* 7®
Riv««:, ;
Bain Gonga
: H ,1; &T,f D © T0tsr A N. ^
the little firearms ofthe Sircars by the Godaveri, the laft and. moft.important
ftream of'Central Hindoftan.:
•7 :bTheGbdavrjrii rilfes at Trimbnefc;^3aflbr, in the: w^fterniGautaj-iiriore
properly called the; Sukhieri 'mountains,' from feveral fources, alaiout
feyen^imilea-to ithe E. ofBotnbayvfV This great river -was little
known in Europe till recent times; and is alfo called the Ganga, a
Hindoo term for a river in general, though applied by pre-eminence to
the Ganged* ; About ninety miles afecWe
Godaveri receivcis a large river* the Bain Gonga-, which pervades-lm-
menfe teak forefts in a Angular wild country, inhabited by -favages in
the centre,;c£*Hindofian, and as yet little known orif explbred.^ 7^The
Bain Gonga was firft difcovercd to Europeans by the late./CploneL'Car
mac, its -eourfe bring abontfbur hundred miles', white tlrat ofttheJGd-
daveri may be feren hundred;: Thisriaftgrear river, like another Nil!
or Ganges, fertilizes the cottotry-^and from thnJibenelit^vvhtelpittiOEfe
fers is efieetned facred. - Befidteiitihelflaitt or Baun/G<#§4irieyeeSves
many tributary ftreams, as .the- Burda andiothers ‘from- the-north jiiarid
from the fbuth a circuitous large river,: the ManZora, :which paffescby
The next in confequence^ria the central dirifionof/Hinddflanv^'tfee
Nerbudda, which may be called a Solitary ftream, as- it reeetecs ? fo <f6w
.codtribufioite, itseourfe is almoftldue weft, and about equal to^that
of the Godaveri. Hie Taptee, which pafles by Surat, fis^alfe atebn-
:fiderabie river, about four 'hundred miles:in!l^gihj > fedth'df
:this river the fuperior elevation of the Sukhien mountains,- dr wefterri
Gauts, diflufes-all the rivers towards the eaft.
In the arrangement here followed the Deccan, dr moft fouthern part:
* of Hindoftan,i is confidered as bounded arid eiiriehed by th e Kiftna and
its tributary ftreams. The Kiftna, a facred river, .rifes at Balifur in the
chain of.Sukhien, not far do the fouthof Poona, and forms a delta near
Mafulipatam, after a comparative courfe of about five hundred Britifli
miles. This river rivals any. Indian ftream in the fertility diffufed by
' . * D ’Anyffle’ s map, 1,751, fupppfea that the Gonga and Godaveri 'fall1 intotbe Bay of Bengal
, tJofe to the weftern branch of the.Ganges ! ;-T;he ideas of Ptolemy.are more ju f t.. '
7 its
C H A P. I.; G E NER IRTtfi f t T ë W; 271
its inundations ; and the richeft.diamond mines in the world’ are in the Rivsr*
Hfei’^hbOuring hMss tm-the- north. The chief tributary ftreams in that
quarter are tHe'Beema, paffinghvear the diamond, minds of Vifiapoür >
and the Muzr or Mouffiib'y’thofejdf. Qolconda. But-the moft fconfider-
able river*'joins the Kiftna from the1 fquth, hris-g thq Tpómbuddra of:,
Rennell’s laft'map, the,T.u»gfhhadja of ©-Anyille ^pn^t^ehafiks- of which
have been recently difclofed mapypopulpusfproyinces,-.and flour|lhing
To-the fouth of the Kiftnaj&ppear.thd Pennar, the Paikr, and? above
all the-Gaveri, another -large .and- fac-red ftream, .which paffesby<,Serin-
gapatam the- capital '©fiMyfOre, and format wider 'delta than -any'pther
fouthern river, .when it enters .'the fea" after a .cpurfe, of about .three hun- '
dred miles. - 'Xhe,Cayeri in general, pervades a„cofuntry in whirippublic ,Caveri.
monuments, oinequiyocal, marks of civilization f and opulence, are
more common than in thenorthern parts .of Hindoftan.11 .As..the
eourfe/qf the Caveri is comparatively ftiprjy.its, tributary ftreams are
yn|rngor|^.ptr,, ii
t Such are the principal rivers,in ftjiis ^xt§nfiyIe„portiqn of tAfia. .Tim Xikes.
lakes feem to be few* Rennell mentions iftatof Colair, during the- inundations
about forty or fifty miles in- extent, and a copfiderable piece-
of water in ali-feafons, lying.about- midway between,the Godaveri and
Kiftna, in the mew foil gradually formed by thepriundatipns of thefe
rivers*; about twelve Britilh miles tp, the north o£ Mafulipatam. That
of-Óhilka bounds .the Britifh Sircars bn thé north, refembling the- .German
Haffs delcfibed m the' nrft volume of this worM^'hriÏÏg, a kiirid of-;’
fait'creek communicating'with th’è' fëa.'-' The fake" of rullcaf- fs b f a ’
fimllar kind! One or twodalkes may^alFb-"be^tflêed*!« «tfhe v’ftfhity o?
tSfe:^ngfes-and. the Indus, Tbe-cojiiftry q£-CafllriJte 5sfuppofed to
have ‘héén originally a large lake, as reported in the. native traditions,
anda êbnfidefable expanfe oftwater ftill rem airifein t?he>n or therm part of
this delightful country, called'the lake ofdOuller‘ob TM1,v being ïabout
fifty-three Britilh miles in.circuit, d-
-The mountriris chiefly1 celebrated by the Hindoos may be faid to be Mountains',
only vifible from-their dbUnt-f-y, being the northern chain »of the Tibetian