l i- N A T I V E ' m R i >
blackifh hbrizohtaT-fiatej« perhaps appg^hMgntohhambieaÄfn ■ The
lärk,THafdy' and‘höiy^{al 'bär^iappEars'jhereiiäs H W N H H p ^ '
Bay. and there are numbers*, of la.rg&rpenguiQS^ai^d!;f|ftl8lt§|Ut&rftk®r: t:o
the.S. !E.-are; ii%;oSWei more dreary p^qpfrj^.riftyl&ä-.j^e
Southern'Thule, than the Sandwichiflapds, q3naRief^%^^yf^e§öy»edpn
a very different country. Thefe iflands - may ,be ftyle^th^jyj^thern
tj^oirnJofwinter, being a..ma^ of hjftglfg|jijgj$jj He" f ac^
Among the few 5 Hands to the eaft c>f ßqutb jAraericamay be;ne£tio|ed
that, of Afcenfiqn^ or/frinidada, and that of Ferdinando, Ncf^ha ;
that of Sareinburg -may alfo be regarded tas an American füe^w|he
T riftan da Cunha rather belongs to Africa. "