466 A U S T R A L A S'I A.
ttiatra, or extended to ]fbo% dr even gda, eaft From Greenwich j. but as
few or. no ifles; of confequSnc? have y e t ; been difcovered' in that 'di>
ire<fti©n, the ftriift demarcation- may be- discovered by ftttnfe'ckonn>
fiances, v |
A like obfervation may be applied to-'the fduthern boundary of Auf-
feaMia, whicl^as including New Zeala||| and feme ifles not far diftant,
xxiuft Beextehcfeclto the fouthern l a t i t u d e 'r f o r e v e t r - o f 6©p, where
the' iflands o f -ice -begin to appear.
' ’ The -moft difficult boundaries are thofe on the north and eaft. A'widfe
and vacant channel feeriis to divide the- north-weft part of-'Notafiaftr
New Holland, from the ffles ofiSunda, or Sumatran;cK^hi "From the
north cape o f V an Diemen, long;- i^kf. E. from .'Greenwich, fifee
afcencfe to the north between the Indian and Pacific- oceans, .lea-vipg in
the former-the ifles o f Banda, Ceram, Myfol, and Gi-lolo'; while injthe
Pacific, and belonging-to Atiftralafia, ate Timorlaut, WaijpiQ» andiS$ier
ifles immediately confte&edrwith Papua. This line being -extended in
the fame dire&ian about twb degrees to the N. of the_r%Uafor^torhs|saffi
into a wide "channel o f Reparation between the Carolines, ,'^£c.. and New
Ireland and'other ifles belonging to Auftralafia. Bending fqi^-eaft,
Sir Jofeph Banks’s Ifles and the New Hebirdes are left ,in Auftralafia,
while a cOnfiderable interval leaves the Feejee. iflands in'' potey|fia.
Thence -a wide and open fea gives the line, of demarcation an ample
fweep, about fix or feven degrees, to the eaft of New Zealand, when
bending. S. W. it joins the fouthern boundary. ..
From thefe indications it will be perceived that Auftralafia captains
the following countries.
1. The central and chief land of Notafia, or New Holland, -l?|p'|itty
dfles which may be difeovered in? the adjacent Indiatr oeean, twenty
degrees to the W., and between twenty and thirty degrees to theE.,,
including particularly all the large iflands that follow;:
2. Papua, or New Guinea.
3» New Britain and New Ireland, with the Solomon ifles..
4, New Caledonia,_ and the New Hebudes. ’
5. New Zealand.
6, The