'N O R T H AM E R I C A ,
1 puffuing the arrangement of -topics, herU adopted- In the general Om
Bfciiptiotei öf a -continent, thé firft which) occurs is the ancient popula- •Pop
lation ; but our knbwl e dgé' of the American languages is fiiilfp imp er- ' I
fed-that the fubjeót is.involved in great .doubts. None of the native i
nations of - America difplays :th;g Imalleft trace of the: oblique eyes, arid
: other B ia r k a b fe ^ g r e s by which ^W^nbabitörtts. of ëaftern Alia are
■ diftinguifhed. ' Far from' this, PalUs, Eeflèps, Tooke, and other :fkilful
enquirers, have pronounced that theiTechuks, and Koriaks undoubtedly -
•proceeded from America,, as they have not one Afiatic lineament; *
: It3 h to-be et-ted-thafj^nekhhöï#NtoStk;.4.no|?&quth At|eiicaphhve
tK&dangriages beem'iprppared,. anal^^feridthl&iièd^Éyfös been-d'SsJe * '
'wiftó^gahddo^h'è'num^fila^p^Wp^pfèüÉ^a^Ohift&ï 'Moftce,
inftéad- of folid knowledge, we^are ovhrwheM^with pMty riiftJn§fi$g's,'
> a’fid mimes' without idgls.,. iOpon one poinf?only "do dhit&Mgate)'rs;‘feem
“pH ^ r e e ^ Obit - tire fiééólHy 'and hdpiéèqpdfa^i®'the furtheft north,
'caflèéh Ilkimbs by the German lettteiójïapd »‘lit >m*dTq o£: ;
fuelling Ëfquimaux, are the famèrdcë'With the'SanfqiMfof Alia-, 'arid
ESFanders of" Europe/ Thèfe, with the«3 Peruvians ;and?%fgxfcams
Dr, Fbrfter 'cKufes tbcoïffidera's ffrarigds"-wh^d*H^’êt‘ittded ^ |
The' curioris-queftion 'concerning the* population of America can “obiy
be'duly examined' after thé various dialè&s nave ,h‘een' cdmpfafëd With
thq|e oF Africa; fb'r to thofe of Europe, ^Afia^ffle^cê^Énly be’ir
noTeibmblaijce. To trace thé Jjopulation Trdmhthe* ripfth dr Afiii-%l)t
to mention thé pofitive‘c'ontradidiöri pfFa£ts, w'o'iilcf be drTffXne'léliary
reftridtion of Ihe ’fubjedi^'as the progeny ‘ of rorèola a latitilcK'i^wêr
found ^rare, feeble, and uflenferpMingf while **’ irpw^nonlïÖWfcl:iie
prokimily of Africa, and the manymoriper colMreÜ nations'which ahe
there to be found,'there' will be little reafon fri1 hefitate|êbriêdnung the
progréfs of the Africans to America, as well as'fö'Nëw TtolliSid. * This'-
refoufee alone remains j' for' i’f ,hash already '-beèri' feèntMt thhriari^tige
°f the Malays', 'who extended*themfölves lo'far tb'the éa!ft óf Afi'tf^'hl's
rio connexion with that of the Americans. Amidfl: the woriderous
dreams of antiquaries it is furprizing that none has attempted to prove
VOL- »• ** 2 3 z S that