■794 N A T I V E T R I B ES;^ A N D
1 1
Ainfrica... ,-The Aibippns, chlgftyi bnryMhenhdead kJ&ifor ■ Ae-:‘‘fl*ad^of
trees ; as^Jd,.the ;lj§r|gfi.©fra. | $bi§£[er warrior are always facrificed on the
occafion., /„The. baizes, ace. afterwards^ difinterr.ed, ■ asiamong:tfei..T»éhi|9ls,
.. ajidit!par|d^d to a^confiderablp, diftance.if;: i They hawd- «eQder,ed|^%;m-
fclyea ; formidable to thé inland colQ.nifts,b,y thfiir warlike! fpipiCc^hand |are
armed witK fpearsdiye1or;iix eMg.-in ,1-ength, -and with- arro ws * fomietirties
pointed with ÓtftTyriB
• . The extremities-pf South Amerieai towards the ftrait of. Magalhae-ns,
may, as already mentioned, be regatded*as> 3^ds^adtia6Ai^:jiE®^^is|6he
egft areyaft faline plains, called &y^;the;Spa1iiiards!3Qofflat.caiIDpj5|Et£i^ or
the defert territory, .whence, ,the ■^d&féSt\<^fiomabeaiininarlrhapépiS^ig:
jaat^vea^f this reghpa^arg* defcribgd. by:>lalko3er; Hwltobtfa5®fthat J^c|eik
of-tb^-Ptie^cpesypr • Pa£agt)niaii&,. witifc. wiWaW) he: wasiac^teijirted, was
•fev.enTeet and fojne inches, in Jicighifc -jflBie?rMflia£hesifaBm c^rioper
nation or tribe called by the Spaniards ALrajxcattos^ -;j3?be:W^fci®s w y
g|gg|account,, aap divided , into; threecei: t four, rtribès, thé J niblbIfeuthfern
beipg thp^ehnelsy extending onthe eaft tdtitóiftraigM| las tlxe .Hdilli-
cheSj, a/tribe_o£. the Melyches,: -do cm the weft. - ^hé' TdtóiéïS>iarefeie
proper Patagoniansj..and may be 'e'alled the-07atars-*<'ef'iSdath Alfefka,
being _,wanderj^tgT warrjersj but /courteous /and humane'.' < ThK^ad
arnang the Moluphes are buried iflifquare pifójiin a»fitt!ihg -pöftüile^>#ith
their weapons ,and : drinking utdnrfited and.rah-"old nSStïdfahaUÉtügflly
opens the graven to cleanfe, and clothe- the fkelétohê. o-Aröutfdl-arê;-t|t>lb
p£ Ae;flain horfes, fupported wUhiprops^; ThdiTfehitt^Sj \aftdNfca||fag
dried the bones of their dead, Tranfport th.em -to the defert on the fea
cpaft, where they, are! placed.in huts or tents, furrounded by- the Ikele-
tons of their horfes; but theilattér practice, muft be of comparatively
m odern date.. Thefe tribes haye hereditary caziks called El mens or Yas :
and -theydo nifti m es „choofe an Apo, or commander in chief,-whence ,
they ..are more formidable to the Spaniards- than the. northern tribes.’
* A fimi'ar cuftom prévaikamongTome African fribesj:-and.the worlhip. of.the.Pleiades,, known,
in fome parts ofn America,J - is alfo pra&ifed inAfficai wherje they are' undcrftoocl'tci iWicatfe tïe
approach of the rainy feafon.
T The Araucams, that is infurgents,, exfehjj from the driver Biobio, jat.. 3lj A.tp..th,é'riyeE:.lpalh-
calla, lat. 40. See the map.in Molina, Sior'ia Civile dei'ÓWlil Bologna, 1787/8vo '
14 M The
The wives are. fometimes bought very young; at the price, o f beads, Pathos,a.
^fe^e^,^^al^tJg^^vyks^f^ j^ ^ g g r ^ ^ t^ ^ B & g *y !^'polyg^rny.
igl com %£<gdiqg. f fhe^s S p-jia^e of - th ^ v f o ]u ^ |
is more copious and elegant ..than could hav.eijxeen. expected, the verbs
having three numbers, .and as many tenfe.s as the Greek. The Maps5
yrr - l*a”f^crrMcous^anc|'§iear refivn.-*1
°Ji% -SrotkieX^t>t ^ tribeW
r| appears bom DcmYi^offer 'ihat it’He a |it^ r ff Tbom^s^a&She?’ "br^
3 ^ . ^ ^ ^ ’^^ffioMry in Sphtfi Amem^ E
aipedt 61 Pamgoma^delin^ktffi^iM*innurtrefshi6 ftVeatfts" e n dfhg^ft-litti’e
thd4 affirfa4n c e^ f f% F € f iiz , whb^hW
°'f ™ dif“l e i n a t h f h P
^w;tl^i§ cp^itly lfng1il¥#^^^i; "MSa^i-s :’ah( 'imfmHhfe trS^Gft .
tcrrftbxy^ipiprc^nafedy with-nitre5,- j
wi d eon ,t £i eTOtn If and • weft "of ffidVIvei'^Pararia^ arid e^ett^ifci
1 ion^o^'me’Para|u‘a*yall “the Tpffn^S a'h'd^'i-i^i^ets^ftfeit^' -i^bfh0 ©wlief^l.
. N'o pfodjj&rye rnih'es have1 yei^hedilJdifi:byerbd''J- ^fCept ■ fofnb
of-ulver, nehr T^fe’AdozS1, ki^ meSotfoht^ff'thd'A^ftdes.1 Tlie Ks^sAWt
wa^qiS^otptfy^all'^pm^ 'from tbVhiglt ‘ ih'iun'M^sJ>,^f,!''^aca.ntB'i
Sa^TOf, Champachin, and :AfcMla'on tbfe ^erdovaj' wHi^y^ref"
l%;'ipf&ri f m height tti fthe Andes dfilSbiH/:k'nd are aa< kind of
brayhes ’'df-thd^ dfPeru.” That part 6f ttfe AWfles1 tfrhici! v>f
Mepdoza ¥£ "of i.l7vafti height, and always' (Bvehed^'With 'fndV j and
fh « r e ' nhfnetdtrs VoMhods la:tAh Tohthern part^df sHe #7frid®§^ tgi
that px St. Clemen’t, fet. ®nd- others’ '-in a continhhd= Tr-o^yelsi td
9 3 l °’ TneJCafuhativis' a1 h?Mi hhaim ofhmtfun^ai-ns^^^do^attri-
artgl^j %©Be- ffde •‘e^tendin^tcf'ite' ‘Andds,’:> ^dStl^f
Magalhkens; ;
T h e s e ftiall be traced from the weft towards tfie eaft. The defert ifles Juan Fcrnan-
of Galapagos have already been mentioned in the account of Polynefia,
V'0E. h . ' 4 ‘x: . or^