Thé AfiaHcf "Turkey are- ófAEaBian exfraéï-,
fparingly fed with a little barley and mineéd ftraw, tö^a^éüftbm them'
tb abfónfnbu and fatiguer ; but mule? and aflês are hr moiré general ufe.
Cóncérhiri^ ;jthe breed of cattle ftttlfelds''mèhtibned3By trStëftdr^ büt'ir
fddrns mfbrror to -thofêr; of Europe1; 'and beef is deaf cb and bad. The’
mutton?S'fiipeWor; and the'kidisfa-fawurite repaid.*
Im Afiaiiö Turkey' appear«1 thrfpk-mg é£
Kon» whiehHs unknown to gby ’ region* é f 'JËSré^-ahd«éstenTb-^atih
Ruffia. Yet he-rarely roams to-thé weft ©f'the Euphrates's f Hut Toiir--
nefort- obferved many tigers on mount Ararat!, die maft:mean the
fmall tiger* on perhaps t&eTfebgard ms mountain-,catfor the rqyai
or large tiger feems to be reftri& w^ftes of. Hindpftan.. The
hysena, and the wild boar, are known
the jackal ranges in troóp^ whi°b raif^..4r^ d fuL195 ^ 4.11 flie pigbt,,l>ut
the fable of their accompanying the lion is yyftly exploded., The cities
and villages fwarm- with dogs, who are allowed to wander, as a oonftant
defence againft ftrangers or enpjnies.,
The ibex, or rock goat, appears on.the fummits of Capcafas.:. .The
fingular goats and cats of Angora have been already mentioned. The
gazel, a kind of antelope, is aUo an inhabitant of Alia Minor jafitn
numerous dêèr and hareis. The parfrid^rlt'aréfcgénerairy''br .the red
legged kind, about a third larger than thecóbamóh Eüfóp'ean. Offifh
there are numerous names, and manyof themare Excellent. The dip
ficulties of"travelling have confiderably abridged' Óiir kh'oWfeflge of the
zoology of thefe Varmus regions, "Haflèlcjtiifl:, the difciplh* 'of Linüséüs,
having paffed from Smyrna to Alexandria, and chiefly odet^pied himfelf
in the-natural hiftory of Paleftine and: Egypt.
'T h e mineralogy of thofe extenfive and mbtintainbué' provinces
remains in a deplorable ffete o f' imperfection; Ahdent Eydra was!
famous for the productions of gold ; but in modern times no- mine»
feem to be indicated, except thofe ofcopper which fupply Tokat. The
indolence of the Turks, or indeed their induftry indeftruchion,: is alike
inimical to metallurgy and agriculture.- Haffelquifi: obferved lead and
* HafTelquift, p. 192, fays that'the Iheep of Anti Libanus have fometiriitfs a cruft on their teeth,,
with the pet fed appearance of yellow pyrites. It is imputed: to thegraft or tucern; |1 copper
copper'ore, with rock:cfyftd‘s, in the ifland of-Cyprus. But his account Mineralo-t
©fforiental minerals' only'domains1 whetftoUe and natron, both Egyptian
y^nff He informs hs that IfcfïfB»- tuuft- hdVe iriferibed - the laws on
gtaöité, which cehffitüfèb mount -Oreb'aridhm<ourit SinaUt The moun-
tai'^l'bf Judsea,he days', -are-of'-a- very hard linteftpUê%>f a^y^Howilh
white ; and1 towards tbfe-eaft o-f a- lorfêS'gr-fc'y. limèftbne.,' Ifefech be the
pfqfbiihd! bbfêiVéJdQtlfe'bf a-ufaturalift, whöt-istobe-eböpelted Atom other, u
tragèUerfe? Wjt
The thoff "noted' mineral loafers arfe thöfe o£(P?tifa| ait* the bottom’ of Mineral Wa-
"moblii? ^oiy?Inpus. -a##' Ipkfedid,- and paved>with jpa-shfe,' u
with twp'-refervqtr® or r-at-her cifternst.ffer'bafhmgd^pnefifbr thermen,
ahdtÖéï for the wbmfeni - -Th® Water fmokeS' cotttinual'ly,t"a»3’'is< bGt~ .
as 't?t$ f&dilhtbe hafnd -> but in the- baths ’i§plM m-i-n-gfed with- nrid water'1
from, 'the numerous ftreaihs ófi'Glympósv’. There are? ahhhy ptber boh-
fprjfogs*, 1ft' different1 quarters o f Matfplkt?
Tfe, fikt ural'curiofit ids, and Angular-features,1-of fe ntonmainofts-a NaturaTCih-
ehtftitry,’ mbflhbe nUmerbus^btfr as fuel? fefdqm. occur,, insthe -bèatenè W01ieft'
tracks’, and there is no -frifeirig diftant' receffes, the ehofen
haiifttS. of barfditti; it is’no wonder thatTthis^ fopic- ’ is- left -barren by tra-
v’ellêïs: ‘ The1 beautiful mazes' ófthé Minder have been celebrated from
early a n n u ity ; and it is-p’r©b>bl&., that the large fafltd lake, in thd een-'
.ttre'df Afia- M inf',1 migtef afford a-curious öbjsedt':®f inveffigation. ' Dr.
(3hhndler7tdeféfibësth&' fingular ehffnear Pambouk- or. Hierapoli^ttfrpH^
duced- by the hot petrifying waters^ and r.efembling, amimmenfe frpZext
cafcadê'/'as if the wa'tfer-badbeen fixed and fuddenly.ocwprtfed to ||p n a .
In the fame'vicinity i^a cav-^reiéarkablefor-perhicions effluvia..
j T he chief iflands in the ArehifsVla|q|- cbidréered as btelbn^rg" to
"Afia, are Mytilene, S(cio, Sa'mos, GdS, and Rhodës.-
I " « P. ' 1 P*ä£^