V o L U -M E ' S E C O N D ,
Extraéls concerting the Ghineje-War in Littïe'Buchari | i Ê > ,
From the, Hiftorcg.Gènérale’dèjla Chine, tome xi. jfearis I78o;vitto. -n. .èWh’S&r- t, <7%ii Tirmi i -_ ’ j
■ i f brief J U™nary ° f th* ™akall‘ War, b h f f X l enlarged the ChinefeJEmf", may
eW,J mjhm‘ Wh,Ch can tU^rate Gepgyaphy\pf an^tntcrtjling
'^ rN£ E thf £C,% f° " óf the prefent, or Mandfliur, dpafty, the chief wars of the Chinefe have been with
Mongols crilled Ivalkas, who dwell towards the rivers,Kerlon and Tula. Thefe tribes' bemsr „at Ten nth
KKk&Ë a nev'r en«mty. >.and the Chmefe arms were directed more to the weft. The throne of the stusil *
B j | ^ r7 P e P in?fe Taooa;-t^ fand Im o p rfU f *. T’he -latter
o ’ H Xeek refuge m. the Jjjméffcoijrt afGeho.'' The | | f i of-the Eluts Ld^to refide
1 | l tl‘e lI r a Hj.fWhe^ a city has fince been built by the Chinefe; and though dhofènas a p f e t c ï exile was
greatly increafing in .popmlauon. . $ ~ 'P-P’P : '
Jkien-Long, the Chinefe emperor, wilhed to avoid a diftant and expenfive war agamftSthe Kalmnks of ,W
gar,a, alfo called Eluts by the Chinefe but being irritated by ‘ ' >V V ' * / !
undertook his-war in oppofit.on to the adviqe of all|h,s councils. In the
f e e e ^ a t the head of a Chinefe army agamft Debatchi, who was taken priforierf and fènt to the couit of
Ü wheVe , ?/ T l - r f mou,fr V V,aSn^ edrk‘ng;°-f EIuts or Kal™ks under the proteftibn
° ^ "a: n I B I I ; ' he at1tacüked 1 1 Chmefe ftations on dm Ili, deftrbyed.the forts and redoubts,
and having flam the two Chmefe generals-Pant, and A.ongan, he pitched his M E before P ^ ik d u n , |S # ||< -
Öie chief towns °f the Eluts which was ftrongly gamfoned by the Chinefe. ! th is town F p V o ® t S -
map^ab;q,tit öo miles N. W. fro .^ ^ l|lik e Bai?M.'^P ^ , y • - §
Other Chineft gene als were. equally unfortunate; but the garrifon of-Baikol was'reM&4 2 a /#M 4 efcfe'di -
Uie progrefs of the enemy. . This feems clearly Wbefthe 'town of BaY% ,pr Ortic, on the eaft of the lake ol
Barkol. A t length, in 1757,, the emperor was fortunate in appointing a genei-al of real Ml, name 1 Tck 10- '
W?‘> a(ld the diff^nfions of the Kalmuks contributed to their dcftruftion. The C inef. lieutenant cue, Si
Iftuté, was alfo a man of didmguilhed courage aid énterpyifeand Ampm-faria was fo tn forced to retire into - *
Siberia; where he died. Numbers of thc Kalmuks.took refuge among the .Pèuroutsi or B units • a part of the
Kirgufes ; others among the Tanguts towards, Tibet, arid among th'e Torgtits of more wefterri Kalmuks"-
Kien-Lorig divided.the country of the Eluts among fevers] chieftains, who were bound to the court bv homan-ë
and titles. . j ^ ' <- . ht-nT ' ’ , 1 i v '' ' ’ . s .
The country of Tittle Bucharia, ftyled by tfe Chinefe Hoa-men, or-Hoei-pouf ihat is, the bord 0/ Maho
metans, had' been: fuhjtót to the Kalmuks of Soongaria. During the Cbuiife 'of the war, the Mahometan chiefs
of Yeriqiuen ^or Yarcartd, and Halhar, or Calhgar, (princes called by the Chïrièfe the Greater, and" the Leffer
xloitohoaif] ungratelul ror iavoure.j received from Kien-Long, had Haiti a, Chinefe hfficer. and, iW^avalry
f'he Chinefe.general, Tchao-hoei, advanced againft the Ho-tchoms, who being defeated retired' to Ye,™,™' T
winch furrendered ; and was fpeedily followed by Halhar. “ Befides Halhar and Yetquëh,' they likewifé
became mailers d f feventeen other downs large and fmall, and of 16,oqo villages or hamlets/ In the
i i l l * .