566 CU N I T E D. S T A T E S.
^Historical probation. -On the 3Dtb-of :Apnl '11789, George Wafhmgton fcvas
E pochs. ^ BgUratea prefident of the United States. "The refignatipn and d,eath
?©f that illiiftndttS' man, and the fhort conteft .’Ovith, the venal/E>ire£tory of
France, terminated J>y Bonaparte, who, 'like- all;gr§atminds, pi efers
' glory to money, ara incidents which are frelh in the.memory,<^f eyery
P o l i t i c a l G e o g r a p h y .
• Religiotu— GovernmentLaws.— Population.— Army.^Myy.^^<denue. -
Political Importance.
Religion, n p H E religion'of the United States 6f America is'the reformed fyftem
1 of Ghriftianity; but every fed is liberally tfeated--y|Mi''mverial
' toleration, or rather equal independence. In Maryland, as the firft fettlers I
were Rqmaq. Catholics; lb that fyftem c^Inuds to predominate gaud.in \
’Connedticut the reformed epifcopalfcHeme is admitted.' -It wouMbein- j
finite to enumerate the various denommatidns, te^ts^andbnew te -
trines, which prevail in the feveral ftates ; but from the f6jjp'tftora<>
count ofthofe in Maflachufetts and Pennfylvania.'fome judgment may
be formed of the whole. Mr. Morfe enumerates the fefts ii^Malla-
chufetts in the following order: .
/ ■* Mr. Morfe’s political prophecy is a pleafmg fpecylation on
United States. “ Here the fciences and the arts of civilized life are to receive then high
" provements: here civil and religions liberty are to flouriih, unchecked by the cruel b n d j j g
* ’ or ecclefiaftical tyranny: here genius, aided by all the improvement of former ages, 18 , ... f, I
' ■ erted in humanizing mankind, in expanding and enriching ■ their minds ^ .
' phical knowledge, and in planning and executing.a form of government
excellencies offorhier governments with as* few* o f their defeds as is eon 1 |
- tion of human affairs, aiidwhich IhaU be calculated to proteftand, unite, in a manner co . , ,
with the natural rights "of mankind, the largeft empire that everexifted.” P- J 69- ( Mpienomi*
S$s^H3enomintfridn8. . ‘ Number oft Suppofed number of
• each1 denominatioh^
j^qpgypg^tionalifts,*, J.-i i |
Baptifts,, , _ - _ > M E ^.1^8,296
[Epifc ppalhm s e ^ .16; ; %■ 1 ^°4 (fakers, , t 6,940 .
Preihyterians, ' J4- ’
.Uniyer^^is,.;',^, ■ 7 M 9 1,388 1
Roman, Catholics, , ' J ■
i . . “«5 O. J ■ ■. ■
V - , •- ( . { . . ,694/
11 IM S i
In Penftfyl vania the places of-public hvorlhip are;thils numbered:
The FriendSj^pr'jQ^akers, ’ S^difh i
Tfie Prefb/terians widjSeceders,' 6 The1 Moravians, - - i
Th e:Epjfcdpal iana, ^ - 3 The Baptifts, - - - - 1 ,,,
The German Lutherans, - 2 The Univerfal Baptifts, - 1
\The~German Calvitrffts; " - 1 The Methodifts, - - 1 1
Tft^^thdlifcs,' ” ‘I- ,-i - 4 'THe'J*ew4J - - - - 1
The^govern|nAnt ofthe .United States is veiled, by th^TphMtin^1^
1789, in a prefident and two councils.' The^prefidpnt^MWMwf'or the
terr^of four years,,. The.-fenateor fuperior^couhciT'coh|ift^.qTt’wb ‘fe-
nato^sdfom, each ftate, chofen every fix years/ The houfp of- reprefen-
tat^ljiseledted ev^ery'feebnd" year.'and is^^R)OTrKain more mah
two^ji^red members,. each repreFentlng^^^rdlng to tdc prdgrcfs'of
.th^'bo^lationd./rom' The*1 legfMtive
powrds veiled m yne two councils 5 while me exebuuvFisroc^^fw?&
the prefident ; and a vice prefidept is a i m f u p p T y his
any emergency. . The ,prefident commands tnB, army arid .havy/bnd
may pardon .offences, except in; cbf^bfjmpeafebment ’be"wake's*tr?a-
ties, with the confenCof two thirds'of f he' fenators^who 'ar e allfftwiT
vife"in" th'e appointment of embafladors.. -$ Particular regulations^’ are
formed to prevent any diftimft ftate from affuming offices which belong
* Thefe-are moderate independents; who ‘fuppofe'. tliat e a c V e o n ^ g k io n pblTefFeS'; complete
, ccchfiallic power, but pvofefs ftiift amity wttlidSthercongregations, ' '
‘ ‘‘ Vo j .. 11. • $ 1 * '