Squares with porticoes, like thaTof Mecca,-the climate net requiring a
covered edifice like our churches, or the Turkifh msfks* often originally
rKriftian edifices. The tfrefsof the Moots is ranker: ftnfhkrf and the
ladies ®ot only paint their cheeks and chins with deep red, hut make a
ioilg black mark on the forehead, another on the tip of the &ofe, and
feveral on the cheeks. The women of the haram., are ignorant and
chiklilh, their employments being chatting in circles, and eating cofco-
<fu. Sidi Mohamed, the late monarch, had attaineda great age, and his
jnoft remarkable charaderiftic was avarice: he was fucceeded by one of
bis fens called Yazed.
jBotmy o f the N o rth o f A fr ic a .
T he territory now occupied by the Barbary ^ piratical ftates, extending
from the frontiers of Egypt to the Atlantic OCean in one direction,
and from the Mediterranean fea to the Great Deleft in the other,
includes a trad of country proverbial in better times for its never fading
fertility. The foil partaking of the general charadcr of Africa is light
and fandy with intervening rocks, though the vales of Mount Atlas, knd
of the fmall ftreams that defcend into the Mediterranean are over-
•fpread with a deep rich well-watered mould. Hence it rs that the ffioft
charaderiftic of the indigenous vegetables are fuch as flourifh onfthe
open fliore, or root themfelves in the driving fand; while the plants
of rareft occurrence are the natives of marfhes and foirefts. Many of
the fafine fucculent fpedes, as the Salfoltfi and Salic6t:ifia5> a few of We
bulbous-rooted, as the Pancratium maritimum afrd BMla tharit.,Tdgefher
with various kihdsof tough long-rooted grafles, 'atitdifg'Which 'the Ey-
geum fpartum, Panicum nnmidianum, Saccharum bylindrieum, and
Agroftis pungens are the chief, intermixed here and there with #6 He-
liotropium, Soldanella and Eryngo, overfpread the flat arid fliore, *&nd
prevent it from drifting with every wind. The dry and rocky intervals
between the valleys of the interior bear a near refemblance to'the
heaths of Spain; like thefe they abound jin fcattered groves of eork
trees and evergreen oaks, beneath whdfe ftiade the fage, the lavender,
and other aromatic plants are found abundantly, and in high perfection.
The arborefcent br®om, the'vapq^sj ||p^es ©f^eift^ the Mignonette
- (Refeda odorata^ ^g-Sumach, the tree heath,, together with the Aloe
Agave, and fevenfl^n^ef Efyph^rbbj and .aty of -ritem patient
of-hear, and’drought:, adopt’ the-i,nt(^jHpt&rt|o'ehss «smdjj’aford; both food
3^ w h i c h , The valleys and
‘ ol|pTeee*fles of th Mu t^ancFfra grande-;1 b 6-
fifes fepBay, the Myrt^^the^BislB-egra-Hatef,; .the fcflive, t-fie Jafinif^
yfep ’3ei^JWhich' areP&ffnftion 'hoti (ft < Africa fcid the« fouth of
Eurqhe^we fin'd heVd itl :&!krdfy TViM!ftate, the-Aleppb' phie|it|he Red
Grhfi|e, dh^flipeMOr: even
tojne m ^h|?e^^ffk rilled <,
^ ^ y® e ’Knini of theEe dmci ^^ahquffela'n '^fates’ feVefahcountrieS
i l l atfd1 theJ Land'oif
^ caueTBecaufe thatTr u'?r flitt?fesJ the' diitfYodd'bf' flie in-
^Ja^g^anrf remarkab'ld Oifisrin tK#nb1%^:dPlhd
^enfraf ! be‘briefly illuffrated towards
Mus JAfrici#3 11 to
obterye that*. with a'
the IVlahqmetah, Taith^extenasT^the greaf^hIS^rfndfg’e of1“ m'duntilfM
orWitbm ten degrees ^ ' the equator^ and wrejlcnen mbit
have beep,, into which.Mah9metans ..qoiild introfure^linduTfr^/dirt^ fyi!
vil&atibn while in Europe and'Aiip they dre riiefatfier^df ddftrddtion
arid .barbarilm.
According tfi foihe Biledulgerid implies the Land ’of j Dates/s hut; DrdSJwv^gg.) .fay»*it
^ ' 44, l16 tlla id - q l je r id , or Dry Country. In Arabic;it wou?4 feepj the Land oft Dates u G tia tciL
5 c
VOL, I I .