;A M E R I iCi'A N : I D 11
B&atesa'Mes.)iCalodj.-dj^os^efl Gjuba & Jbntb^opgbTleligbaed wj% the *C
bSaWty'of theifeieoei^apd amazed at ibehlutxuriant.fnpdl-ity; ,gf tHjfjf<j>i1,
he'f©ofi^bapidoned,it..tejjp.?aeeQ(bit0!.tJ^tiy^ft^Kyvarj|s‘tG^41etl-;JJirpani!3{j|jjf, :
of'Sti Doming^, wleie&e e^peXedl to f e d agreal^abundarce of gold •
which' with gents and’.fplees,jformed,, the’ only;..olp|fe®'s .'ofr,tl#.;early. na> ,
vigators. eiW.hile1 Hifpanioj-Wj,waf* jeleX&b%S a;,faX§U y sq fechie .the ac- .,
quifition o f gold, it was:" noi.tieertainly , kpowo. wihfithetr ©uba; was a n .;
iflahd, or pafipofit-lie^outmenf, till njiso, 1 when it iwas;ieircuiif ;..
by Ocampo ; and in 1511 it was conquered by-three hundife^Spaniards
under Vdafqiiez.3: ■, The-number: of. thq inhabitants wafer noJdoilbtexagh'j
geiated, ast'CvCn in out en 1 Lgbtened*timbs:happen^i,«withersg^atdfft©',Qta;->;
hei^f^atid ddfhet new Mfcoye'tieSijf .T h e : Spaniards 'certainly did not-
atehidve mir-a^-Ibs^ in their American conqiiefts;;nor was'the; awkward..
ufe of 'unwieldy cannon and: fire’ arms, ate tljate time, .fo fatal and Sprepokwr
derant a eire#mftance|a.S may d)e imagined.: The MSay si .with their
creefe.s defy fifcarms.; The natives' were- n:ofc.only timid, but few sr;,an 3 |
ninetdfdrhsi‘may- be fafely,&®t#aSWdSbothrfro’m;. Spanilh ydesffii and Spaii
nifh ■ rmeVry.* Thefe reflexions hayeitbekn''.excited by the qhame^qf^
extermination brought.againfl: the Spaniards.iof Cuba ; while the .natives,
equally vanifh around all' EdrSp^am-'c^pnie^:. tbfe deal ''dcfti-dyiiig angels;
being thejAfnaall-pox.,..: andifpiujwjBps, jitWQR)., _Oqr B,uocan^er|, J^ave
taught its to.regardi thetSp^njard,s.aiSTbee^,.whp!JTjuft be deftroyed ,tq set _
at- the honey ; but if e^prrtfye caufe o^truth iitiufl. be faipificgdi, -it, fhould4
be offered at a noblerf^nnethan that .of vulgar prejudices, or i;h.t.efe'lle4ii,
ent4ity> ;
The d.ndnft-ry of [the Spaniards is far from: being^jpcpyerbial.;; ,y.etdfdch.
feilfche.:fertility :of Qaba* that it may b,e!$egardedt as a>moft. importanb-and.
flnnri,flTi ng, .pofTeffrdn - The quantity of fugar is cqnlideirable ;; ,and the,
tobacco :is efteeihed; of ^moi-e exquiflilqifiayqur than, thg^qfiany; other,.
^ Kblfertfon’s. A'ftiedca', >t.>22. -- ' '** ' It- J49:
'■ '^Sjfeiiefe dt Pjnito'-was^a
ginadb'n.i'ci'f!:'their.nimaibes:jjjtli'e. floor's, M&eJliUtle lef
tlic.ir led to-the;cliarg.es of auelty..ancl deftructiejrfc;, ^feV.ftoted Las
C"ift ,1 the Dominican! friar« :was-' a,man a#-.'.S«y.
/«»drivers! Charlevoix,:ii--373* Even the eyes of fuch ai witnefsioaitet'Eebelie'k^p J