Political Di-
. That portion on the north of the Kiftna, -rea'chin'^ to Gangetic Hub*
-dhftan on'fhe north and eaft, and the ;Sinderic with its fupplemeotary
• provinces' „on the'/north and weft, may be ftyled Interior "Or Central
„ Hinctofthn'.* | *
In this arrangement the Gangetic part 'will include Bengal, Bahar,
Allahabad, Oude, Agra,- and a part of Delhi and Agimere. The Sin-
detic coptains Kiittore, Caflimir, Cabul, Candahar, Lahore, Moultan, and
\ The Central divifion reprefents Guzerat in the weft, with Candeifli,
Berar, Orifla, the Sircars, the chief part of Goleonda, Vifiapour, Dowla-
tabad, and .Concan.
The fouthern divifion includes :a fmall portion of Goleonda, My fore,
the exteniive region called in modern times the Carnatic, with Mad-ura,
and other fmallcr diftri&s, the weftern edaft being called that of Malabar,
and the eaftern that of Coromandel. In this paft- is naturally faj
. eluded the ifland of Ceylon.
The next topic to be -confidered, in a general view of Hlndbffah,-is its
political fituation as divided among various powers. ’,. Of. thefe-the Eng-?
lilh is at prefent preponderant* not only from European tadrics, but from
an a£tual extent of territory at leaft equal to that of any native power.
To our former , wide pofleffions in Gangetic Hindoftan, with a large
•portion of the eaftern coaft from below the eftuary of the Kiftna to the
lake of Chilka, and the detached government of Madras, have bpen recently
added exteniive regions in the fouth and weft of Myfore, with
Seringapatam the capital, not to mention Bombay, and other detached
eftabliftiments.. And the large and important ifland of Ceylon has been
wrefted from the Dutch.
Next in confequence are the Maratta ftates, chiefly contained in the
central divifion of Hindoftan.
The Nizam, orSoubah of the Deccan, our firm ally, has confiderably
enlarged his territory in the fouth at the expence of Tippoo; the central
part of whofe dominions, except Seringapatam, is fubjedt to the
* I f feientific geographers had the privilege, ufurped by travellers and mariners, of impofing
new names and diyifions, the above partitions might be ftyled in native terms Gangeftan,' Sindef-
tan, while Deccan might be confined to the fouthern part, and fome native word applied- to the
middle or centrical divifion.
IN T R O D U*C TI 0 N.
Raja, o4f 'Myfargij'#ft,?>dfefc’5hdaht ^ofbthe* race dethroned* by Hyder, ftp
The Britiflf, phe M’krati|^jC'^hd the'^l^tH*,' may be regarded as the
w ersy-t(l;o. .wh|^i mjy h& adtkd on the weft, or on the
Sind-etic divifion, tfl'e dLZemau n Stiah,-Or Whatever prince holds
the eaftern of Befrfi^,' t
'The fotlowjixg ^rom ^ aj or"
Rehnejl’s memoir, wilhoM^y ft more Complete and farisfarito^yjideft of
this important fopire. <-.*■'
'Hi b r^ I sh''1 >os ^lioxs'. 4- ’
i! Bengdlaadtfeaterir.Wtft'the ^enynftary^ of Benares.
2 AlvSrthern SircaiVnUgdingGuntoov , w:
„ *3. Barra-Mahal, and Dindigul. j
4. Jaghire in
1 TfeCalicut, Priicaud/and Cqorga countries.
-if. A^uph^Ddwlah. Oade.
2, Mafomeft-A-llb Cqrnatici j ,
' 3. Travcincbfej'an'd Cochin.'
I I I . ' M A R A T T A ' ST A TE S . SOONA MARATTAS.~ a itsRIBÙTAR12S» f.:o
iimMfclmli-ki ik Rajah, of Jyenagur. |
2. C’andeiffi. ' *';#<’\--- T;#)oä‘ *
3. Part of Amednagur, or Dowk>tab?d. r tOuuipdüf. JyV,
-4. ^ ^y. X1 ,|^|rAh.. , W. ...part tfrGuzeriï. ^ 1 , 5‘ Gijhud. ;
g. .--- - Agra. ' ”6, Part’of Buridelcund. - *
tljjMahomed Hyat. -. Bqpakof,
i^llahabad. s' Futty Sqigi 'ÄitiedaBad..
ri. Shanoor or Sanore{‘Bancàpour, Darwar, - ,<KGurry îtût ^
&c.*fituated iç the Dooab orjfeggitty
„ - . between the Kiftna and Toombudrà
I Berar. ■ Y \ * ‘ Bembajee.
2t Orifta.
*. The countries thus marked, are acquifitions from Tippoo Sultan ftnder the late treaty o f Seringapatam.
T9 - which muft now .ire- added Coimbetore, Canara, and other diftriffts acquired in
17.99. See Rennell’s Supplementary Map, dated 5 th April ilioO. ■_ ,
P o'l i t ic ^.