tM A F R IC A .
Co.S®0jf Africa and America.^ Cafcgo produces millet, maize, and excellent
frtHtSf3\^i^Jiie ifaga» .««»% and ,y«ietie&-4»£1&e&f»lm. ,
to be mines of iron and copper: and among the animals is named the
cojas morrou, which feems the orang outemg* of Borneo. , The accounts'
of the Portuguefe writers, the chief■ authorities concerning Cpngo, sand
the ;neighhoujan|p ffas^Sr i^ n t, fearfler ; fo much oh, ,th.&
they be credited, the aliconda,: a; tree of thti hOuntryjT§ of fo groa|ia®}*
that ten men esmnot fathom it^ jwhije the^ fruit ^^fUfele^a gourd, and
the bark yields a coarfe thread, of which ropes are-fbijmed;’ a deferip,.
tion which wo old fegm to a, ijpecies ,of 5 ,
Botatiy b f $he fflejlern Coaji. p i
: This eoaft appears irt general to be fufficiently well watered,» and accordingly
bears a finking refemblance in its yegetahle>fptddu3Sfi0nsf to
the oppofite ihore o f the American continent. The ufuai plahts of the
tropical climates, are found here in perfedfion and in great abundance,
but we yet want a fcientific catalogue of indigenous • yegetableS!r© >a)fcer-i
tain what-are The peoiliar and chafafleriffic' feasfui’Cs of its fldra. ' The
low lhores'of the rivers, as far as the tideTmacheSi :afe bordered with
mangroves and bamboos: the luxuriant GMnea< grafs, the fugar-cane,
ginger, turmeric, and cohoa-nut, with various othe*J%etlieS‘df Spates,
* From Pray art’s Hiftory of Loango, p. 62, it appears that the Portuguefe have been completely
expelled from this kingdom. When the Dutch under Prince Maurice fubdued a part of
■ Brazily they found it'n'ecefiary to attack Angola, 1 640, for a fupp’ly-, 'without which .the
other-conqueft would have-been of no valuev ^Their tranfaftions in this .country are-related by
Barlaeus in his account o f the expedition to Brazil, Gleves -X’66o, -ramo. 'GfcGiango,gdee.,. there
is a good account in the Modern. Dnivetfal Hiftory, whiqh is. carefu^ljpqmplled^rom.. ojiganal
authors. See vols. xv. xvi. edit. 1760, or xii. aad xiii. edit. 1781. Slavery is not ai.fqfeign,import,
but in digenal in Africa;, and in Benguela, a kingdom or province to the S. of Angola, thje
natives will fell their relations,or, children, from mere wantonnefg. Ib. xin.y. The,chief worHiip
of the Giagas confifts. in Prequent-.facnfices^of' human viftims, [particularly .children. In fuch a
country ilavery is a deliverance. | The Galas feem to be a tribe of the Giagas : who are faid on ilic
louth to have once far as. the .Cape of Good Hope. Univ, Hill. xiii. 251.
5 See Dapper’s Africa.
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