,-KXTirffn “NAME'S OF PLACES. . • » P i SE gKEH5. ' ■I I . ■V H ,»»| WTOIc •
_ { ' ' * . . 1660. By Governor bayle.
South Carolina. - - - - - \V . By William Penn, with a c o K # of Quakers.
Pennsylvania, . ' - E reaed intoafeparate<govery meitt;"We|before
North Carolina. 1 -------------about 1 7 « . by M M , ,
' . - ' - ' _ . . 1702. By General Oglethorp.
~ ; - 1773- By Col. DanielBoon. '
Kentucky,| - - - - “ B t Eimgaarite froHiie.onne6fcBt, andiotWparts |
Vermont, * - ‘ ' ^ fg ^ e v v EngJa.n*^,
Territory N. W. 1 . . yygy. By the OJt^and «then coppyues, .- ƒ
of'OMorivef’ ^ J -
Tcnnaffee otrthe St: LG
; aorf Eoe.ennttuucciks.yy.. |„ -__ - •
Havfagthus mentioned th&.pfOgre(s of the EngUa. H
Mm„ely conneaed with the « g | ttf | « | M §
cefliry briefly to ft*e thevpochaMl»*» other rummtaUe drfc#e,^
ratheTnncwLaed withtheTrSttkments. In H B H H H
experienced navigator, viflted the wfftem
pteed the narrow fea, abfurdly enough called Davis s E H H H l is
aawide as the Baltic. 'On another M ¥ proceeded B K 1
the ill and of Dilto, and the op.pofit?iftt>res.®(.(^rfan_d>| « . 1«
named London coaft. He alfo difcovered Chimherlandritrait j , « 4 °a
the whole the-three voyage* of this navigator are of great conft™e,nce.
His furtheit print of difcovery spears to h a y e b ^ ;^<^foi>J |o[^
Ja,.'7a», whince turning to the wett he way impeded hyUjgls of
‘“ in 160?, Hudftn made his firft Voyage; and IS fald||, h J e Proceeded
along the eaftem coaft of Greenland as fat as lat. M B § f
E l f not above lat. 8op, of the furtheft extremities of Spitzbergen. |
On his voyage of 1610 Hudfon difcovered the ftraits whtch bear h:s
name;'and that inland fea, approaching the Baltic m fize, which-ha J
however been called Hudfon s Bay. ( _ ■ |
In 1616 fome public fpifited gentlemen feat Captain Bilot to attemp
N W paffage. William Baffin failed with him as pilot : and his
the moft Angular in the whole circle .of .geography
Ear exceedingthe utmoft ftretch^of Davis, they difcovered Horn Sound,
9 aeeiBorftcr’ s Voyages and Difcoverio in the north, p .J$ 8 , &«< . C ^ c
Cape Dudley Diggs, Hakluyt Ifland, Sir Thomas Smith’s Sound, Cary’s
lilands^ Alderman Jones’s Sound, and Sir James Lancifter’s Sound;
all o f them totally unknown to fteCeecTO'gjnavjgator.
Baffin thus pretend^.ftKalllhe -fhad,;in ah.idnkpd tang^u narrow'fea,
(which, to increafe the abfurdity, is laid down in our maps with all its
fhores,' a matter, neverhefo^e m@mpt>ed,fi;pip a firft and ifaperfedt vifit,)
proceeded to the latitude of more than. .78?,: while Captain Cook, the
moft' fkilfui of moder.n?, n a m g 'a f o r s jn w i e j^ f e d in the'opep
ardtic ocean, and Davis himfelf was flopped at 72°, in ,'thji^very, ma^
fimpofed ffajbftjiihnd , ’>it, is&prpbably onJ,y part of thapocean. ] It
is further remar^al)’tei|hatvtHi&y^yage|^,j5eFty- imp eifedt 1 y>kn0w®»fr6m
Baffin ktelafifito", puffirfhefl bycPurpfias-1 ^alpd^l^flic^rfsianft’ map's of
^nBpetet^de^yl)a']K h a^ fe g ji n>£rely laid down from die.obVJfvafifibs
contained idhIns’joujGnal-* .fpr|iftBa:ffin a id e , any?cfaatt.iti^asptfot pub-
liffieffidjjy Purees. It is iperhapi,,^qi|a|ly rem.arkalil'iM theft! no. 'doubt
feema ye t to have been entertained concerning the exiftence-of Baffin’s
Bay j!-whiles it rst!not improbable tfiat>,h,e yne'reJy^a>J),Qldj 'impctftoF,
ymo.wiChed t©irectjmmehd himfelf taffirsdainploycit,; telie picti;nuc‘i»i'
hayingrimpoled their nambs^ on grand- and. importanEfe^tnre^df .-n'afltte,
and’ hyi hismumemps Sounds, to have laid a' ffifepxa’fdftf ^nawln-gi. pran're
mdnly (from 'Iris' pfOtedfors,- for the inyeffigktio’Bi• fft’- a • N." W .5: paftk'ge®
Yet^P*%ouldlfeem that ftrong- ddhbts'^ prevai^'dien at t fe lf f ie , 'for
thefd'fuppofed difeoveries were entirely 'negl'ldted1-/ ’ v
^ffieifing'that Baffi^s^BayWeld difthiu^plfrom ourm^psl^itIs'prov
;jfj§BKhat Greenland is’ a, continuation ‘Ic^^^»iMSent;,[%nd fpreads th
tfeeAyl^ibout lat. ^ 5 ° or it may ’befffie|^^f.nlann|Tike Slew
extending towards the pole.' The general line o f the ardtic fea in this
quarter, as feen by Mr.Hearne 1772, .and Mr. Mackenzie 1789, is about
lat. 70°; and it is not improbable that at a ! liftle higher latitude it
coalefces ’with what is called Baffin^bhy ;. in which ’cafe Greenland is-
a detached land, and the country on the north of Hudfon’s Bay confifts
of feveral large iflands in the ardtic ocean.
II The