gïauca, öfltbèa’vèrtrëe, American olive, and gordo.nia lafianthus, filvered
övèr with fragrant bloffomk:' thefe are generally either fmgl<#^Koup£d
together-intó ftnall open * groves, while .the larger parfthpf the meadow is
overgrown withTong^&coulent herbage, intermixed with frinfeand
plants ; the carulleberry myrtle, with numerous fpecies -of azaleas,, kal-
mias, andromedas, and rbododendréns,' arranged'Ey the hand of nature
into thickets anddhtubberies, entwined alxd bver-atohed by the crimlon
granadilla, or the fantaftic clitoria, here difplay their inimitable beauties
in full luxuriance. . The fides of the pools and thé (hallow plalhes |are
adorned by the bright caerulean flowers o f the ixia, the göliderthl-o^ms
o f the canna lutea, and the rofy tufts of the hydrangia,;^Kilo5^hp:etfges
of-the groves, and the dubious boundaries of the fay an nasi riling imperceptibly
towards the forefts, are fringed by inhum.e.rable- 'gay- varieties of
the phlox, by the (hrinking fenfitive plant, the irrftaWc aio®sm,£he
glowing amaryllis atamafcofand the impenetrable raffles'é f the roy^l pal*
mètto (yucca glorio&}^ Ji' J
Tbe fwamps are at all times, even in the Ké%htJ‘öf fummer, wphe
moft part under water, and are diftinguHhed frbm thhireffi of th^-coun-
try by the crowded ftems of the cane (arurrd^giganha)1, th£É^%phage
of the tupelo tree (nyffa aquatica), the taeCamihacea, the fring^tfree,
and the white‘=eèdaf - (buprktis: diftichti)-; this ÉS; is perhaps üBe 'i|oft
piaufèfque trie in all America: four-or five ënorméus buttreffek or
rude’piflars fife'fiöm. the ground, and. unite m a kind of-arefi at-the
height of about fevenfeety and from this centre there fprings" arftrait column
eighty or ninety feet high, withouta branch : it then-divides-irftp ai
flat urrtbrélla-fhaped top, cbvered with fin-ely diVidèH IraÉvësd#
delicate green. This, platform is the fecureabodè oftKeeagle and the
erane; and the oily feeds contained in its cöttèa.i^’tiÉe fevburii^y|paft
of the parroquets that are conftantly fluttering around.
Hundreds more of intereftingplants yet remain, and we might go on
to deferibe with unabated pleafefre the profufi-dn of various coloured lupines
and'dwarf palmettos that relieve the dulky hue of the pmdf&ifeflS'
in which they liv e ; the wild vines, the gourds, the bignónias, and Other
climbers that difplay to the fun their fruits and glowing, blofloms- above
the fummits of the talleft trees ; we might deferibe the tent-like (hade of
C H A P . IVv y N A ^ R ^ E r & ^ j G R A P H Y. S*S
thejplatanus, th% ,r e g ^ l^® ^ p i^ ^ ^ ^ ri ^ o R_flower^ !lr0rfe. chetout5 Bonsy
| bea^iespof the
^t$?bffe'-puE fitnes, ,will
not: admit; iid&eneugtufor t-heyprefent pu^pole» to *h#veffket<ched feme
oftheok'aradteriftic feaftuaesin the botany ofWöspftt^the^mc^ft
Abler; of' ajl the. warmer j^feteesbtife the iaveftigafipns.™q£,.| European
The domeftm zoology lyfthe United. %ates. nearly* cdrrd^nd's= .with .Zoology,
that Of the parent coènt-ryj with-'fömb.fèw (hades. ofitÜiffèifeitóh* fizé
and>4eIour. Aufb%^he->krger -wild'* Animals -' may' bd’ mentitkred Wé
bifohf^e herds.of Which tiffed tb beTefeh n'ear ühë>l\MHHppi, and*, they
werd.^ticè very numerous? in'thé WeftèM.* paffe èft¥irgihi^ and Penhfyl-
vankU ' The muffl bull and èow^ohïjrigppiein- ini the'riidre.-.weftem re^
gièn^ heyond the Mifliffippb:. Atacpg the -animals: no^. loft are claflM
thfe-m'ammofch, w-hofe-enormous bonos are' paiftTdirMyifbuiflad-^af the
fait 'fprings üpoftthe' Ohïb; and teeth dfthé htppÖpma'm'tfskte feid to
have been dug~up;m Longlflatid : but the l'abêdfs'toffk, latê Fretich’naliri
raliftfliavé evinced-that' fucfl remains’ofor htelóng-ito'‘hUinia'lg 'long finc’ë
extirpated, and of which he haS^aced,J’mêre;ihan fweitty'-kindsl' The
mammoth of 'Am'èrica, though armed with tufkk of ivor^ t ó beénftipf
pofed to be even five or fik times larger than*’ tM'elephant’; fbut thé
bode^-are'probably tfce'fëmèhvitti' thé fuppè'fë'd^êfepSahrfound
m' Siberia1. Thé rftodf# dëër-are bèobnxe ex-tremMly;rareJ and wili!
bably'4n hoi;iéngrfimè^é utterly ëxthpatedpaS -t®ë' WoK'èid- boar’ have
beeft 'ini'Bxititfd The bkek moofe deer are &id toiflave been, féynetimeê
twelve féet in' hfeight,- H^hllè the fpecies cdlfeJïh'è grey feldora' exceeds-'^ $
helgH^Bfia horfev<- Both have- lk^è paimaf#*hörk;'weighahg.!hi.rfy of
forty,.pounds.« Mr. Pennant • tanntiens a "pair that -weighed, fifty-iix
pounds, thfel;tehgth. bfeifigi thirty-two inches.3 • The.modfe deer is only f
a large;fpbeies of the» elk, and is found in...the- norfhern .part^ of the
Uniteti^Sihtës; 'While the rein deef inhabits.the nofthemr'rdgiona
Bridfli America. The American flag rather exoeedkthe'Europiean in
lze’ an(J is feeh‘ in great numbers feeding in the ridh favani^is^f th^-,
‘VOL, I t i 4 t Milfouri