles oFSunda may be extended and reftri,dted toJ'|h'is group ;
whiclir befides the ftrait fo called^ nrefents many other1 ‘ fohpds or
palfages* from the Indian ocean "towards, the Pacific and the-Ghinefer
fea. i . -
.Borneo, an ifland of yaft extent, fhould confidered aj belong-
ing.-to any .group,;, but thefmall ifleaarqphid;^pay be termedstheflor.-
nean iflands,^. as the Soqlpos; Pulo Lamt, Anamba, Natuna..
. ; The Philippine , iflands . may .already he. regarded, as t-he moft re^
gular and precife 'group-in .thefe, Teas, including the B,afliees*. and
'-ether; little groups in 'the north* -and'. Mindanao and PalaRr&t in
1 Xbuth. . j
• ; sThere remains the large ifland ofsGelebe?* which may be- oq^(ider,ed
as grpuped-with, Shulla,- Boutan* Salayar, and., the whole may be
termed the Celebezian-‘ifles<
The Molucca iflands* an ancient and venerable* name*, are properly
only five: of imall fize, on the weft of Gilolo ; butdtvfeems- proper to*