N A T IW R 3T R t B E S, A N D
favageSjiaad oa thefeoafts ^i®os:;. :hut the fainter, hat^h maftly retired
to the fouth, and even the latter feem gradually- to .withdraw i-neither
people bad the.ingenuity of the I^plandeK.^ ^jThejre.^ere here.only-a
few faftories, till the Moravian’ clergy for-inediwtle ftplements, partieta-
larly at Nain, about 1764. To t h efe -miffi 0 n'arie s We are indebted for
the difeovery of that elegant iridefeent fel^pa?, f#fed the R?bradDrftone.
It is' faid to have? been ftrft difemered | in ,f#inghthroifgb fome-
where its bright hues were refle&ed from the l»e
colour i,s the leaflet. § My. gaghgig!«*. ^o^f«^t--iprersaJ§-^ea*ly.
fixteen years in this defolate *. minute, aodlphlix
johrnalv which however ogives,a «uriowft llftfflM l riMftale, todvS^piar-
ances along the coaft, ^ i i t e iM d r p&rt&rfewe.. hevef be^.f^^drQd.1
His Indians feem to be; Hkimos,; an<k thpifvyuahners are veryrSthy.
He remarks that the groufe. not. only chaUgetheivcblouiv in the fainter,
but that they then gain a latge addition
pines referable the beaver indize and fhape; arid be ehfeSved w^v®eens.1
He who wilhes to ftudy Ae jhatmpi^ofIfbearsvmayihtedfidd dandle fa-
tisfaaion. At a catara<St,'furrounded with;
birch, and afpiil?' many:faloionAtod%;^ ^ ^ i^ - .*® § ie 4te t t p
bers to,catch their favourite pyey. jSogae diygiaft^F; tfeedifii, and|dQf!Qot
appear till at the diftanch crf feventy^of eighty y^rdsn!ti^iSEfeethjtb
be loungers, who only come to; fee what is.goiag.for.wards, apd torenipy,
the promenade and the fpeftacle. Our author counted; thifty-two white
bears, and three black ones.3 Reihdeer alfo abound, afld'their,;yeu#n
is excellent; Mr. Cartwright contradi&s the-received aecountsr oftthe
beaver, afferting that he never eats fifli nor ; any. animal food: g fbut
lives on the leaves and bark of fueh -trees> and
a refinous juice, and the roots of the water lily.4 , Thek-fagacity is g i f
fo great as is generally fuppofed ; but there is fomething,fa. Angular in
their ere® movements, that an illiterate obferver pronounced them to be
“ enchanted Chriftians,” Even the peaceable Mrimos are liable to
* A large inland fea, or lake, ie laid down by 3D’Anville, which has recently been copied under
the appellation of a New Sea.
' * Newark, 1792,3 vols. 4-to. * lb. i 278. ii 58.
I lb. l f | ' W|MP
2 favage
contefts ; and, "abohe-t^f%dh a' qükr'rëhc^lfehmSw^a ’yourïg woman, a Labrador.
fhriouÿftaugh ter'-a#dfe, in4^ r-h‘rcfh lifsiVlge w.eretfpftied>. At
the éfefJ .of his third volume1 Mf.p;Car4iWrig,ht '^^i^ltó^prdral^fdeadfithe
courîttÿ, ânfl a thermo
is generally, e^eu''niWÿntâi'rtefe’ ©ffiherh p^s iifi|gal?,
be ilspFbved' fh@,tf|h*-ft
bears* dnd wolves; d‘ 'ékftléAhùft*%|*‘ | r S h è * t h é
yeafo Whetéaftern coaft eshilit^aiyê^baVFeb^afeg^fhl^hhü^fa^lftö
anc'e,‘the ro'cky mountain's, rifrfïg. ftiddàily É he“* fttiy w! y|b- s* t f
black peat-eatth^pr®dji^ingvft&F«èd‘.J)laiïf^-«Rïvè4-s‘,i*l9r0^ÿfl^ï8'^'doWi
andUponds, are 'abundant, ridtoîfea hfhs, d**ftet|ïfentê3l ^byfihîâulSHUFablé
bisdsr . -Though tlp-^ô-gs be r.arö,'Uih'e? wallis b,S^^^@{E^Ö>ffl®lved fia^wy
y#, fwelled throats are unkûoWn^|^3a^h fPeqUént
tri^siOf Europe' an-ds Aha. %Thèi,eafteâ-rÈAéoa^lïè®î^^^f^at^^©^i^s.ofi
ifl%ü4^-?covered with flocks of feajtfowlj p^ràôuihtlyl^cfcr
in theida-rgec ifleskthere are_ deet,-. fokdq. and hams3rftj|{e.fifctusei
m©Bÿ*Ærout, pike, harbekireels-^ and oth^sihdnkad th*®1 aji^klijiilder ;
thebe' aye- manyirfedsv afed fomeTympt^ms bffîfèrtilky.éJ T i l pkafs’-are
w.iid.jc-hlëryf fcurvy-g-iafeÿ Feddadk^^rid' Indian • aft;«fbM#
appearances' éftirgu^ aftel- the'ffkkhók now ^oHéét' the LlHMîÇttép^ôh1
the fhores -of-the* fea and lâkeâ, *for the rfecks hàyèin-bt>'i)éeti di^dvefed.
PerhapSithis fpir was the4ihinhig ftbne
ofbUr'early navigators, as a- fpecibiten Thé'flh'ds kfe^cbd^
hi-oji t®'>ar<Sfcfc regiops^cand the animal's-- aré"mbhlyrt‘®fï'théi'fiat kihtif tip
which trade our author was engaged. The natives are môuftàïîMêr¥andv
Ilkim’ós ; the former refemblifig** gijifies,' with fijTïièW-haf 'of-'Fréheh ■ fék-'
tü-res- from a mixture of Ckba'diâri^hrôyd/':PThëyJlhièfly live orfrèïîfujeer,'
a8p:;Mfë ii-kill foxes, martins, 'æid^HeSvers. They live in wigwa'ms*, a
kind of tents covered with chief feStf^ahdshiffch 'rihd ; ahd 'àré k fè'tt öf
RoUian Catholics, being anxious to vifit thesoùfieiftsjLat'ïQu^bfP^ 'The'
lftimos' are the fame people with the Greenlahaeifef ’whblfe’ manheVskre [
minutely deferibed by“ Cikntz. Théy'U’fè’Ilè'dgeé drkw-n by “dd|*s-/ks'ik
Ana. • Remains of feals and 'oily fuhftahcesi'h^vS a rem'arfeabl'e;'effe£t öï^
the:groiind, fo asto produce-rich'of ops-
Sprinkled with heath.
W D -