gpr,? isi.faid by our traveller, to; be 'npt:.Iefe..than eighty. EngJiffi^Ifas.
One of the moft conspicuous. fummits is th a tp f Hera,* rifiiig jin foufior
five conical peaks 5 and near its bafe is a ' place o f Hindoo;! wbrftup
called Ruddrinaut.' Upon approaching the town, the rocks "were a^Q'arfe
doll granlt^j;;with-beds- of afgUladepus^fchifeso/Sjeverab rivitd^ts.? de-
fcehd;intO; tbe Aliknundra* here acknowledged, by the Hin4op§f«as the
g ranite adds divine Ganges'.; The Raja ispof tfie'-Hilldbo fkithd bnt ,
the country, a mafi o f monotiins,- extremely pqpr. Th&plianiiel Pf. the
river is: here not lefs than two hundred and fifty .yards' in da-readth;
which if the Baghariti exceed, it muft be- a noble dream.* T h e farads
are wafhedfbr gold; arid about lofty i|nles.tofiid;i|sHh|trfjfthe- tofijYlfre
two copper.mines, with.bne of lead about fiftydailesttbithe mft. islfhe:
natives'fellow the Hindooifaith 5 and Mr;; Hardwick has publiftied a
dufious lift o f the Rajas, in whrch the feigns are p u t: ridiculdfiflyi dbrig;
but as they are un number fixty-one, they cannot well afcend much,
above fix hundred years, j It is to be regretted that he did fiof proceed
to the fource'of the Ganges, computed to be fourte’en days - diftant,'ppfa!
bably not above a hundred and forty milesf through1 a foiky 'and diffi-
cult country. From the information of the riaftiVe», tfi« cdurfe J$>Es. and
W. for about three days frdm Sirinagur ; N. E. and S. W ,
ceiving many mountain ftreams, and at Biffenprag, a river frdmthe E.
as large as itfelf, called Dood Oanga, or the Milk river. Riffenpfagis
near the bafe o f a mountain, on which ftands the famous temple trt Bud-
drinaut. All thefe cifcumftances unite with the worfhip and tehipldslbf
the Hindoos to evince that this river is the genuine Gdnged : -bitf;iKe'
moft recent maps1 of this part of Tibet feein very defe&ive in pofifidtis;
and it would appear, among others, that Caftunir is far more near ^ to
Sirinagur than is commonly fuppofed.
• Rennell, 370, allows that the Ah'knundra is the larger ftream ; yet he unaccountably fup-
yofes the other to be the true Ganges, in oppofition to the Hindoos and Bramins themfelves upon
the fpot. f
p :v'^u ;a p t e r hr
f i lN D E Ï I C H lN B p S X A N ; r ,OR JH-^QptmYRIES ONLThE RïVER
\Sl,KQ)Edt OR I nqijsv ' ;
lii f-Extent.—Wejler.n boundary of^jnd.^an.T^Chif^Cifiei and, i t owns,
r j^ H IS part, ,e^ten|[s'from the n o g g in -moün tains pf Cafhmir, and the E iteht,
A Hindoo Kohfin t'hp north @f,Cabui,fi;C)Jhq, moutfiqf|t||e ^ndu.sjl a
lepgthJof .ah,o,tfi tmnp, hunted’, h u n d r e d and
fift&Tfi ^edijal breadth, Befides part of provinces, o&Qelhi and
Agimer k^Gotilains-'the extenfivb.province of Moültan, With Lafiorp,
Cafb-mir,',. Qabul, -the frontier'regicün Of Canaaml; and that óf Sind! at
a - jr^mith ofifcéTndus.-/ Thele prpvthèes-beibg theim>©ffi remote dxbrpi
tbe.feat'of 'Britifh po^yer, 'and the gre’ater part( of modern travellers
hawing vfjitèd Hindoftan'by fea, they are^fê accurately^rawh than any
"Thé chief cities which, .occur ’ in mis qxtenjive region are\Eahorè,
Cüftimiry ÏGaDuVGhizni or Gafria;, Uahdahar, Mol|fen j and TaSTih-tfie
Sindèan Delta, On* the eafi o f tnèïfid*ü«s, @r|hjTahj^,*theDmcg;^new
reffHous fe&A,form the leading7’power • while dnjthevyeft,apcl evfek'k'S
fa r as.Gaftimir,,thétdoininipns?pf a Periian £>hah, wfiofe/eat of ernmrfe _is
at Candahar, epmprife all the pfevincesh with feveral in the eaft of Per-
fia, and to him.ffvlfi.Smdi is tributary. ' Yet by many pogr^phers the Weftem
-rjypr Itifius is.eftlenapcl as the |pu;ndary between Perfia and Hindoftan, BoundarJv
in 'whiphviéw. the PerQan-Sliah in proper Hindoftan, except
-the'c^fiiitry. ;ó£j':.Cafh'aiir. _ But D’An^ihejpk^.his^jarfee map of the
world as known to the 'Miciëhjsj’jhas j üftly arranged in ancient"India ^
large countries tq tfi^.jwqft p f |hp;‘Ipd,Uj|^, Including pot only all the
Meamw that join, that river from the Weft, but thé 'ifivër 'Tomerds,
corrtfponaing with the Hauf of modern maps, which -feems inf^liibly
to have belonged-to thé Pernan'ötó^t&e ,of Oedrofia. Pliny confiders
li._ ' > .■ p lfl'S - foe