fereaee, and an: ibme upl^esrtEveri ihrles f wide; jfprink|ed wi A ^
feveral dflefe-and^fomc -penmfulas',' being a-grand- recepfcftdeAf *he" waters
m<t^t Olympus.*-' .tThe largeftifleis" about Aree mff^ia'c^chMt,
and is called Abouilloua, probably fr'qrn the ancient -name-of Ae b%
which, flood on it. About miles -.to' the N.’ E. was the lake’ canted "
■ Afcanius by the ancients, nowthat of Ifnik,
Many of the mountains o f Afiatic Turkey deferve p&¥fiMliteV&tten-
^ion, from their *apraent-ce!tebfit"y. - The fir'll ranMds’chie tot-tire' TSniian
.chain ©faht^ity»:which was confiderediasreitendi»g-ftom the neigh-
bbhfbned 6# the Archipelago" to- the 'fburdea t^ e x -
-tremitieS of Afia, fo far as difcovered by'the ancients. ■ But this- fiction
litde acids'with the defcriptions Sf iAxtern'*ravTtlfersf;;©r #,eWfeS^e'h€s
of recent geography; and we might perhaps ^ i th ^ 1 |^ T O c e ?|iffer
that the Carpathian mountains, the Alps,jand theT^reheAs bonftitute
one chain. Science is equally impedetfbyjoihifig-^aPt^gHf
“divided, as’by dividing what ought tc^wj&ned. ■* The* CaifcMn
mountains hiiye been well detinhiteAby the1 Ruffian travell'&l^as^frHi.
lug a ratige from AFmouA of the river Cuban,
1whefe'theiiiyef Rut enters the Cafpian, in the*tef E. ' ‘THfe^dS^Si^
intelligende is dubious and defeaivfe; but* it wbu® feSto f^atflHVe'-
'feknblance-oF the'Pyrenees,-a chafii^erfft^frtfm CS^Hti'W'W'MWa:
the bay o f Scanderoon.' This ridge Teems the Anth "fmrus' bf1 anth
qnity : but various parts of it were AnoWn by difJlV®tit^Sffiesf _ as
marked'in D'Anwille’s mip^bf'AlkT^mori" A r t § %
Ae Cadcafus other chiihs braiich put into Perfeaj which'|hhy 'pervade
from N. W. to S. E., l?ut they may kfa"'be'iuffl^ J^ff8eiecf!as•■ ‘t£rfhi-
nating in the defarts of the fouth eaftefn part of feffiaVhf.as baling fo
imperfeft a connexion with the mountains off^ndqb'feoh, w'hiA fupprly
the weftern fources of the Indus* that it wduld^e mere Aeofy to’ regard
them as a continued chain. ”
Eardefs.can they be- regarded' as an extension of MoniTaurus, which,
on the contrary, terminates at the Euphrates and defarts of'Alglzifa.
Qf this Ae andents were aware ; and in their fondnefs fot the Taurus
4 Sr? reprefented
E&prefented it’as' windig lïkqau" immenfe-fpa'keî by Ae Anti Taurus to
.th^f^ucarfusÿ Aitst^ifesliidinglcth^ftlatter :inïJthéKTaitóan j chain. * Such?
ideas ljW©âlA oml^akî^dnbeîl^ïi^î^ptrdMlî'îge^Spfey : and" modern
pVcc,i„fion,will hey.Gpatentedffjtq'i*;obfcrve that*Jt#h'qa»h-loft TaurtlSf» now
^^BéKueM, iperhaps from th^^^"’^^ÿ'p¥nie^^4n'!ÿu:s;",extendlff’dr
^hpnt ,%>%t^iileé E/ ànd>|^. vfrqip^t^efEsâp'hrÿ5eéLte îfçla# AfóAdréS! of
the ^ Archip.ela.gOi;'.'' A •jrece^fc^avell^f&hnd'idfae'' aife'ent? and defeent,
betwefenqAin,tahî'i apd Boften,' -tp /âsouÿiy^hÿfe^days^ iinid* Ae - bights
abound ,,wiA ce^js,, favines^^ai^i^junipers. ItTisjprobable that- thpfej
apdrithe- qthçr- naoÿyLtaips ^AfiatiotTu^|efear^ ^3g.a^q}as; while Ae
OSthcafeLalsne- G| the tank of-a g^nitt'e^or pgih^tiye-'ehain.
To\4ard%the, eaflt of ,A§miertiai ’^Ararat, of which have a deferiptibh
by ^qvir^éfnrt.,ÿf and from Ms jjcoount it fgc.^isj.chlJ^T;,to çonfift, of
frge-ftqn'e OK^lc^feouffandftone; -, •d^feche'd^ jnomitain,; with two
•filmmbs ; the MgheR being coyerçd with eternal fnowÂ0nt,one;of Ac
fianks, is au-.nbyfV, *^r mëciplçe, qf prodigiqua depth'b|hé;((fides betrrg
perpendicular, and of. a; rough black , appearance, -as if rtingèd with
fmoke.* This mountain belongs to Pexfia, but i^jh^ç me'nfioned on.
J^otmt of connexion.
Beyond Arara.t are branches of^tf^Capçâfiànehain ;H to which, as is
-probable,- belong the mountains o f Elwend, which -Teem to be Ae Ni-
phates of antiquity.
' In Sÿriâ Ae mod celebrated mountain is that of Lebanon,'ór f tbarius,
running' in Ae! foütherty and northerly diredtion of trie Mediterranean
fhore, and generally at the diftange óf about m,or4ó-miles:.‘ Tiré, Anti
Libariuk'is a Aort detached chaîné running hearty pafafiel on Ae eaft^
Thefe mountains are ofhôhfiderableAeiglil, me fummits being often
éSvered with fnow ; 'and they ffeem 'th1 be càfcateous, Ae granité not
Appearing till the neighbourhood of Mount Sinai' and the Arabian
gùlpb;/ I v§y _
The eaftern fide of the Archipeîàgo prefents mahy mountains of great
height ànd claffical fathe, -*‘chiefly'inTkffges nextending1from N.’1 to Si
Of thefè Olympus (now.Ke Aik Dag) is one of Ae moll oelebrated, and is
deferibed by TournefÓrt' as avail range covered with’ perpetual fnow:-